1. 在活细胞中引入基于蛋白质的人工神经网络--perceptein #Biotechnology #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 22:40 Introducing perceptein, a protein-based artificial neural network in living cells (phys.org)
2. 周六引文:奇克苏卢布陨石被判有罪;法律硕士的好消息和坏消息 #Other 22:00 Saturday Citations: Chicxulub meteorite found guilty; Good news and bad news for LLMs (phys.org)
3. 考古研究记录了中世纪努比亚罕见的基督教纹身 #Archaeology 20:50 Archaeological study documents rare Christian tattoo in medieval Nubia (phys.org)
4. 科学家在量子实验中观测到 "负时间 #General #Physics #Quantum 20:23 Scientists observe ''negative time'' in quantum experiments (phys.org)
5. 实验室工作深入研究美国国家航空航天局黎明号在巨型小行星灶神星上看到的沟壑 #Planetary #Sciences 18:30 Lab work digs into gullies seen on giant asteroid Vesta by NASA''s Dawn (phys.org)
6. 研究人员通过量子模拟实现分子电子转移的 "重大飞跃 #General #Physics #Quantum 05:22 Researchers take ''significant leap forward'' with quantum simulation of molecular electron transfer (phys.org)
7. 活 "陶瓷利用细菌进行气体传感和碳捕获 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Biotechnology 04:10 ''Living'' ceramics utilize bacteria for gas sensing and carbon capture (phys.org)
8. 新的研究表明,中立在国际关系中发挥着举足轻重的作用,但却未得到充分审视 #Political #science 03:29 Neutrality has played a pivotal, but under-examined, role in international relations, new research shows (phys.org)
9. 研究发现,不平等削弱了地方治理和公众满意度 #Social #Sciences #Political #science 03:23 Inequality weakens local governance and public satisfaction, study finds (phys.org)
10. 酶通路的发现可能带来拯救生命的利什曼病疗法 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 03:21 Discovery of enzyme pathway may lead to lifesaving leishmaniasis treatments (phys.org)
11. 先进算法减少了滑坡分析中土地覆被分类的误差 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 03:08 Advanced algorithm reduces errors in land cover classification for landslide analysis (phys.org)
12. 无线天线利用光线解码蜂窝通信信号 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Biotechnology 03:00 Wireless antennas harness light to decode cellular communication signals (phys.org)
13. 研究发现露脊鲸能活 130 年,甚至更长 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 03:00 Study reveals right whales live 130 years—or more (phys.org)
14. 结构分析揭示人类睫毛如何促进排水 #Analytical #Chemistry #Materials #Science 03:00 Structural analysis reveals how human eyelashes promote water drainage (phys.org)
15. 模型研究显示:异质性宿主种群推动了毒性更强的病原体的进化 #Evolution #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 02:37 Heterogeneous host populations drive evolution of more virulent pathogens, modeling study shows (phys.org)
16. 推进光控制:超表面在光电子学中的新机遇 #Nanophysics #Nanomaterials 02:20 Advancing light control: New opportunities for metasurfaces in optoelectronics (phys.org)
17. 新型电子显微镜技术揭示飞秒级复杂自旋结构 #Condensed #Matter #Optics #& #Photonics 02:09 New electron microscopy technique reveals complex spin structures at femtosecond timescales (phys.org)
18. 报告分析了美国国家航空航天局支持商业航天的悠久历史 #Space #Exploration 02:01 Report analyzes long history of NASA support for commercial space (phys.org)
19. 蓝藻研究挖掘利用二氧化碳制造可再生塑料的潜力 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Biotechnology 02:00 Cyanobacteria research unlocks potential for renewable plastics from carbon dioxide (phys.org)
20. 新报告指出:应对科学误导传播需要系统性解决方案 #Social #Sciences #Political #science 01:57 Systemic solutions needed to counter spread of science misinformation, says new report (phys.org)
21. 雪崩、冰雪爆炸和沙丘:美国国家航空航天局追踪火星新年 #Planetary #Sciences 01:48 Avalanches, icy explosions and dunes: NASA is tracking New Year on Mars (phys.org)
22. 教授质疑学术界对有色人种妇女的象征性对待 #Social #Sciences #Education 01:42 Professor challenges tokenizing women of color in academia (phys.org)
23. 数字标签可帮助食品杂货店减少食品浪费 #Economics #& #Business 01:39 Digital labels can help grocers waste less food (phys.org)
24. 模拟人类嗅觉系统的生物传感器可分辨非常相似的气味 #Biochemistry #Analytical #Chemistry 01:31 Biosensors mimic human olfactory system to discriminate between very similar odors (phys.org)
25. 利用现场传感器、人工智能和生态建模减少动物与车辆的碰撞 #Ecology #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 01:17 Mitigating animal-vehicle collisions with field sensors, AI and ecological modeling (phys.org)
26. 挪威研究人员说:志愿者不应与患者成为朋友 #Social #Sciences 01:00 Volunteers should not become friends with patients, say Norwegian researchers (phys.org)
27. ALAS1的秘密生命:基础科学发现可为更好的小干扰RNA疗法铺平道路 #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 00:56 The secret life of ALAS1: Basic science discovery could the pave way for better small interfering RNA therapies (phys.org)
28. 蕨类植物古老的复原能力有助于灾后现代生态系统的恢复 #Ecology #Paleontology #& #Fossils 00:45 Ferns'' ancient resilience aids modern ecosystem recovery after disasters (phys.org)
29. 水和稀粥--不是面包发现斯堪的纳维亚半岛新石器时代早期农民的饮食习惯 #Archaeology 00:35 Water and gruel—not bread: Discovering the diet of early Neolithic farmers in Scandinavia (phys.org)
30. 量子漫步计算释放量子科技新潜能 #Quantum #Physics 00:30 Quantum walk computing unlocks new potential in quantum science and technology (phys.org)
31. 编程细胞:新的 RNA 工具提高了合成基因电路的精确度 #Biotechnology #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 00:10 Programming cells: New RNA tool enhances precision in synthetic genetic circuits (phys.org)
32. 科技圈:隐藏在日常用品中的长期碳汇 #Environment 00:00 The technosphere: A hidden long-term carbon sink in everyday items (phys.org)
33. 研究团队首次展示了通过繁忙网线进行量子传送的技术 #Optics #& #Photonics #Quantum #Physics 00:00 Team presents first demonstration of quantum teleportation over busy internet cables (phys.org)
34. 物理学家称暗能量 "并不存在",因此不可能将 "一团糟 "的宇宙推开 #Astronomy 12-20 Dark energy ''doesn''t exist'' so can''t be pushing ''lumpy'' universe apart, physicists say (phys.org)
35. 罗马尼亚洞穴中的滴水岩有助于了解欧洲的气候动态 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-20 Dripstones from Romanian cave offer insights into climate dynamics in Europe (phys.org)
36. 蜂蜜的微生物学甜蜜的生命交响曲 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Agriculture 12-20 The microbiology of honey: A sweet symphony of life (phys.org)
37. 科学家引导干细胞的发展,以再生和修复器官 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Biotechnology 12-20 Scientists steer the development of stem cells to regenerate and repair organs (phys.org)
38. 2021 年火箭发射的首批成果揭示了极光的诞生 #Plasma #Physics 12-20 First results from 2021 rocket launch shed light on aurora''s birth (phys.org)
39. 全球研究揭示气候变化下动植物的物候差异 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-20 Global study reveals phenological divergence between plants and animals under climate change (phys.org)
40. 实时测量活细胞电荷的基因编码生物传感器 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Biotechnology 12-20 Genetically encoded biosensors measure living cells'' charge in real time (phys.org)
41. 科学家说,密集的雨带也会带来热量 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-20 Intense ribbons of rain also bring the heat, scientists say (phys.org)
42. 气候变暖加剧波罗的海氧气耗竭,削弱减少营养物质的努力 #Environment 12-20 Warming exacerbates oxygen depletion in the Baltic Sea, undermining nutrient reduction efforts (phys.org)
43. 研究人员发现葡萄蛋白与动物的离子传输功能相似 #Molecular #& #Computational #biology #Agriculture 12-20 Grapevine protein resembles animal ion transport function, researchers discover (phys.org)
44. 圣诞树背后的科学针叶树如何抵御严冬 #Plants #& #Animals #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-20 The science behind Christmas trees: How conifers brave winter''s worst (phys.org)
45. 神经网络释放高熵碳氮化物在极端环境中的潜力 #Analytical #Chemistry #Materials #Science 12-20 Neural networks unlock potential of high-entropy carbonitrides in extreme environments (phys.org)
46. 人工智能驱动方法揭示河流中化学混合物的隐患 #Environment 12-20 AI-driven approach reveals hidden hazards of chemical mixtures in rivers (phys.org)
47. 揭示雪在地球气候系统中的关键作用 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-20 Shedding light on snow''s crucial role in Earth''s climate system (phys.org)
48. 种植更安全的土豆去除马铃薯中的毒素 #Biotechnology #Agriculture 12-20 Growing safer spuds: Removing toxins from potatoes (phys.org)
49. 双梳方法首次精确测量出 100 公里以上的绝对距离 #Optics #& #Photonics 12-20 Dual-comb method achieves first precise absolute distance measurement over 100 km (phys.org)
50. 海蛇重获高级色觉,恢复了一度在进化过程中丧失的复杂特征 #Evolution #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-20 Sea snakes regain advanced color vision, recovering a complex trait once lost to evolutionary time (phys.org)
51. 最新引力波观测结果与恒星模型的预期相冲突 #Astronomy 12-20 Latest gravitational wave observations conflict with expectations from stellar models (phys.org)
52. 模拟类人猿露西有助于说明现代人是如何进化出长跑能力的 #Evolution #Paleontology #& #Fossils 12-20 Simulations of hominin Lucy help show how long distance running evolved in modern humans (phys.org)
54. 欧空局和美国国家航空航天局的卫星首次联合提供格陵兰冰原融化的图片 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-20 ESA and NASA satellites deliver first joint picture of Greenland Ice Sheet melting (phys.org)
55. 能检测有毒气体的微型传感器在实验室中显示出良好效果 #Analytical #Chemistry #Materials #Science 12-20 Miniature sensor that detects toxic gas shows promising results in the lab (phys.org)
56. 嫦娥六号远侧玄武岩揭示了强化的月球发电机 #Planetary #Sciences 12-20 Chang''e-6 farside basalts reveal a reinforced lunar dynamo (phys.org)
57. 环保局调查威胁野生稻的煫岩矿污染问题 #Environment 12-20 EPA investigating taconite mine for pollution that threatens wild rice (phys.org)
58. 报告指出英国残疾人就业差距最大的地区 #Economics #& #Business 12-20 Report identifies UK regions with largest disability employment gap (phys.org)
59. 紧凑型片上偏振计可高精度测量光偏振 #Optics #& #Photonics 12-20 Compact on-chip polarimeter measures light polarization with high accuracy (phys.org)
60. 研究显示:活性颗粒可将三维凝胶重组为更致密的多孔结构 #General #Physics #Soft #Matter 12-20 Active particles reorganize 3D gels into denser porous structures, study shows (phys.org)
61. 从野火中获救后在溪流中发现 "茁壮成长 "的珍稀物种 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-20 Rare species found ''thriving'' in streams after rescue from wildfires (phys.org)
62. 研究小组称,您的黑色塑料厨具并没有那么有毒:但您还是应该扔掉它们 #Materials #Science 12-20 Your black plastic kitchen utensils aren''t so toxic after all: But you should still toss them, group says (phys.org)
63. 俄乌战争的意外伤亡:遥远国家的饥民 #Agriculture 12-20 Russia-Ukraine War''s unexpected casualties: Hungry people in distant nations (phys.org)
64. 新发现表明,巨型树懒和乳齿象在美洲与人类共存了数千年 #Paleontology #& #Fossils 12-20 Giant sloths and mastodons coexisted with humans for millennia in Americas, new discoveries suggest (phys.org)
65. 洛杉矶动物园首次孵化出世界上最大的蜥蜴物种之一--珍珠蜥蜴 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-20 LA Zoo hatches first-ever perentie lizards, one of largest lizard species in the world (phys.org)
66. 首次发现烹饪年轻恒星的巧妙技巧--天文学家强调磁场是缺失的成分 #Astronomy #Astrobiology 12-20 Clever trick to cook young stars detected for first time—astronomers highlight magnetic fields as the missing ingredient (phys.org)
67. 环保组织质疑加州低碳交通规则的更新 #Environment 12-20 Environmental groups challenge update to California''s low-carbon transportation rules (phys.org)
68. 通过观察牙釉质中的单个原子,研究人员正在了解我们的牙齿随着年龄的增长会发生什么变化 #Materials #Science 12-20 By looking at individual atoms in tooth enamel, researchers are learning what happens to our teeth as we age (phys.org)
69. 实现对电中性美介子寿命的最精确测量 #General #Physics #Quantum 12-20 Most precise measurement of electrically neutral beauty meson lifetime achieved (phys.org)
70. 研究发现苍蝇比蜜蜂更容易受到气候变化的影响 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-20 Study reveals flies more vulnerable than bees to climate change (phys.org)
71. 德纳利断层被发现撕裂了古代两块陆地的连接处 #Earth #Sciences 12-20 Denali Fault found to have torn apart ancient joining of two landmasses (phys.org)
72. 生态友好型反应器模拟闪电,利用空气和水生产氨气 #Materials #Science 12-20 Eco-friendly reactor mimics lightning to produce ammonia from air and water (phys.org)
73. 新合成技术缩短了药物研发时间并降低了成本 #Materials #Science 12-20 New synthesis technique cuts drug development time and cost (phys.org)
74. 研究揭示了解决加州野花困境的廉价方法 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-20 Research reveals an inexpensive fix for California''s struggling wildflowers (phys.org)
75. 糖溶液在治疗奶牛感染方面可与抗生素相媲美 #Plants #& #Animals #Veterinary #medicine 12-20 Sugar solution matches antibiotics in treating cow infections (phys.org)
76. 科学家在宏观振荡器中实现集体量子行为 #Quantum #Physics 12-20 Scientists achieve collective quantum behavior in macroscopic oscillators (phys.org)
77. 新发现的神秘种子化石揭示了冰河时代的气候模式 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-20 Newly identified mysterious fossil seed reveals Ice Age climate patterns (phys.org)
78. 发现卵子对精子线粒体的免疫攻击或有助于生育 #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-20 Discovery of egg''s immune-like attack on sperm mitochondria may aid fertility (phys.org)
79. 新的 "分子翻页书 "让研究人员对核糖体运动有了最直观的了解 #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-20 New ''molecular flipbook'' gives researchers the best look yet at ribosomal motion (phys.org)
80. 通过金属筛网提高聚变装置的等离子加热效率 #Plasma #Physics 12-20 Plasma heating efficiency in fusion devices boosted by metal screens (phys.org)
81. 研究发现:细胞 RNA 在抗病毒防御中发挥关键作用 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-20 Cellular RNA plays key role in antiviral defense, study finds (phys.org)
82. 预警工具有助于控制庞大的蝗虫群 #Ecology #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-20 Early warning tool may help control huge locust swarms (phys.org)
83. 为什么没有更多的女性选择向男性伴侣求婚? #Social #Sciences 12-20 Why don''t more women choose to propose to their male partners? (phys.org)
84. 扩展的生命图谱显示,远古物种的进化速度可能更慢,持续时间可能更长 #Evolution #Paleontology #& #Fossils 12-20 Extended chart of life shows ancient species may have evolved slower and lasted longer (phys.org)
85. SpaceX 将向国际空间站发射更多私人宇航员任务 #Space #Exploration 12-20 SpaceX to launch more private astronaut missions to ISS (phys.org)
86. 不同尺度的生物因素对地上生物量的影响更大 #Ecology 12-20 Biotic factors contribute more to aboveground biomass across scales (phys.org)
87. 人工智能模型预测产品趋势,提升在线购物体验 #Economics #& #Business 12-20 AI model forecasts product trends, enhances online shopping experience (phys.org)
88. 对政治投资的审查显示,民主党的参与令企业掠夺者心惊肉跳 #Economics #& #Business #Political #science 12-20 Examination of political investments reveals democrat involvement spooks corporate raiders (phys.org)
89. 可持续性并非高管薪酬的重要标准 #Economics #& #Business 12-20 Sustainability not an important criterion in top executives'' remuneration (phys.org)
90. 混合沙丘实验测试风暴期间的抗侵蚀能力 #Environment 12-20 Hybrid dune experiment tests erosion resistance during storms (phys.org)
91. 新研究表明,古火星厚厚的地壳可能支撑着隐藏的水库和稀有岩浆 #Astrobiology #Planetary #Sciences 12-20 Ancient Mars'' thick crust could have supported hidden water reservoirs and rare magmas, new research suggests (phys.org)
92. 研究人员强调 "工作母机蛋白质 "在保持神经系统平稳运行中的作用 #Biochemistry 12-20 Researchers highlight role ''workhorse protein'' plays in keeping nervous system running smoothly (phys.org)
93. 研究人员推出可快速监测水中抗生素的芯片 #Analytical #Chemistry 12-20 Researchers unveil chip for quick antibiotic monitoring in water (phys.org)
94. 我们对另一次大流行准备得如何?研究从数学角度揭示病毒通过空气传播的规律 #Mathematics 12-20 How prepared are we for another pandemic? Study provides mathematical insights into airborne viral transmission (phys.org)
95. 科学家们记录了开发不足的智利海岸线丰富的生物多样性 #Ecology 12-20 Scientists document rich biodiversity along underexplored Chilean coastline (phys.org)
96. 阿波罗登月任务样本揭示月球水的起源及其与地球早期历史的联系 #Space #Exploration #Planetary #Sciences 12-20 Apollo lunar mission samples reveal origins of lunar water and its connection to Earth''s early history (phys.org)
97. 研究表明,气候变化可能引发更多地震 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-20 Climate change could trigger more earthquakes, study suggests (phys.org)
98. 实验表明,受权力驱使的社交媒体用户传播错误信息的比例过高 #Social #Sciences #Political #science 12-20 Experiments show power-motivated social media users disproportionately spread misinformation (phys.org)
99. 联邦对帝王斑蝶的保护可能会帮助或伤害这一标志性物种,这取决于保护的实施方式 #Ecology 12-20 Federal protection for monarch butterflies could help or harm this iconic species, depending on how it''s carried out (phys.org)
100. 需要精确测量空间时间?使用 COMPASSO #General #Physics 12-20 Need to accurately measure time in space? Use a COMPASSO (phys.org)
101. 分子工具展示生殖系统如何识别坏蛋并将其销毁 #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-20 Molecular tool demonstrates how bad eggs are identified for destruction by reproductive system (phys.org)
102. 吃二氧化碳的细菌可将烟囱烟雾中的碳直接转化为新产品,实现循环利用 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Biotechnology 12-20 CO₂-eating bacteria can recycle carbon from chimney smoke directly into new products (phys.org)
103. 不明飞行物目击事件如何帮助衡量公众关注度和经济模式 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-20 How UFO sightings can help measure public attention and economic patterns (phys.org)
104. 寄生虫的基因突变可能导致昏睡病在全球蔓延 #Evolution #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-20 Genetic mutations in parasites may lead to global spread of sleeping sickness (phys.org)
105. 对撞顶夸克揭示隐藏的量子 "魔力 #Quantum #Physics 12-20 Colliding top quarks reveal hidden quantum ''magic'' (phys.org)
106. 利用彩色细胞核揭示关键基因的 CRISPR 筛选方法 #Biotechnology #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-20 CRISPR screening method uses colored nuclei to reveal key genes (phys.org)
107. 紫钻 maser 有朝一日能放大来自深空的信号 #Optics #& #Photonics #Quantum #Physics 12-20 Purple diamond maser could one day amplify signals from deep space (phys.org)
108. 火星的辐射能量预算曲线为了解火星的气候动态提供了线索 #Planetary #Sciences 12-20 Mars''s radiant energy budget profile offers clues to its climate dynamics (phys.org)
109. 探索气候变化活动家的动机和障碍 #Social #Sciences #Political #science 12-20 Exploring motivations and barriers for climate change activists (phys.org)
110. 当太阳探测器对准太阳时:数据证实太阳磁场如何加速太阳风 #General #Physics #Plasma 12-20 When solar probes align: Data confirms how sun''s magnetic field accelerates solar wind (phys.org)
111. 在印度和肯尼亚,人们已经与食肉动物共同生活。苏格兰可以这样做 #Ecology 12-20 People already live alongside predators in India and Kenya. Here''s how it could work in Scotland (phys.org)
112. 缺乏儿童保育服务使男女薪酬差距持续扩大 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-20 A lack of childcare keeps the gender pay gap wider than it should be (phys.org)
113. 北冰洋揭示了热液喷口形成的意想不到的多样性 #Earth #Sciences 12-20 Arctic Ocean reveals unexpected variety in hydrothermal vent formations (phys.org)
114. 研究警告:白化的珊瑚礁可能导致渔业产量下降 #Ecology #Agriculture 12-20 Bleached reefs could sink fishing yields, study warns (phys.org)
115. 如何在假期与自恋的亲戚相处 #Social #Sciences 12-20 How to deal with narcissistic relatives over the holidays (phys.org)
116. 仙人掌概念重新定义了在冰雪世界寻找生命的工作 #Astrobiology #Planetary #Sciences 12-20 Cenotectic concept redefines search for life on icy worlds (phys.org)
117. 一个疲惫不堪的民族美国人淡出政治的神经科学原因 #Social #Sciences #Political #science 12-20 A nation exhausted: The neuroscience of why Americans are tuning out politics (phys.org)
118. 今年有 1,300 多名朝圣者因湿度和热度超过生存极限而死亡--这仅仅是个开始 #Environment 12-20 More than 1,300 Hajj pilgrims died this year when humidity and heat pushed past survivable limits—it''s just the start (phys.org)
119. 巴伦西亚洪水表明沿海城市应恢复湿地的原因 #Environment 12-20 Valencia floods showed why coastal cities should restore their wetlands (phys.org)
120. 领导者的财务压力损害团队绩效和士气 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-20 Financial stress in leaders harms team performance and morale (phys.org)
121. 变革管理告诉我们如何成为气候领袖 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-20 Change management shows us how we all can become climate leaders (phys.org)
122. 为什么节日期间家庭暴力会增加?以下是三个诱因 #Social #Sciences 12-20 Why does family violence increase during the festive season? Here are three contributing factors (phys.org)
123. YouTube 民粹主义者推动韩国政局动荡--为世界其他民主国家敲响警钟 #Political #science 12-20 YouTube populists are driving South Korea''s political instability—a warning for the rest of the world''s democracies (phys.org)
124. 一战飞行王牌使用的技术启发了细胞行为新发现 #Bio #& #Medicine 12-20 Tech used by WWI flying aces inspires new cellular behavior discovery (phys.org)
125. 1.5亿年前的家族重聚:古生物学家确认了翼手龙的近 50 个隐秘亲戚 #Paleontology #& #Fossils 12-20 A family reunion 150 million years in making: Paleontologists identify nearly 50 hidden relatives of Pterodactylus (phys.org)
126. 进化研究揭示了植物王国中致病细菌的毒性范围 #Evolution #Cell #& #Microbiology 12-20 Evolutionary study reveals toxic reach of disease-causing bacteria across plant kingdom (phys.org)
127. 算法可确定威士忌是源自美国还是苏格兰 #Analytical #Chemistry 12-20 Algorithms can determine whether a whiskey is of American or Scotch origin (phys.org)
128. 新西兰的两个kākā亚种实际上会不会是更多样化物种的残余?我们需要知道 #Evolution #Ecology 12-19 Could NZ''s two kākā subspecies actually be remnants of a more diverse species? Here''s why we need to know (phys.org)
129. 隐藏的威胁DNA 检测显示昆士兰赫维湾存在有毒藻类 #Ecology 12-19 Hidden threats: DNA testing reveals toxic algae in Queensland''s Hervey Bay (phys.org)
130. HD 65907:复活恒星的神秘事件 #Astronomy 12-19 HD 65907: The mysterious case of the resurrected star (phys.org)
131. 基因工程小鼠揭示信息素如何驱动交配行为 #Plants #& #Animals #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-19 Genetically engineered mice reveal how pheromones drive mating behavior (phys.org)
132. 研究显示,无子女员工面临圣诞节偏见 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Child-free employees face Christmas bias, according to research (phys.org)
133. 研究揭示了在家庭和工作中管理自恋者的策略 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Study reveals strategies for managing narcissists at home and work (phys.org)
134. 简单的省钱秘诀并不总是有效。原因就在这里。 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Easy tips to save money don''t always work. Here''s why. (phys.org)
135. 韦伯望远镜提供了早期太阳系冰质行星的最佳一瞥 #Astronomy 12-19 Webb offers best glimpse ever into icy planetesimals of early solar system (phys.org)
136. 南佛罗里达海滨建筑下沉速度超过预期 #Earth #Sciences 12-19 South Florida''s beachfront buildings found to be sinking faster than expected (phys.org)
137. 推进可信的量子时代:量子协议验证的新方法 #Quantum #Physics 12-19 Advancing a trustworthy quantum era: A novel approach to quantum protocol verification (phys.org)
138. 纳米脂质体为治疗罕见遗传性疾病铺平道路 #Bio #& #Medicine 12-19 Nanoliposomes pave way for treatment of rare genetic disorder (phys.org)
139. 研究人员称,得克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的有害气体主要来自较小的泄漏点 #Environment 12-19 Harmful gas billowing from Texas and New Mexico comes mostly from smaller leaks, researchers say (phys.org)
140. 天体运动的新思路可能带来更强大的电子设备 #Condensed #Matter 12-19 A new way of thinking about skyrmion motion could lead to more robust electronics (phys.org)
141. 美国国家航空航天局的有效载荷旨在探测月球深处以研究热流 #Planetary #Sciences 12-19 NASA payload aims to probe moon''s depths to study heat flow (phys.org)
142. 研究发现,在线计划有助于兄弟姐妹减少争吵,增进感情 #Social #Sciences 12-19 Online program helps siblings fight less, bond more, study finds (phys.org)
143. 原型防晒霜使用 TiO₂ 纳米粒子为皮肤降温,同时阻挡紫外线 #Bio #& #Medicine #Nanomaterials 12-19 Prototype sunscreen uses TiO₂ nanoparticles to cool skin while blocking UV rays (phys.org)
144. 首次利用遥感技术监测河流和湖泊中的塑料碎片 #Environment 12-19 First-of-its-kind study uses remote sensing to monitor plastic debris in rivers and lakes (phys.org)
145. 哨兵一号数据显示北极冰川退缩 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-19 Sentinel-1 data reveals Arctic glacier retreat (phys.org)
146. 新策略提高金属纳米颗粒在绿色制氢中的稳定性 #Nanomaterials 12-19 New strategies enhance stability of metal nanoparticles in green hydrogen production (phys.org)
147. 2024 年人类为应对气候变化做的 7 件好事 #Environment 12-19 7 good things humanity did to combat climate change in 2024 (phys.org)
148. 北极雪地中的全氟辛烷磺酸含量是晴朗月份的 71 倍 #Environment 12-19 Arctic snow shows up to 71 times more PFAS during sunny months (phys.org)
149. 分子 "弹球超快碰撞预测超临界流体特性 #General #Physics #Soft #Matter 12-19 Molecular ''pinball'': Superfast collisions predict supercritical fluid properties (phys.org)
150. 研究揭示转录因子如何通过 DNA 架构塑造细胞特性 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-19 Study reveals how transcription factors navigate DNA architecture to shape cellular identity (phys.org)
151. 科学家再造分子计时器,控制纳米机器的激活率 #Bio #& #Medicine 12-19 Scientists recreate molecular timers to control nanomachine activation rates (phys.org)
152. 研究发现,在末次冰期,北极西伯利亚的夏季温度比现在最高高出 10C #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-19 Arctic Siberia summers were up to 10C warmer than today during the Last Interglacial, study finds (phys.org)
153. 面内磁场揭示先进材料中新的霍尔效应行为 #Condensed #Matter 12-19 In-plane magnetic fields reveal new Hall effect behaviors in advanced materials (phys.org)
154. 天文学家利用 FAST 探测到新的 1.9 秒脉冲星 #Astronomy 12-19 Astronomers detect new 1.9-second pulsar using FAST (phys.org)
155. 揭开未知银河的神秘面纱:完成银河系恒星地图 #Astronomy 12-19 Unveiling the uncharted Milky Way: Completing the galactic stellar map (phys.org)
156. 更快计算电子结构,更易发现新材料 #Condensed #Matter 12-19 Faster way to calculate electron structure makes it easier to discover new materials (phys.org)
157. 光学弹簧实现了新型机械晶体的可编程缺陷模式 #Condensed #Matter #Optics #& #Photonics 12-19 Optical spring enables programmable defect mode in new mechanical crystal (phys.org)
158. 新型 MOF 兼具吸附和溶解功能,可从氩气中高效分离氧气 #Analytical #Chemistry #Materials #Science 12-19 Novel MOF combines adsorption and dissolution for energy-efficient oxygen separation from argon (phys.org)
159. μ介子的反常磁矩新计算证实了粒子物理学标准模型 #General #Physics 12-19 Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: New calculation confirms Standard Model of particle physics (phys.org)
160. 发现反射月光会降低谷仓猫头鹰对猎物的可见度 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Reflected moonlight found to make barn owls less visible to prey (phys.org)
161. 研究揭示全球联系如何促进城市经济 #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Study reveals how global connections boost city economies (phys.org)
162. 濒临灭绝的加勒比爬行动物卷土重来 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Near-extinct Caribbean reptile makes epic comeback (phys.org)
163. 白宫在特朗普回国前几周公布新的气候目标 #Environment 12-19 White House unveils new climate goals weeks before Trump''s return (phys.org)
164. 机器学习为异质催化剂数据分析提供了新框架 #Analytical #Chemistry #Materials #Science 12-19 Machine learning offers new framework for heterogeneous catalyst data analysis (phys.org)
165. 分子园艺发现用于修剪蛋白质修饰的新酶 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-19 Molecular gardening: New enzymes discovered for protein modification pruning (phys.org)
166. 圣地亚哥正在放宽对新建城市建筑的禁气规定:对环保主义者来说,这是一个 "巨大的漏洞 #Environment 12-19 San Diego is relaxing its no-gas rule for new city buildings: To environmentalists, it''s ''a giant loophole'' (phys.org)
167. 2024 年科学界命名的十大植物和真菌新物种 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Top 10 plant and fungal species named new to science in 2024 (phys.org)
168. 新软件揭开细胞信号传导的秘密,展示逼真的模拟结果 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-19 New software unlocks secrets of cell signaling, showing realistic simulations (phys.org)
169. 酵母基因开关使用手册研究人员提供了三条设计原则 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Biotechnology 12-19 A user manual for yeast''s genetic switches: Researchers provide three design principles (phys.org)
170. 水管贫困:自全球金融危机以来,美国城市中没有自来水的人越来越多 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Plumbing poverty: More people living without running water in US cities since global financial crisis (phys.org)
171. 海啸发生数十年后,风暴恐惧笼罩印度海岸 #Environment 12-19 Storm fears overshadow India coast decades after tsunami (phys.org)
172. 巴西岛上发现死于狂犬病的近缘动物,凸显监测病毒的必要性 #Veterinary #medicine 12-19 Capybaras found dead from rabies on Brazilian island underline need to monitor virus (phys.org)
173. 研究人员开发出延长水果保质期的可食用生物膜 #Biochemistry #Polymers 12-19 Researchers develop edible biofilm for extending fruit shelf life (phys.org)
174. 气候科学家说,大规模火山爆发不会导致恐龙灭绝 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-19 Massive volcanic eruptions did not cause the extinction of dinosaurs, say climate scientists (phys.org)
175. 遥远的耀星发现支持早期宇宙中黑洞的快速形成 #Astronomy 12-19 Distant blazar discovery supports rapid black hole formation in the early universe (phys.org)
176. 用于血管内气体检测的微型全纤维光声光谱仪与实验室系统相媲美 #Optics #& #Photonics 12-19 Miniaturized all-fiber photoacoustic spectrometer for intravascular gas detection rivals lab-based systems (phys.org)
177. 综合分析揭示了褐藻隐藏的基因组进化过程 #Evolution #Ecology 12-19 Comprehensive analysis reveals hidden genomic evolution of brown algae (phys.org)
178. 古老的月球,年轻的地壳剧烈的火山活动可能意味着月球比以前想象的要古老得多 #Planetary #Sciences 12-19 Old moon, young crust: Violent volcanism may mean the moon is much older than previously thought (phys.org)
179. 研究人员应对材料挑战,使商业核聚变发电成为现实 #Plasma #Physics 12-19 Researchers address material challenges to make commercial fusion power a reality (phys.org)
180. 新方法同时绘制细胞核中的数百种蛋白质图谱 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-19 New method maps hundreds of proteins in cell nuclei simultaneously (phys.org)
181. 揭开青春期的秘密青蛙对人类成长的启示 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Unlocking puberty secrets: What frogs reveal about human growth (phys.org)
182. 为地球而玩:节日期间的五个气候变化游戏 #Other 12-19 Play for the planet: Five climate change games for the festive season (phys.org)
183. 联合国专家敦促大自然实现三个 "转变 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 UN experts urge three ''transformations'' for nature (phys.org)
184. 纽约男子在后院园艺时发现乳齿象下颚 #Paleontology #& #Fossils 12-19 New York man finds mastodon jaw while gardening in his backyard (phys.org)
185. 马萨诸塞州附近海域发现濒危鲸鱼被绳索缠住,其中一头可能死亡 #Ecology 12-19 Endangered whales found entangled in rope off Massachusetts, and 1 is likely to die (phys.org)
186. 芯片上的宇航员多器官组织芯片模拟太空辐射对人体健康的影响 #Biotechnology 12-19 Astronaut-on-a-chip: Multi-organ tissue chips simulate space radiation''s impact on human health (phys.org)
187. 研究人员在极地冷阱中探索、采样和解读月球挥发物 #Planetary #Sciences 12-19 Researchers explore, sample and interpret lunar volatiles in polar cold traps (phys.org)
188. 瑞典几乎是一个无现金社会。以下是它对被遗忘者的影响 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Sweden is a nearly cashless society. Here''s how it affects people who are left out (phys.org)
189. 新型雷达算法揭示电离层等离子体的隐秘舞姿 #Planetary #Sciences 12-19 New radar algorithm reveals hidden dance of ionospheric plasma (phys.org)
190. 新型塑料闪烁体助力反中微子探测 #General #Physics 12-19 Antineutrino detection gets a boost with novel plastic scintillator (phys.org)
191. 研究人员在加勒比群岛发现 35 个蜥蜴新物种 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Researchers identify 35 new lizard species on Caribbean islands (phys.org)
192. 研究发现清除水生植被有益健康和经济 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Study finds aquatic vegetation removal benefits health and economy (phys.org)
193. 回流工人:乐于助人的回流者还是心怀怨恨的同事? #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Boomerang workers: helpful returnees or resented colleagues? (phys.org)
194. 揭示反铁磁材料中的非线性 "趋肤效应 #Condensed #Matter #Optics #& #Photonics 12-19 Nonlinear ''skin effect'' unveiled in antiferromagnetic materials (phys.org)
195. 影响教育支出模式的是父母身份而非种族:研究 #Education 12-19 Parental identity, not ethnicity, influences education spending patterns: Study (phys.org)
196. 一个州废除监狱 "付费住宿 "法如何指导全国改革 #Political #science 12-19 How one state''s repeal of a prison ''pay-to-stay'' law could guide national reform (phys.org)
197. 美国国家航空航天局利用遗留数据和新技术发现 "侧向 "黑洞 #Astronomy 12-19 NASA finds ''sideways'' black hole using legacy data and new techniques (phys.org)
198. 云层掩盖了极端降雨与气温升高之间的联系 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-19 Clouds obscure link between extreme rainfall and rising temperatures (phys.org)
199. 光化学水氧化技术的进步增强了可持续能源的潜力 #Analytical #Chemistry 12-19 Advance in photochemical water oxidation enhances sustainable energy potential (phys.org)
200. 火箭启发反应生成表面积创纪录的碳 #Nanomaterials 12-19 Rocket-inspired reaction yields carbon with record surface area (phys.org)
201. 大自然的指示真菌如何制造一种关键的药用分子 #Biochemistry #Analytical #Chemistry 12-19 Nature''s instructions: How fungi make a key medicinal molecule (phys.org)
202. 植物色素让微藻在水生深处找到方向的 "眼睛 #Ecology #Cell #& #Microbiology 12-19 Phytochromes: The ''eyes'' that enable microalgae to find their way in aquatic depths (phys.org)
203. 首次对阿塞拜疆西部 1 300 多个史前墓穴进行系统勘测 #Archaeology 12-19 More than 1,300 prehistoric burial mounds in western Azerbaijan systematically surveyed for the first time (phys.org)
204. 新的计算方法揭示了新石器时代建筑实践中惊人的多变性 #Archaeology 12-19 New computational method uncovers surprising variability in Neolithic building practices (phys.org)
205. 研究发现:组蛋白修饰对血细胞的正确形成很重要 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-19 Histone modification important for correct blood cell formation, finds study (phys.org)
206. 问与答:生命科学中的人工智能--为什么模型往往在实践中失败 #Biotechnology #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-19 Q&A: AI in the life sciences—why models often fail in practice (phys.org)
207. 生态学家发现计算机视觉模型在检索野生动物图像时存在盲点 #Ecology #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-19 Ecologists find computer vision models'' blind spots in retrieving wildlife images (phys.org)
208. 研究人员揭示前列腺素受体 DP2 的脂质和配体调控分子机制 #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-19 Researchers uncover molecular mechanisms of lipid and ligand regulation in prostaglandin receptor DP2 (phys.org)
209. 苏格兰失传乐谱重现数百年前的音乐和声音 #Archaeology 12-19 Lost score from Scotland revives sound of music and voices from centuries past (phys.org)
210. 一项新研究发现蝇蛆中的精子可破解犯罪现场 #Molecular #& #Computational #biology 12-19 New study finds sperm in blowfly maggots can crack crime scenes (phys.org)
211. 回到过去恒星的死亡揭示了它们的诞生 #Astronomy 12-19 Back to the past: The death of stars reveals their birth (phys.org)
213. 保护秘鲁高海拔草原是保护安第斯熊的关键 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Conserving high-elevation grasslands in Peru is key to protecting Andean bears (phys.org)
214. 首次全球研究提供了有关地球表面下微生物群的见解 #Ecology #Cell #& #Microbiology 12-19 First global study provides insights into Earth''s subsurface microbiomes (phys.org)
215. 发现半人马的足迹:科学家研究独特的小行星--半人马混合体 #Astronomy #Planetary #Sciences 12-19 Uncovering a centaur''s tracks: Scientists examine unique asteroid-comet hybrid (phys.org)
216. 气溶胶可能正在削弱北半球的夏季环流 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-19 Aerosols could be weakening summertime circulation in the Northern Hemisphere (phys.org)
217. 研究发现:潜在的有害细菌可穿过抗菌淋浴喷头 #Biochemistry #Analytical #Chemistry 12-19 Potentially harmful bacteria can slip through antimicrobial showerheads, study finds (phys.org)
218. 我的量子比特呢?科学家开发出检测原子丢失的技术 #Quantum #Physics 12-19 Where''s my qubit? Scientists develop technique to detect atom loss (phys.org)
219. 断线感和缺乏控制是如何助长阴谋论信念的--新研究 #Social #Sciences 12-19 How feelings of disconnection and lack of control fuel conspiracy beliefs—new research (phys.org)
220. 为什么自然灾害对农村学区的影响更大? #Education 12-19 Why natural disasters hit harder in rural school districts (phys.org)
221. 偶氮薄荷醇新分子可利用光调节离子通道 #Biochemistry #Analytical #Chemistry 12-19 Azo-menthol: New molecule can regulate ion channels using light (phys.org)
222. 对 DEI 的攻击:批评者用简单化的术语攻击这些计划,但它们是消除工作场所偏见的关键 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Assault on DEI: Critics use simplistic terms to attack the programs, but they are key to uprooting workplace bias (phys.org)
223. 层层递进:模拟如何帮助现代显示器的制造 #Analytical #Chemistry #Materials #Science 12-19 Layer by layer: How simulations help manufacturing of modern displays (phys.org)
224. 产业政策引发了东亚的巨大增长吗?经济学家说,数字说明了一个更复杂的故事 #Economics #& #Business #Political #science 12-19 Did industrial policy spark huge growth in East Asia? Economists say the numbers tell a more complex story (phys.org)
225. 科学家深入了解弱光条件下的光系统 II #Plants #& #Animals #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-19 Scientists provide insights into photosystem II under low-light conditions (phys.org)
226. 纳米给药系统无需复杂载体 #Bio #& #Medicine 12-19 Nano drug delivery system eliminates need for complicated carriers (phys.org)
227. 2024 年美国媒体信任度创历史新低。新调查显示中西部黑人已找到其他来源 #Social #Sciences 12-19 Trust in US media hit an all-time low in 2024. New survey shows Black midwesterners have found other sources (phys.org)
228. 氟化战略释放石墨烯的光电和能源应用潜力 #Nanophysics #Nanomaterials 12-19 Fluorination strategy unlocks graphene''s potential for optoelectronic and energy applications (phys.org)
229. 哲学家说,西方的功利主义让人们陷入嫉妒、羞耻和恐惧的情绪中 #Social #Sciences #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Western meritocracy traps people in emotions of envy, shame and fear, philosophers say (phys.org)
230. 报告:生态危机相互关联,必须协调应对 #Environment 12-19 Report: Ecological crises are interconnected and must be tackled in a coordinated way (phys.org)
231. 研究考察了前东正教徒利用社交媒体应对新生活的情况 #Social #Sciences 12-19 Study examines ex-ultra-Orthodox use of social media to cope with their new path in life (phys.org)
232. 研究发现,禁止内幕交易的规定也能促进创新 #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Rules against insider trading also boost innovation, research finds (phys.org)
233. 糟糕的礼物创意:将雪貂和其他外来野生哺乳动物作为宠物 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Bad gift ideas: Ferrets and other exotic wild mammals as pets (phys.org)
234. 情况会变得多糟?研究发现:政治学家有悲观主义倾向 #Political #science 12-19 How bad will it get? Political scientists have a pessimism bias, study finds (phys.org)
235. 英国研究人员呼吁加强管理,应对电竞赞助的 "狂野西部 "问题 #Economics #& #Business #Political #science 12-19 UK researchers call for better governance to tackle ''wild west'' of esports sponsorships (phys.org)
236. 科学家称南极洲海冰融化导致海洋风暴 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-19 Melting sea ice in Antarctica causes ocean storms, scientists say (phys.org)
237. 本周发生致命地震后,瓦努阿图为何要做好应对更多余震的准备?地震学家解释 #Earth #Sciences 12-19 Why Vanuatu should brace for even more aftershocks after this week''s deadly quakes: A seismologist explains (phys.org)
238. 巨大的史前大象头骨如何帮助解开进化之谜 #Evolution #Paleontology #& #Fossils 12-19 How a giant prehistoric elephant skull helped untangle an evolutionary mystery (phys.org)
239. 研究发现:政治品牌与年轻选民无缘 #Political #science 12-19 Political branding is not connecting with young voters, study finds (phys.org)
240. 座头鲸宝宝的录音显示了它们对母亲的发声 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-19 Baby humpback whale recordings reveal vocalizations directed to their mothers (phys.org)
241. 基于纳米孔的 "人造舌头 "能确定酒精饮料的化学成分 #Analytical #Chemistry 12-19 Nanopore-based ''artificial tongue'' can determine chemical makeup of alcoholic drinks (phys.org)
242. 这个假期要坐飞机吗?航空旅行为何让我们如此烦躁--该如何应对? #Social #Sciences 12-19 Flying this holiday season? Here''s why air travel makes us so cranky—and what to do about it (phys.org)
243. 与使用现金相比,移动支付曾经没有那么 "痛苦"。这种情况可能正在发生变化 #Economics #& #Business 12-19 Mobile payments used to be less ''painful'' than using cash. That might be changing (phys.org)
244. 除非我们采取行动,否则推动澳大利亚城市降温可能会无意中增加我们患皮肤癌的风险 #Environment 12-19 A push to cool Australian cities may inadvertently increase our skin cancer risk, unless we act (phys.org)
245. 地形复杂性:保护生物多样性的蓝图 #Ecology 12-19 Topographic complexity: A blueprint for biodiversity conservation (phys.org)
246. 缺乏企业竞争是否会扼杀美国经济? #Economics #& #Business #Political #science 12-19 Is a lack of corporate competition stifling the US economy? (phys.org)
247. 儿童发展科学如何帮助父母减轻假期压力 #Social #Sciences 12-19 How the science of child development can help parents stress less this holiday season (phys.org)
248. 洛塔尔风暴 25 年之后:风灾如何重建瑞士森林 #Ecology 12-19 25 years after Lothar: How the windstorm rebuilt Swiss forests (phys.org)
250. 专家分享加剧森林火灾的因素 #Environment 12-19 Expert shares factors increasing forest fire ignitions (phys.org)
251. 薄膜技术使核钟的放射性降低 1000 倍,价格更合理 #General #Physics 12-19 Thin-film tech makes nuclear clocks a 1,000 times less radioactive and more affordable (phys.org)
252. 小栖息地,大后果:池塘网络的连接性丧失威胁微生物生物多样性 #Ecology #Cell #& #Microbiology 12-19 Small habitats, big consequences: Connectivity loss in pond networks threatens microbial biodiversity (phys.org)
253. 物理学家用光对材料进行磁化:太赫兹技术可改进存储芯片设计 #Condensed #Matter #Optics #& #Photonics 12-19 Physicists magnetize a material with light: Terahertz technique could improve memory chip design (phys.org)
254. 考古学骨骼研究表明,梅毒起源于美洲 #Archaeology 12-19 Syphilis had its roots in the Americas, archaeological bone study suggests (phys.org)
255. 构建骨干:科学家在实验室再造人体的 "GPS系统 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Biotechnology 12-19 Building a backbone: Scientists recreate the body''s ''GPS system'' in the lab (phys.org)
256. 宇宙早期休眠的大质量黑洞挑战现有模型 #Astronomy 12-19 Dormant massive black hole in the early universe challenges existing models (phys.org)
258. 气候变化使 "千户 "气旋变得更强:科学家 #Environment 12-18 Climate change made Cyclone Chido stronger: Scientists (phys.org)
259. 俄罗斯漏油污染黑海 50 公里海滩 #Environment 12-18 Russian oil spill contaminates 50km of Black Sea beaches (phys.org)
260. 动物福利组织称巴基斯坦大象索尼娅死于细菌感染 #Veterinary #medicine 12-18 Animal welfare group says bacterial infection killed Sonia the elephant in Pakistan (phys.org)
261. 今年最后一场流星雨在圣诞节前几天达到顶峰 #Space #Exploration 12-18 The last meteor shower of the year peaks a few days before Christmas (phys.org)
262. 研究揭示心理健康对假释后再次被捕可能性的影响 #Social #Sciences 12-18 Research reveals mental health''s impact on parole rearrest likelihood (phys.org)
263. 研究探讨近海风电场颗粒排放对蓝贻贝的影响 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-18 Study explores effects of particle emissions from offshore wind farms on blue mussels (phys.org)
264. 古老的粘土疗法可能具有促进现代肠道健康的潜力 #Archaeology 12-18 Ancient clay remedy may have potential to boost modern gut health (phys.org)
265. 对 2.6 万颗死亡恒星的调查证实了极端恒星行为的关键细节 #Astronomy 12-18 Survey of 26,000 dead stars confirms key details of extreme stellar behavior (phys.org)
266. 研究揭示坏细菌如何引发痛苦的肠道收缩 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-18 Research reveals how bad bacteria trigger painful gut contractions (phys.org)
267. 为什么有些毒贩比其他毒贩更容易被再次定罪? #Social #Sciences #Political #science 12-18 Why some drug traffickers are more likely to be reconvicted than others (phys.org)
268. 机器学习框架改进了西澳大利亚州的地下水补给估算 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-18 Machine learning framework improves groundwater recharge estimates in Western Australia (phys.org)
269. 韦伯望远镜捕捉到的蜘蛛网原星团显示超大质量黑洞能阻止恒星形成 #Astronomy 12-18 Spiderweb protocluster captured by Webb shows supermassive black holes can halt star formation (phys.org)
270. 两个蜥蜴物种首次相遇,科学家见证进化过程 #Evolution #Ecology 12-18 Scientists witness evolution in action when two lizard species meet for the first time (phys.org)
271. 冰雪在融化,海水在上升--科学家如何追踪变化 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-18 Ice is melting, seas are rising—how scientists are tracking the changes (phys.org)
272. 瑞典橡树林研究揭示生物多样性的意外模式,为保护工作提出挑战 #Ecology 12-18 Swedish oak forests study reveals unexpected patterns in biodiversity, poses challenge for conservation (phys.org)
273. 巨型病毒编码细胞生命蛋白质制造机制的关键部分 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-18 Giant virus encodes key piece of protein-making machinery of cellular life (phys.org)
274. 天文学家探测到一个 FUor 型年轻恒星天体 #Astronomy 12-18 Astronomers detect a FUor-type young stellar object (phys.org)
275. 被光照瞎了眼睛城市照明对海滩小虫的影响 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-18 Blinded by the light: The effects of urban lighting on beach bugs (phys.org)
276. 分析后学历与发展峰会(COVID)时代的全球学习危机 #Education 12-18 Analyzing the global learning crisis post-COVID (phys.org)
277. 官员称在新西兰海湾发现能 "击穿 "水族馆玻璃的虾 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-18 Shrimp that can ''punch'' through aquarium glass found in New Zealand bay, officials say (phys.org)
278. SpaceX 在 22 小时内完成 3 次火箭发射和 1 次龙飞船着陆 #Space #Exploration 12-18 SpaceX completes 3 rocket launches, 1 Dragon landing in 22 hours (phys.org)
279. 许多专家警告说,应对气候变化可能会损害自然,造成水危机 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-18 Tackling climate change could harm nature and water crises, many experts warn (phys.org)
280. 在多款智能手表腕带中发现 "永久性化学物质 "含量升高 #Environment 12-18 Elevated levels of ''forever chemicals'' found in several smartwatch wrist bands (phys.org)
281. 简单的机器学习技术可降低量子误差缓解的成本,同时保持准确性 #Quantum #Physics 12-18 Simple machine learning techniques can cut costs for quantum error mitigation while maintaining accuracy (phys.org)
282. 开创性方法拓展了测量固体量子几何的可能性 #Condensed #Matter #Quantum #Physics 12-18 Pioneering approach expands possibilities for measuring quantum geometry in solids (phys.org)
283. 珊瑚礁夜生活在人工光照下变得更具掠夺性 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-18 Coral reef nightlife becomes more predatory with artificial light (phys.org)
284. 中国探测器将深入地下搜寻难以捉摸的中微子 #General #Physics 12-18 Chinese detector to hunt elusive neutrinos deep underground (phys.org)
285. 美国国家航空航天局再次推迟滞留空间站宇航员的返回时间 #Space #Exploration 12-18 NASA again delays return of astronauts stranded on space station (phys.org)
286. 年轻系外行星的大气层出人意料地与其诞生地不同 #Planetary #Sciences 12-18 Young exoplanet''s atmosphere unexpectedly differs from its birthplace (phys.org)
287. 加利福尼亚记录到食肉松鼠 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-18 Carnivorous squirrels documented in California (phys.org)
288. 日本初创公司的太空火箭发射失败 #Space #Exploration 12-18 Japanese startup''s space rocket launch fails (phys.org)
289. 研究发现许多亚马逊树种面临灭绝的高风险 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-18 Study uncovers high extinction risk for many Amazonian tree species (phys.org)
290. 世界上唯一的倭黑猩猩保护区帮助孤儿猿类发展社交技能 #Plants #& #Animals #Ecology 12-18 World''s only bonobo sanctuary aids orphaned apes in developing social skills (phys.org)
291. 树木开垦美国东部土地,野火风险攀升 #Environment 12-18 Wildfire risk climbs as trees reclaim eastern US landscapes (phys.org)
292. 城市树木的消失如何影响教育成果 #Environment 12-18 How the loss of urban trees affects education outcomes (phys.org)
293. 无需降落伞新型台风观测设备在实地测试中表现出高精度 #Earth #Sciences #Environment 12-18 No parachute needed: New typhoon observation device demonstrates high accuracy in field test (phys.org)
294. 海洋微生物的一对不同寻常的酶可能会促进碳储存 #Cell #& #Microbiology #Molecular #Computational #biology 12-18 Ocean microbe''s unusual pair of enzymes may boost carbon storage (phys.org)
295. 家庭奴隶制:"一种被忽视的奴役人的方法 #Social #Sciences 12-18 Household slavery: ''An overlooked method of enslaving people'' (phys.org)
296. 低血糖生成指数大米被视为缓解亚洲糖尿病危机的可行解决方案 #Agriculture 12-18 Low glycemic index rice seen as promising solution to mitigate Asia''s diabetes crisis (phys.org)
297. 研究声称,自然界中的所有观测值都可以用一个常数来测量:第二常数 #General #Physics 12-18 Study claims all observables in nature can be measured with a single constant: The second (phys.org)
298. 风改变了雪的晶体,对气候模型产生了影响 #Environment 12-18 Wind alters snow crystals, impacting climate models (phys.org)
299. 脑细胞在太空中成熟得更快,但仍保持健康:国际空间站研究 #Space #Exploration 12-18 Brain cells mature faster in space but stay healthy: ISS study (phys.org)
300. 尖端卫星跟踪俄亥俄河流域的湖水水位 #Earth #Sciences 12-18 Cutting-edge satellite tracks lake water levels in Ohio River Basin (phys.org)