1. 新研究显示,推迟净零过渡可能会造成巨大的经济损失 Delaying the net zero transition could impose significant economic costs, new research reveals (phys.org)
2. 一半是冰,一半是火物理学家在磁性材料中发现物质的新阶段 ''Half ice, half fire'': Physicists discover new phase of matter in a magnetic material (phys.org)
3. 研究发现移动细胞的普遍性--这一发现可能对健康和机器人技术产生影响 Study finds universality in moving cells—a discovery that could impact health and robotics (phys.org)
4. 研究显示:提供带薪休假可大幅降低员工辞职几率 Offering paid time off dramatically cuts odds of employees quitting their jobs, study reveals (phys.org)
5. 荧光洞穴可解释生命如何在地外环境中持续存在 Fluorescent caves could explain how life persists in extraterrestrial environments (phys.org)
6. 新书探讨了从爱尔兰到乌克兰等 11 个国家的择校问题 New book explores school choice in 11 countries from Ireland to Ukraine (phys.org)
7. 南加州中毒海狮数量激增,威胁海滩游客,加重救援人员负担 Surge in poisoned sea lions threatens beachgoers, burdens rescuers in Southern California (phys.org)
8. 内斯科特狗的遗骸让人了解罗马英国人的祭祀活动 Nescot dog remains provide insight into Romano-British ritual practices (phys.org)
9. SpaceX 公司从卡纳维拉尔角发射机密 NROL-69 任务 SpaceX launches classified NROL-69 mission from Cape Canaveral (phys.org)
10. 新发现化石地点的放射性同位素年龄为哺乳动物的进化提供了线索 Radioisotopic ages of newly discovered fossil sites hold clues to evolution of mammals (phys.org)
11. 天文学家深入了解 NGC 7793星系的热气态光环 Astronomers provide insights into the hot gaseous halo of galaxy NGC 7793 (phys.org)
15. 墓葬中的骨骼分析发现,勤劳的人被埋葬在精英阶层中 Skeletal analysis in Tombos tombs finds hardworking individuals buried among the elite (phys.org)
16. 研究显示,个体渔民在生成环境数据方面几乎与卫星一样准确 Artisanal fishers are almost as accurate as satellites in producing environmental data, study shows (phys.org)
17. 非传统类型的量子计算机如何打开通往基本粒子世界的新大门 How an unconventional type of quantum computer opens a new door to the world of elementary particles (phys.org)
20. 微小晶体的光诱导对称性变化使研究人员能够创造出具有定制特性的材料 Light-induced symmetry changes in tiny crystals allow researchers to create materials with tailored properties (phys.org)
24. 党参根的化学分析显示,化合物具有显著的血管扩张作用 Chemical analysis of Codonopsis lanceolata roots shows significant vasodilatory effects from compound (phys.org)
25. 研究显示,以色列公众更喜欢更快的地震预警--即使以降低准确性为代价 Israeli public prefers faster earthquake warnings—even at the cost of lower accuracy, study reveals (phys.org)
27. 如何从木材和塑料废弃物中提取有价值的物质 How valuable substances can be extracted from wood and plastic waste (phys.org)
29. 尼日利亚的玉米种植:更好地预测虫害和气候风险 Maize cultivation in Nigeria: Better predicting pest and climate risks (phys.org)
30. 研究发现:树木多样性有助于森林缓冲酷暑和严寒 Tree diversity helps forests buffer extreme heat and cold, study finds (phys.org)
31. 研究发现几内亚比绍宠物黑猩猩的非法贸易 Research uncovers the illegal trade of pet chimpanzees from Guinea-Bissau (phys.org)
32. 在初榨橄榄油和松子消费中预防食品欺诈的进展情况 Advances to prevent food fraud in the consumption of virgin olive oil and pine nuts (phys.org)
34. 韦伯揭开 "宇宙龙卷风 "螺旋星系的真面目 Webb unmasks true nature of the ''Cosmic Tornado'' spiral galaxy (phys.org)
36. OQTOPUS:研究人员推出开源量子计算机操作系统 OQTOPUS: Researchers launch open-source quantum computer operating system (phys.org)
37. 管理波罗的海遗留弹药:AL628 号考察队调查可疑地点 Managing legacy munitions in the Baltic Sea: Expedition AL628 investigates suspect sites (phys.org)
38. 光如何稳定应激反应蛋白,帮助植物在恶劣环境中生存 How light stabilizes a stress-response protein to help plants survive harsh environments (phys.org)
39. 在日新月异的黄石国家公园,一个新的热蒸汽喷口正吸引着人们的目光 A new thermal steam vent is grabbing attention in ever-changing Yellowstone National Park (phys.org)
40. 女农民面临的压力:研究指出,动物损失和继承规划是主要压力因素 Stressors female farmers face: Study cites animal loss, succession planning as key stressors (phys.org)
42. 研究发现,能从未来或过去的角度看待挑战的领导者可能会卓有成效 Leaders who can view challenges in a future or past perspective likely to be effective, study finds (phys.org)
45. 研究显示,多达 30% 的榉树死于榉树叶病 As many as 30% of beech trees killed by beech leaf disease, study shows (phys.org)
46. 是时候停止指责蝙蝠和蝾螈阻碍发展了吗?新基金可支持自然,缓解建筑延误 Time to stop blaming bats and newts for blocking development? A new fund could support nature and ease building delays (phys.org)
47. 当系统突然倾斜时:对难以预测的转变的新认识 When systems suddenly tip: New insights into hard-to-predict transitions (phys.org)
48. 新研究揭示了氢离子和氢氧根离子中和的关键途径 New study uncovers key pathways in hydronium and hydroxide ion neutralization (phys.org)
52. 创新论坛:扭转社区暴力轨迹的伟大构想 Innovation forums: Big ideas to reverse trajectory of community violence (phys.org)
54. 距离更近,速度更快:连接人工智能与量子计算的新型低温内存计算方案 Meters closer, miles faster: A novel cryogenic in-memory computing scheme to bridge AI with quantum computing (phys.org)
55. 用于可持续废水修复的多功能复合催化剂 A multifunctional composite catalyst for sustainable wastewater remediation (phys.org)
56. 山脉是生物多样性的引擎:隆起如何影响物种进化 Mountains as biodiversity engines: How uplift may shape species evolution (phys.org)
58. 缩放偏差:视频会议中 "尖锐 "声音的社会成本 Zoom bias: The social costs of having a ''tinny'' sound during video conferences (phys.org)
61. 人行横道背后的秘密--为什么有些横道会陷入混乱 The secret behind pedestrian crossings—and why some spiral into chaos (phys.org)
62. 基因组测序揭示了使微生物产生抗药性和难以杀死的未知基因 Genomic sequencing reveals previously unknown genes that make microbes resistant to drugs and hard to kill (phys.org)
63. 富裕的非洲人经常不交税。专家说,答案在于更聪明地收税 Wealthy Africans often don''t pay tax. The answer lies in smarter collection, says expert (phys.org)
64. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的科学家们正在记录野花盛开的时间,以了解我们这个不断变化的星球 NASA scientists are clocking wildflower blooms to understand our ever-changing planet (phys.org)
65. 野火、暴风和热浪:极端天气如何威胁大自然的基本服务 Wildfires, windstorms and heat waves: How extreme weather threatens nature''s essential services (phys.org)
66. 牛对牛结核病的易感性可追溯到关键基因 Susceptibility to bovine tuberculosis in cattle traced to key genes (phys.org)
67. 研究警告:碳循环反馈可能放大全球变暖风险 Carbon cycle feedbacks may amplify global heating risk, study warns (phys.org)
68. 图案化自旋电子发射器实现了室温太赫兹极化控制,适用于无线和生物医学应用 Patterned spintronic emitter enables room-temperature THz polarization control for wireless and biomedical applications (phys.org)
69. 为下一代太空探索开发的可扩展纳米技术光帆 Scalable nanotechnology-based lightsails developed for next-generation space exploration (phys.org)
70. 黑猩猩''工程师''对理解人类技术进化具有启示意义 ''Chimpanzee ''engineers'' have implications for understanding human technological evolution (phys.org)
71. 机械力如何编码细胞功能并导致纤维化 How mechanical forces can encode function in cells and lead to fibrosis (phys.org)
74. 打破抗生素细菌的保护壳研究为抗击肺炎链球菌提供启示 Breaking antibiotic-resistant bacteria''s protective capsules: Study offers insights into combating S. pneumoniae (phys.org)
75. 莫伊里克现象法相使层间激子在低温下移动,从而实现量子稳定性 Moiré than meets the eye: Phasons enable interlayer excitons to move at low temperatures for quantum stability (phys.org)
76. 谜底揭晓:我们的测试揭示了南澳海滩上杀死鱼类和危害冲浪者的微小藻类 Mystery solved: Our tests reveal the tiny algae killing fish and harming surfers on SA beaches (phys.org)
77. 寻找难以捉摸的量子粒子?研究人员建议,试试劣质金属 Looking for elusive quantum particles? Try a bad metal, researchers suggest (phys.org)
78. 小行星 2024 YR 可能不会在 2032 年撞击地球,但它和其他小行星会不断回来 Asteroid 2024 YR may not hit Earth in 2032, but it—and others—will keep coming back (phys.org)
79. 给河流以活动空间:重新思考洪水管理如何造福人类和自然 Giving rivers room to move: How rethinking flood management can benefit people and nature (phys.org)
83. 最新物理模型有助于重建末次冰期后海平面的突然大幅上升 Updated physical model helps reconstruct sudden, dramatic sea level rise after last ice age (phys.org)
84. 中国批准在西藏易发生山体滑坡地区实施有争议的水电项目 China authorizes controversial hydropower project in landslide-prone region of Tibet (phys.org)
85. 削减对不平等、差距和其他 DEIA 课题的研究会损害科学 Cuts to research into inequality, disparities and other DEIA topics harm science (phys.org)
87. 从暴雨到干旱气候变化加速水循环,引发更多极端天气 From deluges to drought: Climate change speeds up water cycle, triggers more extreme weather (phys.org)
88. 欧洲一家初创公司在首次试飞中放弃了发射轨道火箭的尝试 A European startup scrubs its attempt to launch an orbital rocket on its first test flight (phys.org)
90. 南极洲极光冰川下盆地水流的过去和未来建模 Modeling the past and future of Antarctica''s Aurora Subglacial Basin water flow (phys.org)
91. 采用钻石自旋量子比特的高精度量子门误差率低于 0.1% High-precision quantum gates with diamond spin qubits achieve error rate below 0.1% (phys.org)
92. 利用二氧化碳产生氧气的电化学过程可用于太空 Electrochemical process that uses carbon dioxide to produce oxygen could be used in space (phys.org)
93. 引进的太平洋牡蛎为澳大利亚港口河的生物多样性带来益处 Introduced Pacific oysters provide biodiversity benefits in Australia''s Port River (phys.org)
96. 事件视界望远镜可近距离研究黑洞的加速喷流 Event Horizon Telescope allows close study of accelerating jets from black holes (phys.org)
97. 分析模型预测细菌如何通过障碍物进行传播 Analytical model predicts how bacteria navigate obstacles to spread (phys.org)
98. 澳大利亚学校需要进行广泛的系统改革,以实现公平目标 Wide system changes needed for Australian schools to reach equity goals (phys.org)
99. 染色体是如何为细胞分裂塑形的?科学家揭示 DNA 环形成机制 How chromosomes shape up for cell division: Scientists reveal DNA loop formation mechanisms (phys.org)
100. 加利福尼亚州禁止使用聚苯乙烯:那么,为什么商店货架上还有这种材料? California banned polystyrene: So why is it still on store shelves? (phys.org)
103. 呼吸-孑子激光研究揭示同步现象的新复杂性 Breathing-soliton laser study unveils new complexities in synchronization phenomena (phys.org)
104. 面对飙升的山体滑坡成本,帕洛斯维第斯考虑对标志性沿海公路收费 Faced with soaring landslide costs, Palos Verdes considers toll on iconic coastal road (phys.org)
105. 研究发现,气候变暖和热浪正在加速全球湖泊脱氧 Climate warming and heat waves are accelerating global lake deoxygenation, study finds (phys.org)
106. 研究人员利用合成酵母菌群实现植物木酚素的从头生物合成 Researchers achieve de novo biosynthesis of plant lignans using synthetic yeast consortia (phys.org)
107. 磁性纳米粒子将药物输送到肿瘤深处,减缓癌症生长 Magnetic nanoparticles transport drugs deep into tumors to slow cancer growth (phys.org)
110. 大自然的时光机长期研究如何揭开进化的秘密 Nature''s time machine: How long-term studies unlock evolution''s secrets (phys.org)
112. 科学家改造海星细胞,使其能随光线变化而变形 Scientists engineer starfish cells to shape-shift in response to light (phys.org)
113. 历史上的强盗 "Schinderhannes "已被确认:约 220 年前骸骨被混在一起 Historical robber ''Schinderhannes'' clearly identified: Skeletons were mixed up about 220 years ago (phys.org)
114. 白领犯罪:"堕落 "与重返社会的耻辱 White-collar crimes: ''Fall from grace'' and the stigma of reentry into society (phys.org)
115. 太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)计划本月底执行私人宇航员极地轨道任务 Fram2 SpaceX targets end of month for private astronaut polar orbit mission Fram2 (phys.org)
117. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)网站不再宣传阿尔忒弥斯号的 "第一位登月女性 NASA websites no longer promote ''first woman'' on the moon for Artemis (phys.org)
118. 研究人员利用衍射光学揭开单向光聚焦的神秘面纱 Researchers unveil unidirectional light focusing using diffractive optics (phys.org)
119. 用动态保护模式拥抱变化:研究挑战传统的保护区方法 Embrace change with dynamic conservation models: Study challenges traditional protected area approach (phys.org)
120. 新型给药方法有望以更少的注射次数获得长达数月的疗效 New drug delivery method promises months-long effects with fewer injections (phys.org)
122. 欧洲一家初创公司将在首次试飞中发射一枚轨道火箭 A European startup is set to launch an orbital rocket on its first test flight (phys.org)
123. 科学与传统的结合有助于修复中国故宫文物 A mix of science and tradition helps restore relics in China''s Forbidden City (phys.org)
124. 古老的植物调查帮助研究人员追踪澳大利亚岛屿上植物的变化情况 Old botanical surveys help researchers track how plants on Australia''s islands are changing (phys.org)
125. 缩小宇宙微波背景与第一批星系之间的差距 Bridging the gap between the cosmic microwave background and the first galaxies (phys.org)
126. 天文学家公布第一批恒星和星系的 "婴儿照片 Astronomers unveil ''baby pictures'' of the first stars and galaxies (phys.org)
128. 下一代人工智能硬件:三维光子电子平台提升效率和带宽 Next-generation AI hardware: 3D photonic-electronic platform boosts efficiency and bandwidth (phys.org)
129. 发酵粉和小苏打有什么区别?微妙但重要 What''s the difference between baking powder and baking soda? It''s subtle, but significant (phys.org)
130. 研究人员发现了唯一不会跳跃的袋鼠--它可以告诉我们袋鼠是如何进化出奇特步态的 Researches find the only kangaroo that doesn''t hop—and it can teach us how roos evolved their quirky gait (phys.org)
131. AMoRE 实验为¹⁰⁰Mo 的无中子双贝塔衰变设定了新限制 AMoRE experiment sets new limits on neutrinoless double beta decay of ¹⁰⁰Mo (phys.org)
132. 葡萄园的守护者警犬与化学合力防治白粉病 Guardians of the vineyard: Canines and chemistry work to combat powdery mildew (phys.org)
133. 同行评审旨在防止科学不端行为:但它也有自己的问题 Peer review is meant to prevent scientific misconduct: But it has its own problems (phys.org)
134. 树突棘了解记忆如何在时间中联系的关键 Dendritic spines: The key to understanding how memories are linked in time (phys.org)
135. 我们发现了一种新的黄蜂澳大利亚学生通过公民科学发现昆虫物种 We found a new wasp! Students in Australia are discovering insect species through citizen science (phys.org)
136. 欧几里得打开数据宝库,让人们一窥深层领域的奥秘 Euclid opens data treasure trove, offers glimpse of deep fields (phys.org)
137. 英国有近 100 万年轻人没有工作或接受教育;证据显示,有哪些方法可以改变这种状况 Britain has almost 1 million young people not in work or education; here''s what evidence shows can change that (phys.org)
139. 进化:有助于寻找配偶的特征可能导致大脑变小 Evolution: Features that help in finding a mate may lead to smaller brains (phys.org)
140. 实验表明灰海豹能监测自己的血氧含量以防止溺水 Experiments show gray seals can monitor their own blood oxygen levels to prevent drowning (phys.org)
141. 周六引文:宇宙不在乎你珍贵的标准模型 Saturday Citations: The universe doesn''t care about your precious standard model (phys.org)
142. 研究人员开创性地利用光驱动方法制造关键药物化合物 Researchers pioneer groundbreaking light-driven method to create key drug compounds (phys.org)
143. SPHEREx 望远镜旨在揭开宇宙最初时刻的秘密 SPHEREx telescope aims to unlock secrets of universe''s first moments (phys.org)
145. 美国国家航空航天局将从阿拉斯加发射三枚火箭,进行一次极光实验 NASA to launch three rockets from Alaska in single Aurora experiment (phys.org)
147. 对人为有机气溶胶形成的新认识表明其对区域的影响更大 New insights into formation of anthropogenic organic aerosols suggest greater region impact (phys.org)
148. 嫦娥六号样品表明42.5亿年前的撞击形成了月球南极-艾特肯盆地 Chang''e-6 samples suggest 4.25-billion-year-old impact formed moon''s South Pole–Aitken basin (phys.org)
149. 杀虫剂可能会导致某些杂草出现更大的问题 Insecticides may contribute to bigger problems with certain weeds (phys.org)
150. 研究报告人们会选择反馈来奉承别人,除非他们不喜欢别人 Study: People select feedback to flatter others, except when they dislike them (phys.org)
151. 恋爱关系的转折点可能预示着结束的开始 A transition point in romantic relationships may signal the beginning of their end (phys.org)
152. 识别高技能集合体成员可提高东亚地区的极寒预报能力 Identifying high-skill ensemble members could boost extreme cold forecasts in East Asia (phys.org)
155. 研究发现,东南亚渔业受益于小规模、多鱼种捕捞 Southeast Asia''s fisheries benefit from small-scale, multispecies capture, study finds (phys.org)
156. 废植物油回收利用的新领域:循环经济研究项目 New frontiers in recycling waste vegetable oil: A research project for the circular economy (phys.org)
157. 科学家首次见证活植物细胞生成纤维素并形成细胞壁 Scientists witness living plant cells generate cellulose and form cell walls for the first time (phys.org)
158. 解码绿藻的纤毛层:研究揭示了高分辨率结构 Decoding a green alga''s ciliary layer: Study reveals high‐resolution structure (phys.org)
159. 尖端实验揭示变革材料中的 "隐藏 "细节,影响更快的微电子技术 Cutting-edge experiments reveal ''hidden'' details in transforming material with implications for faster microelectronics (phys.org)
160. 两个量子存储器之间非局部能量改变的实验测试 An experimental test of the nonlocal energy alteration between two quantum memories (phys.org)
162. 模拟显示,超大望远镜可在短短 10 小时内感知比邻半人马座的生命迹象 Extremely Large Telescope could sense hints of life at Proxima Centauri in just 10 hours, simulations suggest (phys.org)
163. 当暗能量随时间变化时,模拟宇宙效果更好 A simulated universe works better when dark energy changes over time (phys.org)
164. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的飞船将再次近距离飞越太阳 A NASA spacecraft will make another close pass of the sun (phys.org)
165. 如果水越来越咸,纽约市最终将不得不放弃部分水源 NYC will eventually have to abandon part of its water supply if it keeps getting saltier (phys.org)
166. 细菌如何利用休眠病毒的遗传物质为自己 "接种疫苗 How bacteria ''vaccinate'' themselves with genetic material from dormant viruses (phys.org)
169. 格陵兰海床岩芯样本首次提供了塑料污染的历史概况 Core samples from Greenland''s seabed provide first historical overview of plastic pollution (phys.org)
170. 生命起源:一群特殊的单细胞生物如何为复杂细胞奠定基础 Origin of life: How a special group of single-celled organisms laid the foundation for complex cells (phys.org)
171. 核壳纳米簇催化剂实现了高效、低成本和环保型制氢 Core-shell nanocluster catalyst enables high-efficiency, low-cost and eco-friendly hydrogen production (phys.org)
174. 高压法可区分质子耦合电子转移机制 High-pressure method can differentiate proton-coupled electron transfer mechanisms (phys.org)
175. 计算药物发现:探索针对 SARS-CoV-2 的天然产品 Computational drug discovery: Exploring natural products targeting SARS-CoV-2 (phys.org)
178. 调查显示,为灾难性火灾危险日做准备对许多澳大利亚老年人来说是一项挑战 Preparing for catastrophic fire danger days a challenge for many older Australians, survey indicates (phys.org)
179. 工程酵母促进了 D-乳酸的生产,推动了生态友好型生物制造的发展 Engineered yeast boosts D-lactic acid production, advancing eco-friendly biomanufacturing (phys.org)
180. NRL 的窄场成像仪随 NASA 的 PUNCH 任务发射升空 NRL''s narrow field imager launches on NASA''s PUNCH mission (phys.org)
181. 研究揭示资产所有者如何在全球范围内利用 ESG 股东参与 Research reveals how asset owners can leverage ESG shareholder engagement across the world (phys.org)
182. QR 码可能是巴西啤酒装瓶业可行的跟踪和追踪解决方案 QR codes may represent workable tracking and tracing solution for Brazil''s beer bottling industry (phys.org)
183. 研究协会的自我评估发现其成员在多样性和包容性方面存在差距 Research society''s self-evaluation finds gaps in diversity and inclusion among its members (phys.org)
184. 紧凑型固体激光系统首次产生 193 纳米涡旋光束 Compact solid-state laser system generates 193-nm vortex beam for the first time (phys.org)
187. 科学家开发出亚 5 纳米 Ru 基合金催化剂,实现高效水分离 Scientists develop sub-5 nm Ru-based alloy catalysts for efficient water splitting (phys.org)
188. 创新技术仅用水和油就能在一分钟内快速制造出薄膜 Innovative technology enables rapid thin film manufacturing in one minute using only water and oil (phys.org)
189. 研究揭示了迈阿密住宅供热和能源负担的风险 Study sheds light on risks from residential heat and energy burdens in Miami (phys.org)
190. 研究人员首次用激光对高密度物体进行高分辨率 CT 扫描 Researchers capture first laser-driven, high-resolution CT scans of dense objects (phys.org)
192. 宇航员布奇-威尔莫尔和苏尼-威廉姆斯在太空飞行 9 个月后面临的健康挑战 The health challenges astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams face after 9 months in space (phys.org)
193. 南极基地是压力和暴力的温床;空间站也可能面临同样的挑战 Antarctic bases are hotbeds of stress and violence; space stations could face the same challenges (phys.org)
194. 在最近脱离的冰山后发现繁荣的南极生态系统 Thriving Antarctic ecosystems found in wake of recently detached iceberg (phys.org)
195. 两只蜜蜂还是两只蜜蜂?野生蜜蜂如何感受蜜蜂竞争的刺痛 Two bees or not two bees? How wild bees feel the sting of honeybee competition (phys.org)
196. 发现纳米技术诱导的冷却可提高干旱气候条件下的作物产量 Nanotech-induced cooling found to improve crop yields in arid climates (phys.org)
197. 拉布拉多犬基因突变揭示犬类失明新病因 Genetic mutation in Labradors reveals new cause of canine blindness (phys.org)
200. 坦桑尼亚热带雨林中发现的巨大长寿树是一个新物种 Massive, long-lived trees discovered in the Tanzanian rainforest are a new species (phys.org)
201. 研究发现,少数民族退伍军人面临失业的可能性是普通人的两倍 Ethnic minority veterans twice as likely to face unemployment, study finds (phys.org)
203. 科学家警告:安第斯冰川萎缩威胁 9000 万人的供水 Shrinking Andean glaciers threaten water supply of 90 million people, scientists warn (phys.org)
204. 天然守门员:植物如何利用根系屏障维持健康关系 Natural gatekeeper: How plants use root barriers to maintain healthy relationships (phys.org)
205. 无线太赫兹低温互联将量子处理器中的热量-信息传递降至最低 Wireless terahertz cryogenic interconnect minimizes heat-to-information transfer in quantum processors (phys.org)
206. 官员称俄勒冈州发现濒危食肉动物尸体:悬赏 3.05 万美元 Endangered apex predator found dead in Oregon, officials say: 30.5K reward offered (phys.org)
207. 渔民被发现 "瞄准 "白鲨后,州政府希望更好地限制岸上捕鲨活动 After fishermen were seen ''targeting'' white sharks, state looks to better restrict shore-based shark fishing (phys.org)
209. 研究探讨澳大利亚一夫多妻制合法化的提议 Research explores a proposed legalization of polygamy in Australia (phys.org)
210. 海洋倾倒--还是气候解决方案?一个日益壮大的行业将捕获碳的赌注押在了海洋上 Ocean dumping—or a climate solution? A growing industry bets on the ocean to capture carbon (phys.org)
211. 科学家首次测量魅力重子的自旋比价 Scientists measure the spin-parity of charm baryons for the first time (phys.org)
212. 光子穿梭互联设备实现了多个量子处理器之间的直接通信 Photon-shuttling interconnection device enables direct communication among multiple quantum processors (phys.org)
213. 科学家发现致命细菌已具备生产抗菌素和消灭竞争对手的能力 Deadly bacteria have developed the ability to produce antimicrobials and wipe out competitors, scientists discover (phys.org)
215. 在美国西北部,南卡斯卡特是冰川科学的发源地 In US Northwest, South Cascade is where glacier science grew up (phys.org)
216. 印度尼西亚卢沃托比拉基火山喷发,促使提高警戒级别 Indonesia''s Mount Lewotobi Laki Laki volcano erupts, prompting alert level to be raised (phys.org)
217. 世界冰川日:徒步攀登阿根廷佩里托莫雷诺的蓝冰 World Glacier Day: Trekking the blue ice of Perito Moreno in Argentina (phys.org)
218. 甜蜜的家一些双髻鲨不迁徙,而是坚守在巴哈马群岛的理想社区中 Home sweet home: Some great hammerhead sharks stick to the perfect neighborhood in the Bahamas instead of migrating (phys.org)
220. 研究表明:由太阳能电池板组成的戴森蜂群将使地球无法居住 A Dyson swarm made of solar panels would make Earth uninhabitable, suggests study (phys.org)
221. 在警察招募工作中,将警官人性化可以提高人们的兴趣 In police recruitment efforts, humanizing officers can boost interest (phys.org)
222. 新工具箱有助于确定细胞内部核糖体入口位点的特征 New toolbox aids in characterizing internal ribosomal entry sites in cells (phys.org)
223. 日本植物产生的化合物具有很强的抗艾滋病毒活性 Japanese plant yields compounds that exhibit strong anti-HIV activity (phys.org)
226. 天文学家利用欧几里得望远镜发现 2,674 个矮星系 Astronomers discover 2,674 dwarf galaxies using Euclid telescope (phys.org)
227. 不仅仅是树木:研究发现:陆地上固存的碳大部分储存在土壤和水中 Not just trees: Most of the carbon sequestered on land is stored in soil and water, study finds (phys.org)
228. 科学家在南极洲:他们去那里的原因和发现 Scientists in Antarctica: Why they''re there and what they''ve found (phys.org)
229. 能否在全球范围内利用人工智能来提高公共社会服务分配的公平性? Could AI be used globally to increase fairness in the distribution of public social services? (phys.org)
230. 求职过程中的歧视?研究表明,这取决于 Discrimination in the job application process? It depends, says research (phys.org)
231. 新型氢键策略产生用于光学的高双折射晶体 Novel hydrogen bonding strategy yields high-birefringence crystals for optics (phys.org)
234. 人工智能驱动的儿童访谈可提高证人证词的准确性 AI-driven interviews with children may boost accuracy in witness accounts (phys.org)
235. 水声成像显示人类在海底留下的痕迹可能几十年都清晰可见 Hydroacoustic imaging shows human traces on the seabed may be visible for decades (phys.org)
236. 披上色彩外衣:研究发现一些雌性蜂鸟进化出雄性羽毛以躲避攻击 Cloaked in color: Research finds some female hummingbirds evolve male plumage to dodge aggression (phys.org)
238. 衡量经济福祉的框架考虑了新的免费商品和服务;增加数字商品可促进增长 Framework to measure economic well-being considers new, free goods and services; adding digital goods boosts growth (phys.org)
239. 提出星际天体相遇概念,然后利用航天器群进行模拟 Concept for interstellar object encounters developed, then simulated using a spacecraft swarm (phys.org)
240. 夏威夷基拉韦厄火山重现炫目表演,熔岩喷泉高达数百英尺 Hawaii''s Kilauea volcano resumes dazzling show with lava fountains hundreds of feet high (phys.org)
241. 研究将细胞粘合在一起并让它们进行交流的 "胶水 Investigating the ''glue'' that holds cells together and allows them to communicate (phys.org)
242. 意大利托斯卡纳的一个海滩小镇遭到蠓虫入侵。居民请求宣布紧急状态以应对 An Italian beach town in Tuscany is invaded by midges. Residents seek emergency declaration to cope (phys.org)
245. 河水温度忽冷忽热:全国性研究揭示了美国各地的水温波动情况 River water temperatures swing from hot to cold: National study uncovers fluctuations across the US (phys.org)
246. 研究人员开发出用于高效硫化氢电解的链式集成电极 Researchers develop chainmail integrated-electrode for highly efficient hydrogen sulfide electrolysis (phys.org)
247. 量子传感技术实现了前所未有的光位移检测精度 Quantum sensing achieves unprecedented precision in light displacement detection (phys.org)
248. 是什么造成了助长沙尘暴、野火和暴风雪的强风?一位气象科学家解释说 What causes the powerful winds that fuel dust storms, wildfires and blizzards? A weather scientist explains (phys.org)
249. 多肽筛选揭示了癌症 "不可药用 "cJun蛋白的不可逆抑制剂 Peptide screening reveals irreversible inhibitors for cancer''s ''undruggable'' cJun protein (phys.org)
250. 新型策略在消灭细菌的同时保护了健康细胞,从而战胜植入物相关感染 Novel strategy combats implant-associated infections by starving bacteria while sparing healthy cells (phys.org)
251. 高分辨率图像捕捉线粒体超级复合物的复杂结构 High-resolution images capture intricate structure of mitochondrial supercomplexes (phys.org)
256. 吻》的隐秘解剖:从医学和艺术的角度看克里姆特的红盘 The hidden anatomy of The Kiss: Klimt''s red disks through a medical and artistic lens (phys.org)
257. 通过金属有机化学气相沉积克服六方氮化硼的堆叠限制 Overcoming stacking constraints in hexagonal boron nitride via metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (phys.org)
258. 三维成像工具有助于破译动物模型中复杂的社会行为 3D imaging tool helps decipher complex social behaviors in animal models (phys.org)
259. 推广农林业可支持渔业、当地粮食生产和文化习俗 Scaling agroforestry can support fisheries, local food production and cultural practices (phys.org)
261. 机器学习揭示有机半导体中隐藏的热传输机制 Machine learning uncovers hidden heat transport mechanisms in organic semiconductors (phys.org)
262. 细胞力学的精细控制γ-肌动蛋白可能在细胞膜硬度和听力方面发挥关键作用 The fine control of cell mechanics: Gamma-actin protein may play crucial role in cell membrane stiffness and hearing (phys.org)
264. 研究发现:24 年间,药品消费产生的排放量几乎翻了一番 Emissions from pharmaceutical consumption have almost doubled in 24 years, study finds (phys.org)
265. 发现静电力可稳定胶原蛋白,揭示遗传性疾病的真相 Electrostatic forces found to stabilize collagen, shedding light on genetic disorders (phys.org)
266. 控制超导的简单方法:扭转原子薄层微调特性 A simple way to control superconductivity: Twisting atomically thin layers fine-tunes properties (phys.org)
267. 升级后的 CRISPR 工具可实现更无缝的基因编辑并改进疾病建模 Upgraded CRISPR tool enables more seamless gene editing and improved disease modeling (phys.org)
268. 禽流感导致两只猫患病后,又一种生宠物食品被召回 Another raw pet food recalled after bird flu sickens two cats (phys.org)
269. 地球的肺被塑料和烟雾呛得喘不过气来--科学家希望能疏通它们 Earth''s lungs are choking on plastic and smoke—scientists hope to unblock them (phys.org)
270. 它们宁愿去死:雄性蛔虫拒绝吸取的教训 They''d rather die: The lesson that male roundworms refuse to learn (phys.org)
271. 分子的 "指纹 "可能有助于解释地球生命的形成 Molecule''s ''fingerprint'' may help explain formation of life on Earth (phys.org)
272. 美国国家航空航天局利用先进雷达追踪加利福尼亚州的地下水 NASA uses advanced radar to track groundwater in California (phys.org)
273. 完全由人工智能驱动的天气预报系统以更少的计算能力更快地提供准确预报 Fully AI-driven weather prediction system delivers accurate forecasts faster with less computing power (phys.org)
274. 大西洋鲟鱼几乎被捕捞殆尽:DNA 揭示切萨皮克湾的种群如何在几个世纪中发生变化 Atlantic sturgeon were fished almost to extinction: DNA reveals how Chesapeake Bay population changed over centuries (phys.org)
275. 泥炭地的碳捕获潜力随气温升高而增加 Peatlands'' carbon capture potential increases with rising temperatures (phys.org)
276. 橄榄树景观:地中海中部近 4000 年的人与自然互动遗产 The olive landscape: A nearly 4,000-year-old legacy of human-nature interaction in the Central Mediterranean (phys.org)
277. 研究揭示了进入柏林电子乐俱乐部难以捉摸的悖论 Study reveals the elusive paradox of gaining entry to Berlin''s techno clubs (phys.org)
278. 大自然的勇士水稻植物如何检测和抵御病毒入侵者 Nature''s warriors: How rice plants detect and defend against viral invaders (phys.org)
279. 维多利亚州危险的本地伐木漏洞暴露,重要野生动物面临危险 Victoria''s dangerous native logging loophole exposed with critical wildlife at risk (phys.org)
282. 远古甲壳动物化石群揭示了甲壳动物生活的新奥秘 A fossilized gathering of ancient crustacean reveals new insights into their lives (phys.org)
283. 基于人工智能的搜索引擎可帮助研究人员在数据档案中找到新的化学反应 AI-based search engine can help researchers find new chemical reactions in data archives (phys.org)
284. 恶意跳跃基因遇到了对手研究揭示细胞的适应性 piRNA 防御系统 Malicious jumping genes meet their match: Study reveals cell''s adaptive piRNA defenses (phys.org)
285. 科学家利用细胞编程模拟胚胎发育的最初几天 Scientists use cellular programming to mimic first days of embryonic development (phys.org)
286. 低噪声传感器可弥补微波和光学量子比特之间的差距 Low-noise transducers can bridge the gap between microwave and optical qubits (phys.org)
288. 原子成像和人工智能为了解昏睡病背后的寄生虫运动提供了新的视角 Atomic imaging and AI offer new insights into motion of parasite behind sleeping sickness (phys.org)
289. 酶的发现为莱姆病治疗策略带来新希望 Enzyme discovery offers new hope for Lyme disease treatment strategies (phys.org)
291. 我们如何才能合乎道德地在博物馆展示死者?庞贝古城暴死者的树脂铸模又该如何处理? How can we ethically display the dead in museums? What about resin casts of those who died violently in Pompeii? (phys.org)
292. 形状独特、加热迅速的纳米粒子能阻止卵巢肿瘤生长 Uniquely shaped, fast-heating nanoparticles halt ovarian tumor growth (phys.org)
293. 金星本周末穿过地球和太阳之间--但不要试图寻找它 Venus passes between the Earth and sun this weekend—but don''t try to look for it (phys.org)
294. 利用地球自转能量发电的可行方法 A possible way to generate electricity using Earth''s rotational energy (phys.org)
295. 利用海底电缆超稳定光学干涉测量法首次探测到太平洋地震 First earthquakes detected in Pacific Ocean using ultra-stable optical interferometry on undersea cables (phys.org)
296. 撤销环保局的 "濒危结论 "并非易事,可能会产生意想不到的后果 Revoking EPA''s endangerment finding won''t be simple and could have unintended consequences (phys.org)
297. 微塑料:它们会毒害农作物并危及粮食生产吗? Microplastics: Are they poisoning crops and jeopardizing food production? (phys.org)
298. 研究发现外援制裁阻碍了妇幼保健工作的进展 Study finds foreign aid sanctions stall progress on maternal and child health (phys.org)
299. 公民与公民之间交流的正确方法可以改变思想,即使是在政治上有分歧的话题上也是如此 The right approach in citizen-to-citizen exchanges can change minds, even on politically divisive topics (phys.org)