2. 研究发现,过去二十年美国洪泛区开发面积超过 200 万英亩 Over two-million acres of floodplain development occurred in US in last two decades, study finds (phys.org)
4. 浮动工程调节超冷分子相互作用并产生双轴扭转动力学 Floquet engineering tunes ultracold molecule interactions and produces two-axis twisting dynamics (phys.org)
5. 酶启发催化剂使化学品处于制造醚的正确位置 Enzyme-inspired catalyst puts chemicals in right position to make ethers (phys.org)
6. 双反馈机制可增强纤维复合材料中的抗氧化涂层 Dual-feedback mechanism can enhance anti-oxidation coatings in fiber composites (phys.org)
9. 研究:管理者在全公司信息中表扬成功员工,可提高每个人的工作效率 Study: Managers can boost everyone's productivity by praising successful workers in company-wide messaging (phys.org)
10. 2HDM+a 框架内 ATLAS 暗物质搜索的组合与总结 Combination and summary of ATLAS dark matter searches within 2HDM+a framework (phys.org)
11. 研究人员实现了在室温下将甘油高效电氧化成甲酸酯的过程 Researchers achieve efficient electro-oxidation of glycerol to formate under room temperature (phys.org)
12. 探索替代剪接如何影响植物次生代谢 Exploring how alternative splicing influences plant secondary metabolism (phys.org)
13. 未来食品:非热技术如何改变淀粉消费 Future foods: How non-thermal tech could transform starch consumption (phys.org)
15. 研究称,科学术语、根深蒂固的教学方法和学生角色扼杀了科学的参与性 Scientific jargon, entrenched teaching methods and student roles stifle science engagement, study says (phys.org)
16. 荧光纳米材料可改变指纹可视化方式 Fluorescent nanomaterial could transform how we visualize fingerprints (phys.org)
17. 实验数据帮助揭开恒星中重元素生成之谜 Experimental data help unravel the mystery surrounding the creation of heavy elements in stars (phys.org)
18. 新技术提高果蝇基因突变率,促进遗传学研究 New technique boosts mutation rates in fruit flies for genetics research (phys.org)
19. 高科技搜索密歇根苏必利尔湖 1968 年飞机残骸,迄今一无所获 High-tech search for 1968 plane wreck in Michigan's Lake Superior shows nothing so far (phys.org)
21. 太多残疾青少年错过了体育课。以下是改变这种状况的方法 Too many disabled young people are missing out on PE. Here's how that could change (phys.org)
22. 非洲国家正在通过议会两院制来促进民主。但情况并非总是如此 African countries are adopting two houses of parliament to boost democracy. But that's not always what happens (phys.org)
24. 与抑制香蕉镰刀菌枯萎病有关的土壤养分水平 Soil nutrient levels associated with suppression of banana Fusarium wilt disease (phys.org)
25. 研究强调了计算生物学在微生物群落设计中的作用 Study highlights role of computational biology in microbial community design (phys.org)
26. 研究表明,染色体中 DNA 的组织结构可以用核小体之间微弱的相互作用来解释 Organization of DNA in chromosomes can be explained by weak interactions between nucleosomes, research suggests (phys.org)
27. 西方如何挫败俄罗斯在乌克兰战争中利用北极的企图 How the west is foiling Russia's attempts to use the Arctic in the Ukraine war (phys.org)
28. 催化环境清洁:高活性、高选择性分子催化剂和电化膜 Catalyzing environmental cleanup: A highly active and selective molecular catalyst and electrified membrane (phys.org)
29. 在 CO₂ 转化过程中使用碳基催化剂的开发战略 Development strategies for using carbon-based catalysts in CO₂ conversion (phys.org)
30. 有关冰原冰层形成的发现可改进海平面上升预测 Discovery about ice layer formation in ice sheets can improve sea level rise predictions (phys.org)
31. 研究人员解开氧化铝表面结构的长期之谜 Researchers solve long-standing mystery of alumina surface structure (phys.org)
32. 玉米氮肥的后遗症:研究显示瓦片排水系统受到长期影响 The legacy of corn nitrogen fertilizer: Study shows lengthy impact in tile drained systems (phys.org)
33. 变形鲁莱欧氏三角形谐振器中的旋转对称破缺简化了特殊点的实现 Rotational symmetry breaking in deformed Reuleaux-triangle resonator simplifies exceptional point achievement (phys.org)
34. 发现微生物的饮食偏好会影响深海固碳的效果 Microbe dietary preferences found to influence effectiveness of carbon sequestration in deep ocean (phys.org)
36. 研究发现,关注政治和媒体的 Z 世代倾向于卡马拉-哈里斯 Gen Zers who follow politics and media trend toward Kamala Harris, study finds (phys.org)
37. 气候科学家发现,在目前的排放条件下,2100 年后南极冰层可能迅速消失 Rapid loss of Antarctic ice after 2100 likely under current emissions, climate scientists find (phys.org)
38. 管状支架促进颅骨缺损中干细胞驱动的骨再生 Tubular scaffolds boost stem cell-driven bone regeneration in skull defects (phys.org)
39. 智能超分子组装:研究人员展示添加剂如何促进球形微粒的自组装 Smart supramolecular assemblies: Researchers show how additives promote self-assembly of spherical microparticles (phys.org)
42. 社会因素可决定公司如何在客户做出不当行为后采取最佳应对措施 Societal factors can shape how companies best respond after customers misbehave (phys.org)
43. 与人工智能对话可成功减少对阴谋论的信仰 Conversations with AI can successfully reduce belief in conspiracy theories (phys.org)
44. 新研究揭示厄尔尼诺现象如何导致有史以来最严重的物种大灭绝 New research reveals how El Niño caused the greatest ever mass extinction (phys.org)
45. 气候变化引发的山体滑坡引发 650 英尺高的特大海啸 Climate change-triggered landslide unleashes a 650-foot mega-tsunami (phys.org)
46. 研究显示食物垃圾禁令对减少垃圾填埋无效,马萨诸塞州除外 Study reveals food waste bans ineffective in reducing landfill waste, except in Massachusetts (phys.org)
47. 研究人员旨在通过研究细胞记忆控制基因表达 Researchers aim to control gene expression by studying the memories of cells (phys.org)
48. 大多数美国人不记得第一修正案规定的大多数权利 A majority of Americans can't recall most First Amendment rights (phys.org)
51. 神经网络提高了可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱的量化精度 Neural network improves tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy quantification accuracy (phys.org)
54. 研究揭示了 2.5 万年前冰河时代青少年青春期的真实情况 Research reveals reality of puberty for Ice Age teens from 25,000 years ago (phys.org)
55. 研究发现,英超足球俱乐部的表现会影响学生对大学的选择 English Premier League football club's performance can influence students' choice of university, research finds (phys.org)
56. 研究人员发现地中海大型中上层鱼类体内存在微塑料 Researchers reveal presence of microplastics in large pelagic fish in the Mediterranean (phys.org)
58. 太阳风暴可能导致北半球部分地区一夜之间出现微弱极光 Solar storms may cause faint auroras overnight in parts of Northern Hemisphere (phys.org)
59. 研究不足的蛋白质团对细胞生物化学具有全面影响 Understudied protein blobs have global effects on cell biochemistry (phys.org)
62. 研究人员开发出观察微生物种群相互作用的新技术 Researchers develop new technique to watch microbial populations interact (phys.org)
65. 振兴白菜:揭示耐旱性背后的遗传机制 Revitalizing pak choi: Unveiling the genetic mechanisms behind drought tolerance (phys.org)
66. 研究小组揭示了防止维管植物干细胞分化的调控机制 Team unravels regulatory mechanism that prevents stem cell differentiation in vascular plants (phys.org)
67. 观点:埃隆-马斯克有望成为全球首位万亿富豪--这是市场失灵的迹象 Opinion: Elon Musk is on track to become the world's first trillionaire—it's a sign markets aren't working (phys.org)
68. 荆棘背 "一直在流行--为什么这个过时的词会贬低年轻的单身女性? 'Thornback' keeps trending—here's why this old-fashioned term is derogatory to young, single women (phys.org)
69. 揭开红肉苹果的基因秘密--一个苦乐参半的发现 Unlocking the genetic secrets of red-flesh apples—a bittersweet discovery (phys.org)
70. 光子携带的潜信息成就了超精密光谱仪 Latent information carried by photons enables super-precise spectrometer (phys.org)
71. 发现下班后回复工作邮件会导致倦怠和敌意 Responding to work emails after hours found to contribute to burnout, hostility (phys.org)
72. 生物机器人源自死亡生物的细胞--突破生命、死亡和医学的界限 Biobots arise from the cells of dead organisms—pushing the boundaries of life, death and medicine (phys.org)
73. 1.49 亿年前的翼龙是英国最大的飞行动物--科学家从一根指骨上证明了这一点 A 149 million-year-old pterosaur is Britain's largest flying animal—scientists prove it from a finger bone (phys.org)
74. 量子研究人员在单个原子核中引发受控 "摆动 Quantum researchers cause controlled 'wobble' in the nucleus of a single atom (phys.org)
75. 光谱研究揭示了将 CO₂ 转化为有价值化学品的关键步骤 Spectroscopic study unveils key steps for turning CO₂ into valuable chemicals (phys.org)
76. 农场围栏给寻找水源的乌龟带来了麻烦。如何帮助它们 Farm fences trouble turtles in search of water. Here's how to help (phys.org)
77. 尼日利亚是世界第二大塑料污染国--专家洞察危机 Nigeria is the world's second biggest plastic polluter—expert insights into the crisis (phys.org)
78. 研究称,应区别监管在社交媒体上推广可持续生活方式的影响者 Influencers promoting sustainable lifestyles on social media should be differently regulated, study says (phys.org)
79. 美国国家航空航天局将为探索计划制定月球时间标准 NASA to develop lunar time standard for exploration initiatives (phys.org)
80. 创业潜力:哪一代人最有可能创业成功? Entrepreneurial potential: Which generation is most likely to succeed in business? (phys.org)
81. 观点与其禁止孩子们进入网络空间,我们应该为他们提供什么? Opinion: Instead of banning kids from online spaces, here's what we should offer them instead (phys.org)
82. 研究人员揭示了水-气反向转换反应中氧化钼的原位动态碳化过程 Researchers reveal in-situ dynamic carbonization of Mo oxide in reverse water-gas shift reaction (phys.org)
83. 预测 1000 年后地球的模样有助于寻找先进文明 Projecting what Earth will look like 1,000 years from now could assist in search for advanced civilizations (phys.org)
84. 呼吸生物学研究发现斑马鱼利用味觉测量水中氧气含量 Respiratory biology study finds zebrafish use tastebuds to measure oxygen levels in water (phys.org)
85. 基础自旋电子学研究揭示了磁性二阶拓扑绝缘体的通用方法 Fundamental spintronics research reveals generic approach to magnetic second-order topological insulators (phys.org)
86. 您的孩子经常用棍棒、玩具枪和假剑打架吗?以下是他们这样做的原因 Do your boys fight with sticks, Nerf guns and fake swords all the time? Here's why they do it (phys.org)
87. 利用纳米颗粒自适应修复金属有机框架膜中由应力引起的动态裂缝 Adaptive healing of stress-induced dynamic cracks in a metal-organic framework membrane using nanoparticles (phys.org)
88. 激光和 X 射线组合在细如发丝的金属丝内创造出类似恒星的条件 Laser and X-ray combo creates star-like conditions inside a hair-thin wire (phys.org)
89. 新西兰城市中的重要绿地正在消失--中央和地方政府能做些什么? Vital green spaces are disappearing in NZ cities—what can central and local government do? (phys.org)
90. 几个世纪前的文字记录显示,威尔士周围的海域曾经生机勃勃 Centuries-old written records show the seas around Wales once teemed with life (phys.org)
91. 新的研究表明,植物可以在近乎黑暗的环境中生长--这里有三个很有前景的好处 Plants can grow in near-darkness, new research shows—here are three promising benefits (phys.org)
94. 微生物利用可再生能源将二氧化碳转化为蛋白质和维生素 Powered by renewable energy, microbes turn CO₂ into protein and vitamins (phys.org)
95. 从埃特纳火山到英国:基因揭示了牛津豚草独特的旅程和顽强的生命力 From Mount Etna to the UK: Genetics unveil the Oxford ragwort unique journey and resilience (phys.org)
96. 史无前例的壮举打印出能完全阻挡光线的三维光子晶体 An unprecedented feat: Printing 3D photonic crystals that completely block light (phys.org)
97. 新的体外技术让我们一窥叶绿体车间的全貌 New in-vitro technique provides glimpse into the chloroplast workshop (phys.org)
98. 研究人员利用无孔氧化石墨烯开发出质子屏障薄膜 Researchers develop proton barrier films using pore-free graphene oxide (phys.org)
100. 手性共聚物研究发现:"挑剔 "分子偏爱一个方向而非另一个方向 'Fussy' molecules prefer one direction over the other, chiral copolymer study finds (phys.org)
101. 研究加速了基于人工智能的药物生产粒度检测 Study accelerates AI-based particle size probe for medication manufacturing (phys.org)
102. 发现在果蝇成虫体内产卵的寄生蜂 Parasitoid wasp that lays its eggs inside of adult fruit fly discovered (phys.org)
103. 新型耦合纳米孔平台能更精确地检测分子 Novel coupled nanopore platform offers greater precision for detecting molecules (phys.org)
104. 双向数学 "字典 "可将量子物理学与数论联系起来 Two-way mathematical 'dictionary' could connect quantum physics with number theory (phys.org)
105. 加州空气质量大幅改善,但种族差异依然存在 California has dramatically improved its air quality, but racial disparities persist (phys.org)
106. 不偏不倚地观察植物,揭示它们如何实现转录调控 Unbiased look at plants reveals how they achieve transcriptional regulation (phys.org)
107. 物理学家实现量子纠缠电子的超快转向 Physicists achieve ultrafast steering of quantum-entangled electrons (phys.org)
108. 国际团队发现细胞修复 DNA 损伤的新程序 International team discovers new process for cells to repair DNA damage (phys.org)
109. 新研究显示,圣华金河谷居民吸入化学杀虫剂 Residents in San Joaquin Valley breathe chemical pesticides, according to new study (phys.org)
110. 研究揭示合成方法对无序材料的深远影响 Study reveals profound impact of synthesis method on disordered materials (phys.org)
111. 小行星 99942 阿波菲斯撞击地球的几率略高于想象 Odds of asteroid 99942 Apophis striking Earth slightly higher than thought (phys.org)
112. 植物干细胞新研究揭示植物如何长得更强壮 New research on plant stem cells shines light on how plants grow stronger (phys.org)
114. 酵母产生的致命毒素可能有助于解决手工啤酒酿造中的难题 Killer toxins produced by yeast may help remedy a craft beer brewing bother (phys.org)
115. 超级月亮即将出现在加州上空--同时伴有日偏食:如何观看 Supermoon will soon appear in sky over California—along with partial eclipse: How to watch (phys.org)
119. 亿万富翁走出 SpaceX 太空舱,在地球上空数百英里处进行首次私人太空行走 Billionaire steps out of SpaceX capsule for first private spacewalk hundreds of miles above Earth (phys.org)
120. 研究发现,富人和穷人都大大低估了富人的个人碳足迹 Personal carbon footprint of the rich is vastly underestimated by rich and poor alike, study finds (phys.org)
121. 研究发现:臭氧污染使热带森林年增长率降低 5.1 Ozone pollution reduces yearly tropical forest growth by 5.1%, study finds (phys.org)
122. 新的鱼类化石物种扩大了地球进化进程的证据范围 New fossil fish species scales up evidence of Earth's evolutionary march (phys.org)
123. 利用人工智能、机器学习和自动化提高粒子加速器的效率 Boosting particle accelerator efficiency with AI, machine learning and automation (phys.org)
124. 水文气候研究发现地球倾角的自然变化影响降水和湿度 Hydroclimate study finds natural variations in Earth's tilt affect precipitation and humidity (phys.org)
126. 亿万富翁与 SpaceX 公司的太空行走在地球上空数百英里处被推迟数小时 Billionaire's spacewalk with SpaceX delayed several hours hundreds of miles above Earth (phys.org)
127. 1856 年在大西洋沉没的法国蒸汽船残骸被发现 Wreck discovered of French steamship that sank in Atlantic in 1856 (phys.org)
129. 一对罕见的阿穆尔虎幼崽首次亮相明尼苏达动物园,为濒危物种带来希望 Pair of rare Amur tiger cubs debuting at Minnesota Zoo are raising hopes for the endangered species (phys.org)
130. 纽约州北部的三叶虫化石显示出 "额外 "的双腿 Trilobite fossils from upstate New York reveal 'extra' set of legs (phys.org)
131. 如果能更好地共享地球的关键资源,报告概述了地球和人类的繁荣之路 Report outlines a path to prosperity for planet and people if Earth's critical resources are better shared (phys.org)
134. 在线约会网站:潜在交友人群的规模决定一切 Online dating sites: The size of the potential dating pool makes all the difference (phys.org)
135. 橄榄树的蓝图:高品质橄榄油生产的关键因素 The olive tree's blueprint: Key insights into high-quality oil production (phys.org)
137. 中国碳中和目标省级分析的 CGE 模型 A CGE model for provincial analysis of China's carbon neutrality target (phys.org)
139. 报告建议 "雄心勃勃的企业 "创建英国微生物组生物库 Report recommends 'highly ambitious enterprise' to create UK microbiome biobank (phys.org)
141. 报告:大多数消费者对再生农业不熟悉或略知一二 Report: Most consumers are unfamiliar or only slightly familiar with regenerative agriculture (phys.org)
142. 五国研究发现,消费者对果蔬中的农药残留保持警惕 Consumers are wary of pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables, five-country study finds (phys.org)
143. 解码白术:适应和新陈代谢的基因组之旅 Decoding Atractylodes lancea: A genomic journey through adaptation and metabolism (phys.org)
144. 人参皂苷生物合成与调控研究综述 Study reviews ginsenoside biosynthesis and regulation in Panax notoginseng (phys.org)
145. 阐明配子发生过程中新膜形成的机制 Elucidating the mechanism underlying de novo membrane formation during gametogenesis (phys.org)
146. 观测研究支持挑战宇宙大爆炸的百年理论 Observational study supports century-old theory that challenges the Big Bang (phys.org)
147. 研究人员证实,约 1.3 万年前,克洛维斯人每年都会使用五大湖营地 Clovis people used Great Lakes camp annually about 13,000 years ago, researchers confirm (phys.org)
148. 美国国家航空航天局宇航员将在月球南极遇到的 9 个现象 9 phenomena NASA astronauts will encounter at Moon's south pole (phys.org)
149. 人类 "分子地图 "有助于了解疾病机制 Human 'molecular map' contributes to the understanding of disease mechanisms (phys.org)
151. 研究表明,为家庭提供支持的新警务角色大有裨益 Research shows benefits of new policing role that offers support to families (phys.org)
152. 星舰 "超重型 "轻而易举地通过了美国国家航空航天局埃姆斯分局的风洞试验 Starship Super Heavy breezes through wind tunnel testing at NASA Ames (phys.org)
157. 问与答:专家讨论圣贝纳迪诺大火对南加州社区大气的持续影响 Q&A: Experts discuss ongoing atmospheric effects of San Bernardino fires on Southern California communities (phys.org)
158. 研究小组开发出绘制太空化石燃料排放图的新工具 Team develops new tool to map fossil fuel emissions from space (phys.org)
159. 研究人员研究东非人道主义援助减少对经济的影响 Researcher looks at economic impact of reduced humanitarian assistance in East Africa (phys.org)
160. 研究发现:DNA 去甲基化可增强番茄对灰霉病的抵抗力 DNA demethylation boosts tomato resistance to gray mold, study finds (phys.org)
161. 来自世界各地的生物地球化学科学家发表关于解决 "隐性 "磷问题的立场文件 Biogeochemistry scientists from around the world publish position paper on tackling 'hidden' phosphorus (phys.org)
162. 红外热成像技术可远距离对动物压力进行可靠评估 Infrared thermal imaging enables reliable assessment of animal stress from distance (phys.org)
164. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)科学家首次在实验室中再现火星蜘蛛状地质构造 NASA scientists recreate Mars's spider-shaped geologic formations in lab for the first time (phys.org)
165. 太空旅行:利用氮化硼纳米管纤维防止宇宙辐射 Space travel: Protection from cosmic radiation with boron nitride nanotube fibers (phys.org)
168. 研究表明,在短期变暖的情况下,高安第斯湿地会释放出更多的二氧化碳 High-Andean wetlands release more CO₂ under short-term warming, study suggests (phys.org)
169. Daniel K. Inouye 太阳望远镜绘制出首张日冕磁场图 Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope produces its first magnetic field maps of the sun's corona (phys.org)
170. 大猩猩食用的四种植物也用于传统医药,它们为新药研发提供了线索 Four plants eaten by gorillas, also used in traditional medicine, provide clues for new drug discovery (phys.org)
171. 数据显示,雅各布-布莱克枪击案发生后,芝加哥黑人居民对警察的信任度有所下降 Data show trust in police declined among Black Chicago residents after Jacob Blake shooting (phys.org)
172. 以立法对抗野火:培养国会工作人员制定有效解决方案的能力 Fighting wildfires with legislation: Preparing congressional staffers to craft effective solutions (phys.org)
173. 研究人员通过 "分子灭绝 "发现新的抗感染分子 Researchers uncover new infection-fighting molecules through 'molecular de-extinction' (phys.org)
174. 新经典算法加深了人们对量子计算未来的理解 New classical algorithm enhances understanding of quantum computing's future (phys.org)
175. 联盟号飞船搭载两名俄罗斯人和一名美国人前往空间站 Soyuz craft heads to space station with 2 Russians and 1 American (phys.org)
176. 玉米粒形种子颗粒将为帝王斑鸠和蜜蜂提供更多栖息地 Corn-shaped seed pellets to boost habitat for monarchs, bees (phys.org)
178. 晶体蕴藏着火山的秘密历史--以及有关未来火山爆发的线索 Crystals hold a secret history of volcanoes—and clues about future eruptions (phys.org)
179. 新书探讨了技术在解决粮食系统问题方面的局限性 New book explores the limits of technology in addressing food system problems (phys.org)
180. 纽约州和佛蒙特州岌岌可危的岩石为地震摇晃提供了限制 Precariously balanced rocks in New York, Vermont provide limits on earthquake shaking (phys.org)
182. 克服磁场紊乱:迈向低能拓扑电子学 Overcoming magnetic disorder: Toward low-energy topological electronics (phys.org)
183. 研究人员揭示 X-ide 钴电催化剂背后的机理 Researchers reveal the mechanisms behind cobalt X-ide electrocatalysts (phys.org)
184. 研究将电动汽车充电站与当地商业活动的增加联系起来 Study links EV charging stations to increased local business activity (phys.org)
185. 图片:詹姆斯-韦伯太空望远镜用红外线观测附近的恒星形成区 NGC 1333 Image: James Webb Space Telescope observes nearby star-forming region NGC 1333 in infrared (phys.org)
187. 问与答:北极毛细血管--瞬息万变的地貌中令人大开眼界的症状 Q&A: Arctic capillaries—an eye-opening symptom in a swiftly changing landscape (phys.org)
188. 超光谱显微镜揭示了赋予蝴蝶色彩的纳米结构 Hyperspectral microscopy reveals the nanostructures that give butterflies their colors (phys.org)
191. 基因组分析证实了伊比利亚马鹿在欧洲的独特性 Genomic analysis confirms the uniqueness of Iberian red deer in Europe (phys.org)
192. 建模研究解释了亚马逊为何是生物多样性的天堂 Modeling study explains why amazon is such a biodiverse paradise (phys.org)
193. 如果你的工作场所正在下沉,了解去留的四种方法 Four ways to know whether to stay or go if your workplace is a sinking ship (phys.org)
194. 意见:为什么有些政客渴望你的愤怒--以及抵制这种游戏的三种方法 Opinion: Why some politicians crave your rage—and three ways to resist the game (phys.org)
195. 观点:孟加拉国的公务员制度深受腐败问题困扰--不进行重大改革,国家就无法重新站立起来 Opinion: Bangladesh's civil service is plagued by corruption—the country can't get back on its feet without major reform (phys.org)
196. 您应该给孩子一部 "傻瓜 "手机吗?孩子使用社交媒体的担忧可能并不全是手机惹的祸 Should you give your child a 'dumb' phone? They may not be the answer to fears over kids' social media use (phys.org)
197. 尼日利亚农民缺乏保险:天气数据触发的赔付提供了一种解决方案 Nigerian farmers lack insurance: Payouts triggered by weather data offer a solution (phys.org)
198. 南苏丹洪灾:气候变化导致大批人口永久流离失所的第一个例子? South Sudan floods: The first example of a mass population permanently displaced by climate change? (phys.org)
199. 燃料短缺,药房裸露:与中国可能爆发的战争 Fuel shortages and bare pharmacies: What a possible war with China could look like (phys.org)
200. 问与答:2023 年美国官方贫困率有所下降,但更多人面临经济困难 Q&A: Official US poverty rate declined in 2023, but more people faced economic hardship (phys.org)
201. 经济学家称,特朗普的减税政策导致慈善捐赠在一年内减少 200 亿美元 Trump's tax cuts led to a $20B reduction in charitable giving within a year, says economist (phys.org)
202. 须鲸是地球上最大的生物之一--科学揭示了它们体型的新秘密 Baleen whales are among the biggest creatures on Earth—science is revealing new secrets about their size (phys.org)
203. 全球标准的微小更新如何有助于提高气候变化意识 How a small update in global standards can contribute to climate change awareness (phys.org)
204. 埋藏的宝藏:种子如何帮助我们了解澳大利亚地貌中的火 Buried treasures: How seeds help us learn about fire in the Australian landscape (phys.org)
205. 气候变化和无节制的人口增长导致沿海城市越来越容易遭受飓风袭击 Coastal cities' growing hurricane vulnerability fed by both climate change and unbridled population growth (phys.org)
206. 为什么澳大利亚和太平洋地区被选为联合国气候谈判的主办国意义重大? Why it's a big deal if Australia and the Pacific are chosen to host UN climate talks (phys.org)
207. 研究显示,有趣的评论有助于吸引消费者,刺激冲动购买--但也有一定的道理 Funny reviews help engage consumers, fueling impulse buys—to a point, study shows (phys.org)
208. 开放源码图像正在改变对国际犯罪的调查,但法官如何知道图像是否真实? Open-source imagery is transforming investigations of international crimes—but how do judges know if it's real? (phys.org)
209. 雨林碳损失:航空扫描揭示退化是亚马逊森林排放的关键诱因 Rainforest carbon loss: Aerial scans reveal degradation key trigger of Amazon forest emissions (phys.org)
211. 研究发现,在纽约州的鹿类食腐动物中,秃鹰面临的铅风险最高 Bald eagles face highest lead risk of New York State deer scavengers, research finds (phys.org)
214. 蛋白质如何与基因组的封闭区域结合以促进细胞分化和发育 How proteins bind to closed regions of the genome to facilitate cell differentiation and development (phys.org)
215. 利用库仑二重性实现卓越的光-化学能量转换 Superior light-to-chemical energy conversion with Coulombic dyads (phys.org)
217. 重新评估佛罗里达洋流的稳定性:40 年观测的新发现 Reassessing the stability of the Florida Current: New insights from 40 years of observations (phys.org)
220. 超越针头:采用基于自然的新方法向卵细胞输送货物 Beyond needles: Introducing a new, nature-based approach for delivering cargo into egg cells (phys.org)
221. 碳水化合物聚合物可能是水净化的甜蜜解决方案 Carbohydrate polymers could be a sweet solution for water purification (phys.org)
222. 来自复活节岛拉帕努伊的古 DNA 驳斥了最畅销的人口崩溃理论 Ancient DNA from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) refutes best-selling population collapse theory (phys.org)
223. 科学家将正电子冷却到接近绝对零度,用于反物质研究 Scientists cool positronium to near absolute zero for antimatter research (phys.org)
224. 二维物质新阶段的发现违背了正常的统计力学 Discovery of a new phase of matter in 2D defies normal statistical mechanics (phys.org)
226. 海洋中最丰富的细菌如何影响全球营养物质流 How the oceans' most abundant bacteria impact global nutrient flows (phys.org)
227. 考古学家发现一个古老的尼安德特人血统,该血统与世隔绝了 5 万多年 Archaeologists discover an ancient Neanderthal lineage that remained isolated for over 50,000 years (phys.org)
228. 研究表明,花朵上的长茎是一种鼓励蝙蝠授粉的适应性特征 Long stems on flowers are an adaptation that encourages bat pollination, research suggests (phys.org)
229. 河内水位创 20 年新高,东南亚台风造成的死亡人数接近 200 人 Hanoi river level hits 20-year high as SE Asia typhoon toll nears 200 (phys.org)
230. 亿万富翁首次尝试私人太空行走,太空行走成为富人的新领地 Spacewalking is the new domain of the rich as billionaire attempts first private spacewalk (phys.org)
231. 理解消费者和经济学家对市场截然不同的看法 Making sense of the strikingly different ways consumers and economists view markets (phys.org)
232. 铬掺杂可提高催化剂性能,加快氧气进化速度 Chromium doping enhances catalyst performance for faster oxygen evolution (phys.org)
233. 天文学家在一个异常进化的双星系统中发现了一个隐藏已久的小黑洞 Astronomers discover a long-hidden small black hole in an unusually evolved binary system (phys.org)
236. 谷歌量子人工智能展示量子记忆系统,大大降低错误率 Google Quantum AI demonstrates a quantum memory system that greatly reduces error rates (phys.org)
237. 丹佛一条河沟的水道改造可能意味着要拆迁数十栋房屋--但计划仍在变化中 Denver waterway improvements on one gulch could mean taking dozens of homes—but plans are still in flux (phys.org)
238. 波音公司的 "星际客机 "遇到麻烦,西澳大利亚的航天工业却蓬勃发展 Amid Boeing's Starliner troubles, WA space industry thrives (phys.org)
240. 加利福尼亚州濒危物种灭绝百年后重现生机 Endangered species rebounds in California a century after being wiped out (phys.org)
241. 鲨鱼为何来到波士顿港?研究人员认为这是一个育儿场 Why are sharks coming to Boston Harbor? Researchers believe it's a nursery ground (phys.org)
242. 研究表明,清洁濑鱼在决定是否战斗之前会照镜子检查自己的身体大小 Cleaner wrasse check their body size in mirror before deciding whether to fight, research demonstrates (phys.org)
246. 日本采取过度旅游措施后富士山人流减少 Mount Fuji crowds shrink after Japan brings in overtourism measures (phys.org)
247. 微小膝骨的多种进化方式可能有助于人类直立行走 Multiple ways to evolve tiny knee bone could have helped humans walk upright (phys.org)
248. 导致气候变暖的强效气体甲烷的污染量剧增,而这主要归咎于人类 Pollution of the potent warming gas methane soars and people are mostly to blame (phys.org)
249. 由于人类的存在,咸海水域过于嘈杂,导致虎鲸无法成功捕食 Thanks to humans, Salish Sea waters are too noisy for resident orcas to hunt successfully (phys.org)
250. 简化美国原住民保留地的能源法规有助于减轻贫困 Streamlining energy regulations on Native American reservations could help alleviate poverty (phys.org)
251. COVID-19 对中国农业碳排放的深远影响 The profound impact of COVID-19 on China's agricultural carbon emissions (phys.org)
252. 不仅仅是地图:新地图集通过人类背景捕捉全球河流系统的状况 More than maps: New atlas captures the state of global river systems through human context (phys.org)
253. 科学展项目带来新研究,解释 "咕噜咕噜 "效应 Science fair project leads to new research explaining the glugging effect (phys.org)
254. 研究为美国龙虾渔业的恢复能力带来希望 Study offers hope for the resilience of the American lobster fishery (phys.org)
257. 发现夏季风暴在城市地区更强烈、更频繁 Summer storms found to be stronger and more frequent over urban areas (phys.org)
258. 研究证明猫冠状病毒在家猫和野猫之间传播 Study proves transfer of feline coronavirus between domestic and wild cats (phys.org)
261. 亚马逊河干涸,为村民带来地狱般的渡河体验 An Amazon river dries up, creating hellish crossing for villagers (phys.org)
263. 在深海中滚动:利用机器学习模型,几秒钟内就能预测街道洪水 Rolling in the deep: Street flooding can be predicted in seconds with machine learning models (phys.org)
266. 研究人员发现,在印度,犯罪政客增加了犯罪,包括针对妇女的犯罪 In India, criminal politicians increase crime, including crime against women, researcher finds (phys.org)
267. 研究报告:教育工作者表示,爱荷华州具有分歧的概念法使教学复杂化 Study: Educators say Iowa's divisive concepts law complicates teaching (phys.org)
268. 研究员:十年来,我每周都会去落基山的同一片亚高山草甸。以下是我的心得体会 Researcher: I've visited the same Rocky Mountain subalpine meadow weekly for a decade. Here's what I learned (phys.org)
269. 科学家仍在探索的植物繁殖的迷人秘密 The fascinating secrets of plant reproduction that scientists are still uncovering (phys.org)
270. 意见:研究人员没有充分考虑到生物学中的变异--这样做可能会带来新的理解 Opinion: Researchers don't take enough account of variation in biology—doing so could unlock new understanding (phys.org)
271. 鲸鱼正从濒临灭绝的状态中恢复过来,但南极洲周围的工业化捕捞争夺了它们唯一的食物来源 Whales are recovering from near extinction, but industrial fishing around Antarctica competes for their sole food source (phys.org)
272. 问与答:劫掠苏丹国家博物馆--利害攸关的不仅仅是无价的古代珍宝 Q&A: Looting of the Sudan National Museum—more is at stake than priceless ancient treasures (phys.org)
273. 首次出版 J.R.R. 托尔金诗集,为了解作者的个性提供了新的视角 First publication of J.R.R. Tolkien's collected poems offers new insights into author's personality (phys.org)
274. 出国度假的印度人比以往任何时候都多。他们去了哪里,为什么? More Indians than ever are going on holiday abroad. Where are they heading and why? (phys.org)
275. 史蒂夫-比科遇害案暴露了南非医学教学和实践中的深刻种族主义倾向 Steve Biko's murder exposed deep racism in how medicine was taught and practiced in South Africa (phys.org)
277. 将两种技术与机器学习结合起来的诊断测试,可能为家庭测试带来新模式 Diagnostic test that combines two technologies with machine learning could lead to new paradigm for at-home testing (phys.org)
279. 高通量生物传感器测量预示疾病的代谢物水平 High-throughput biosensor measures metabolite levels that indicate disease (phys.org)
280. 欧洲未能协调农业食品行业的可持续性报告工作 Europe fails to harmonize sustainability reporting in the agri-food sector (phys.org)
285. 新型量子点水凝胶提高了光热转换效率 Novel quantum dot hydrogel shows improved photothermal conversion efficiency (phys.org)
286. 多生几个孩子有人说这是必要的,但这位人口学家却不以为然 'Have more babies!' Some say it's necessary, but this demographer isn't convinced (phys.org)
287. 青藏高原出现前所未有的热浪:研究凸显陆地与大气的相互作用 Unprecedented heat wave on the Tibetan plateau: Study highlights land-atmosphere interactions (phys.org)
288. 苏格兰最弱势的儿童要等待数年才能被安置到永久性家庭:报告 Scotland's most vulnerable children wait years for placement in permanent homes: Report (phys.org)
291. 研究人员确定了抗阿希纳菌药物开发和 AMR 防范的新工具 Researchers identify new tools for anti-Acinetobacter drug development and AMR preparedness (phys.org)
293. 为最小的村庄供电不可能减少贫困 Bringing electricity to the smallest villages is not likely to reduce poverty (phys.org)
294. 在马拉巴尔石斑鱼的早期幼虫阶段发现了令人惊讶的激素相关基因活动 Surprising hormone-related gene activity discovered in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper (phys.org)
296. 研究人员开发出简化蜂窝陶瓷制造工艺的创新方法 Researchers develop innovative method to simplify manufacturing process of cellular ceramic (phys.org)
297. 研究确定欧洲因亚洲虎蚊传播而面临登革热风险的地区 Study identifies areas of Europe at risk from dengue fever due to spread of Asian tiger mosquito (phys.org)
299. 核磁共振光谱法为确定分子的手性结构提供了更快的方法 NMR spectroscopy method provides faster way to determine chiral structure of molecules (phys.org)