1. 科学家发现,即使没有降雨不足,气候变化也会导致美国西部干旱 Climate change is contributing to drought in the American West even without rainfall deficits, scientists find (phys.org)
3. 研究表明,资产所有者可推动对减缓气候变化的投资 Asset owners could drive investment in climate change mitigation, research suggests (phys.org)
4. 大规模研究发现,尽管面临人类和捕食者的压力,郊狼仍在蓬勃发展 Coyotes are thriving despite human and predator pressures, large-scale study finds (phys.org)
5. 一位研究人员定义了三种类型的远程工作者:现实型、矛盾型和热情型 A researcher defines three types of teleworkers: Realistic, ambivalent and enthusiastic (phys.org)
6. 用冠状病毒 DNA 制作的人工受体为研究开辟了新途径 Artificial receptors made from coronavirus DNA open up new avenues for research (phys.org)
7. 研究恒星威胁如何影响系外行星的宜居带 Examining how stellar threats impact the habitable zone of exoplanets (phys.org)
8. 团队开发出用于早期肾病检测的无创生物传感器 Team develops non-invasive biosensor for early kidney disease detection (phys.org)
11. 研究人员强调气候变化和化学污染的综合影响 Researcher highlights the combined effects of climate change and chemical pollution (phys.org)
12. 神秘的悉尼海滩圆球:科学家揭秘其复杂成分 Mysterious Sydney beach blobs: Scientists uncover their complex composition (phys.org)
13. 控制灰松鼠研究显示有效避孕系统大有可为 Gray squirrel control: Study shows promise for effective contraceptive delivery system (phys.org)
14. 古代单细胞生物表明胚胎发育可能早于动物进化 Ancient unicellular organism indicates embryonic development might have existed prior to animals'' evolution (phys.org)
15. 澳大利亚龙研究揭示了运动系统控制与睡眠节律之间的惊人联系 Australian dragon study reveals surprising link between motor systems control and sleep rhythms (phys.org)
16. 评估针对 SARS-CoV-2 主要蛋白酶的临床药物的疗效 Assessing the efficacy of clinical drugs targeting SARS-CoV-2 main protease (phys.org)
17. 新型人工智能框架结合实验数据和基于文本的叙述,加速寻找新蛋白质 Novel AI framework incorporates experimental data and text-based narratives to accelerate search for new proteins (phys.org)
18. 实验揭示地球磁场如何影响行星内核的流动 Experiment reveals how Earth''s magnetic field influences flow in planet''s core (phys.org)
19. 在 1.5 万年前的摩洛哥墓葬中发现使用麻黄的最早证据 Earliest evidence of Ephedra use found in 15,000-year-old Moroccan burial (phys.org)
20. 附着在微塑料上的病原体可能在废水处理后存活下来 Pathogens that cling to microplastics may survive wastewater treatment (phys.org)
21. 西雅图研究发现,在正确标注三文鱼方面,杂货店比寿司店更可靠 Grocery stores are more reliable than sushi restaurants in labeling salmon properly, Seattle study finds (phys.org)
22. 研究表明,玩具广告中的配乐塑造了性别刻板印象 Soundtracks in toy ads shape gender stereotypes, study suggests (phys.org)
23. 生物学家发现植物如何进化出多种推翻遗传指令的方法 Biologists discover how plants evolved multiple ways to override genetic instructions (phys.org)
24. 新的 PFAS 检测方法可使水质检测更经济、更便携、更易获得 New PFAS testing method could make water testing more affordable, portable and accessible (phys.org)
25. 浅层 "运动和 "深层 "社会等级制度:并非所有的等级制度都是一样的 ''Shallow'' sports and ''deep'' social hierarchies: Not all pecking orders are created equally (phys.org)
27. 公众压力影响企业是否减少对环境的影响 Public pressure found to influence whether companies reduce their environmental impact (phys.org)
28. 研究表明,联邦营养政策颁布后,更多家庭购买了学校膳食 More families purchased school meals after federal nutrition policies enacted, research suggests (phys.org)
29. 平衡数量与质量:X/Twitter 的算法如何影响我们的新闻消费 Balancing quantity and quality: How X/Twitter''s algorithm influences our consumption of news (phys.org)
30. 复杂性的高昂代价新研究探索多细胞生命的能量需求 The high cost of complexity: New study explores energy needs of multicellular life (phys.org)
32. 与大质量星系有关的强大射电暴磁星形成的新线索 Mighty radio bursts linked to massive galaxies: New clues about how magnetars form (phys.org)
33. 概率培训:防止医学和法律中的推理错误 Probability training: Preventing errors of reasoning in medicine and law (phys.org)
35. 让农业对蜜蜂更有益:我们能否培育出能生产更多花蜜和花粉的作物? Making farming better for bees: Can we breed crops that produce more nectar and pollen? (phys.org)
37. 新研究揭示暴风雨如何影响信天翁的觅食能力 New research reveals how stormy conditions affect albatrosses'' ability to feed (phys.org)
39. 极端天气已经给脆弱的岛国造成了 1,410 亿美元的损失,其中 38% 归咎于气候变化 Extreme weather already cost vulnerable island nations US141 billion—and 38% is attributable to climate change (phys.org)
40. 在室温下控制二维拓扑自旋结构技术中的天线 Controlling skyrmions at room-temperature in 2D topological spin structure technology (phys.org)
43. 超灵敏纳米级传感器可通过呼出的异戊二烯识别肺癌 Ultrasensitive nanoscale sensors can identify lung cancer through exhaled isoprene (phys.org)
44. 北部永久冻土层的冷冻碳正在移动--我们估算了其移动量 The frozen carbon of the northern permafrost is on the move—we estimated by how much (phys.org)
45. 多国研究发现,贫困如何从父母传给子女存在显著差异 Multi-country study finds significant differences in how poverty is passed from parents to children (phys.org)
46. 肆虐西班牙的特大洪灾越来越频繁。澳大利亚准备好迎接下一次洪灾了吗? The extreme floods that devastated Spain are hitting more often. Is Australia ready for the next one? (phys.org)
47. 作为养分来源的火山灰:洪加汤加火山爆发如何影响南太平洋生态系统 Volcanic ash as a source of nutrients: How the Hunga Tonga eruption affected ecosystems in the South Pacific (phys.org)
48. 生物启发水凝胶利用阳光:离人工光合作用更近一步 Bioinspired hydrogels harness sunlight: A step closer to artificial photosynthesis (phys.org)
49. 冒名顶替综合症和缺乏自信如何阻碍小企业发展 How imposter syndrome and a lack of self-confidence can hold small businesses back (phys.org)
50. 再次怀孕?帮助头胎宝宝与新兄弟姐妹一起茁壮成长的小窍门 Expecting again? Tips for helping your first-born child thrive with a new sibling (phys.org)
51. 研究人员发现,通过 CRISPR 进行基因修复可能会无意中引入其他缺陷 Genetic repair via CRISPR can inadvertently introduce other defects, researchers show (phys.org)
52. 假选举炸弹威胁引发网络混乱--这是阴谋论的完美温床 The fake election bomb threats caused chaos online—it''s a perfect breeding ground for conspiracies (phys.org)
53. 伽马辐射将甲烷转化为复杂的有机分子,可以解释生命的起源 Gamma radiation converts methane into complex organic molecules and could explain the origin of life (phys.org)
55. 非洲的粮食安全:在快速增长的地区,水资源管理至关重要 Food security in Africa: Managing water will be vital in a rapidly growing region (phys.org)
56. 科学家利用高能重离子碰撞这一新工具揭示核结构的微妙之处 Scientists use high-energy heavy ion collisions as a new tool to reveal subtleties of nuclear structure (phys.org)
59. 直接合成法利用回收的二氧化碳和氢气生产甲酸 Direct synthesis method uses recovered carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce formic acid (phys.org)
60. 新型纳米粒子可捕获并中和大量 SARS-CoV-2 Novel nanoparticles can trap and neutralize large amounts of SARS-CoV-2 (phys.org)
61. 生物学家发现吸血蝙蝠的新陈代谢与吸血昆虫相同 Vampire bats'' metabolism mirrors that of blood-sucking insects, biologists find (phys.org)
62. 理论难,实践易:图同构算法为何如此有效 Hard in theory, easy in practice: Why graph isomorphism algorithms seem to be so effective (phys.org)
65. 天文学家利用 JWST 和 ALMA 探索巨型螺旋星系的结构 Astronomers use JWST and ALMA to explore the structure of a giant spiral galaxy (phys.org)
66. 华盛顿沿岸爆发的禽流感肆虐里海燕鸥,并波及海豹 Washington coast avian flu outbreak devastated Caspian terns, jumped to seals (phys.org)
67. 新框架利用机会游戏为无形资产定价 New framework uses games of chance to put ''price'' on intangible assets (phys.org)
68. 研究人员表示,需要采取公共卫生措施促进在家健康工作 Public health initiatives needed to promote healthy working at home, say researchers (phys.org)
69. 冒着鲨鱼和成群海胆的危险,科学家们正在一片一片地种植海藻 Braving sharks and hordes of urchins, scientists are growing kelp one forest at a time (phys.org)
71. 休斯顿大五区的土壤取样显示院子和游乐区的铅含量有毒 Soil sampling in Houston''s greater Fifth Ward reveals toxic levels of lead in yards, play areas (phys.org)
72. 研究显示商业关系影响 ESG 评级,强调监管的必要性 Study shows commercial ties influence ESG ratings and highlights need for regulation (phys.org)
73. 研究评估巴基斯坦金融机构中的 "性别空间 Study assesses ''gendered space'' in financial institutions in Pakistan (phys.org)
74. 新研究可能会使马铃薯减少对氮肥的依赖 New research may lead to potatoes that are less reliant on nitrogen fertilizers (phys.org)
75. 跟踪生物多样性:研究人员概述新监测框架的优势和挑战 Tracking biodiversity: Researchers outline strengths and challenges in new monitoring framework (phys.org)
76. 巴基斯坦文化之都拉合尔污染创历史新高,数千人染病 Record-high pollution sickens thousands in Pakistan''s cultural capital of Lahore (phys.org)
79. 鹿目超导体在破纪录的温度下打破常规 Kagome superconductor breaks the rules at record-breaking temperatures (phys.org)
80. 阅读越多的公司业绩越好:研究人员分析了全球企业员工的在线阅读习惯 Firms that read more perform better: Researchers analyze online reading habits from employees across firms worldwide (phys.org)
81. 地球上最肮脏的土壤 "正被认为是一个更大的问题 ''The nastiest soils on Earth'' are getting recognized as a bigger problem (phys.org)
83. 研究人员认为,炫耀性消费可能有其进化根源 Conspicuous consumption may have evolutionary roots, researchers suggest (phys.org)
84. 巴赫、莫扎特或爵士乐:科学家为音乐作品的可变性提供了量化标准 Bach, Mozart or jazz: Scientists provide a quantitative measure of variability in music pieces (phys.org)
85. 新研究表明,地球在上一次全球冰河期之后经历了大规模的快速融化期 Earth underwent a massive, rapid melting period after the last global ice age, new study suggests (phys.org)
87. 可持续疏水性纤维素显示出替代石油相关产品的潜力 Sustainable hydrophobic cellulose shows potential for replacing petroleum-related products (phys.org)
88. 十年气候模式揭示了热带气旋形成与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动联系的新见解 Decadal climate patterns reveal new insights into tropical cyclone formation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation link (phys.org)
89. 测试数千种 RNA 酶有助于在哺乳动物中发现首个 "捻转核酶 Testing thousands of RNA enzymes helps find first ''twister ribozyme'' in mammals (phys.org)
90. 文字和面部表情推动慈善众筹取得成功 Text and facial expressions drive success in charitable crowdfunding (phys.org)
91. 未来的流动:人工智能模型解决复杂的粒子阻力系数问题 Flow of the future: AI models tackle complex particle drag coefficients (phys.org)
92. 在阿苏特发现古埃及女祭司的墓室和墓葬物品 Burial chamber and grave goods of ancient Egyptian priestess discovered in Asyut (phys.org)
93. 营销人员能从凯特琳-克拉克与安吉尔-里斯的篮球竞争中学到什么?关注交叉性 What can marketers learn from the Caitlin Clark vs. Angel Reese basketball rivalry? Focus on intersectionality (phys.org)
94. 研究人员呼吁从细微处理解阿拉伯世界的 "部落 Researchers call for nuanced understanding of ''tribe'' in Arab world (phys.org)
97. 全球法规实施几十年后,北冰洋遗留的持久性有机污染物仍未减少 Decades after global regulations, the Arctic Ocean''s legacy persistent organic pollutants haven''t dropped (phys.org)
98. 只要措施得当,学校倦怠是可以预防的,但必须承认学生面临的挑战 School burnout can be prevented with the right measures, but students'' challenges must be acknowledged (phys.org)
99. 白尾鹿口服炭疽疫苗首次试验成功 First tests of oral anthrax vaccine are successful in white-tailed deer (phys.org)
100. 巴西马托皮巴(MATOPIBA)地区过度用水可能意味着无法满足当地多达 40% 的作物灌溉需求 Water overuse in Brazil''s MATOPIBA region could mean failure to meet up to 40% of local demand for crop irrigation (phys.org)
101. 实践模块提高环境教育中的数据科学技能 Hands-on modules enhance data science skills in environmental education (phys.org)
102. 英国顶尖人才向下流动的情况比以前想象的更为罕见 Downward mobility from top backgrounds in the UK is even rarer than previously thought (phys.org)
103. 调查强调 "要么发表,要么毁灭 "的文化是造成研究不可复制的关键因素 Survey highlights ''publish or perish'' culture as key factor in research irreproducibility (phys.org)
106. 专家称,非洲城市发展混乱,但仍有时间做好工作 Africa''s cities are growing chaotically fast, but there''s still time to get things right, say experts (phys.org)
107. 古巴共产主义领导人的灯会熄灭吗?支撑经济的选择越来越少,他们的未来看起来越来越渺茫 Will the lights go out on Cuba''s communist leaders? With fewer options to prop up economy, their future looks dimmer (phys.org)
109. 经济学家说:非洲国家不应该借钱来弥补它们从未造成的气候损害 African countries shouldn''t have to borrow money to fix climate damage they never caused, says economist (phys.org)
110. 科学家揭示了大麦与真菌病原体之间的军备竞赛 Scientists shed light on an arms race between barley and a fungal pathogen (phys.org)
112. 秘密与谎言斯图亚特时代的间谍们在不稳定的欧洲阴影下玩弄着危险的游戏 Secrets and lies: Spies of the Stuart era played a dangerous game in the shadows of an unstable Europe (phys.org)
113. 项目管理如何帮助驾驭公私 "合作竞争 "的紧张关系 How project governance helps navigate public-private ''coopetition'' tensions (phys.org)
115. 尽管汉堡重建了在纳粹大屠杀中被烧毁的犹太教堂,但水晶之夜的阴影依然笼罩着这座城市 Kristallnacht''s legacy still haunts Hamburg, even as city rebuilds former synagogue burned in Nazi pogrom (phys.org)
116. 研究调查后殖民时期韩国日语学习热潮中的性别焦点 Study investigates the gendered focus on the Japanese language-learning boom in postcolonial Korea (phys.org)
119. 年龄差距关系--心理学家探讨男女之间的不同理想 Age-gap relationships—psychologist discusses different ideals between men and women (phys.org)
120. 复杂生物系统的新建模可为基因组数据和其他海量数据集提供洞察力 New modeling of complex biological systems could offer insights into genomic data and other huge datasets (phys.org)
121. 研究员:加强边境巡逻是两党的目标,但该机构的历史却麻烦不断 Researcher: Beefing up Border Patrol is a bipartisan goal, but the agency has a troubled history (phys.org)
122. 观点:卡尔-萨根的科学遗产远不止 "宇宙 Viewpoint: Carl Sagan''s scientific legacy extends far beyond ''Cosmos'' (phys.org)
123. 大选是否让你感到漂泊不定?这就是 "zozobra",墨西哥哲学家有一些建议 Is the election making you feel adrift and wobbly? That''s ''zozobra,'' and Mexican philosophers have some advice (phys.org)
124. 细胞中的微型 "器官 "比人们想象的要多--这些 "无赖 "细胞器挑战了生物学的基本原理 Cells have more mini ''organs'' than once thought—these rogue organelles challenge biology''s fundamentals (phys.org)
125. 敏感而富有同情心:工作场所中高度敏感者的双重属性 Sensitive yet empathetic: The dual nature of highly sensitive persons in the workplace (phys.org)
128. 优化模型发现,除颤设备仍可使用少 1000 倍的电量挽救生命 Defibrillation devices can still save lives using 1,000 times less electricity, optimized model finds (phys.org)
130. 多组分氢化物设计可推动超导材料科学的发展 Multicomponent hydride designs could advance science of superconducting materials (phys.org)
131. 太空创新实验室实验前往国际空间站 Space Innovation Lab experiment heads to International Space Station (phys.org)
133. 2024 年澳大利亚座头鲸迁徙结束,又是一个高潮与低谷并存的季节 Another season of highs and lows as 2024 Australian humpback migration ends (phys.org)
134. 排卵的力学原理研究解释了肌肉纤维如何帮助卵子从卵泡中挤出 The mechanics of ovulation: Study explains how muscle-like fibers help eggs squeeze out from follicle (phys.org)
136. 研究人员说,哈勃和韦伯是梦幻组合--不要拆散它们 Hubble and Webb are the dream team—don''t break them up, researchers say (phys.org)
138. 研究人员发现病灶粘附是 PI3K-AKT 通路的亚细胞信号枢纽 Researchers uncover focal adhesions as subcellular signaling hubs in PI3K-AKT pathway (phys.org)
139. 巴伦西亚洪水研究人员称,气候变暖使曾经罕见的天气变得更加常见、更具破坏性 Valencia floods: Warming climate is making once-rare weather more common and more destructive, says researcher (phys.org)
140. 单个原子就能改变扫描隧道显微镜发射光的方向轮廓 A single atom can change the directional profile of the light emitted in scanning tunneling microscopes (phys.org)
141. Roblox 上的游戏玩家因参与美国大选而获得竞选奖励。这对全球政治意味着什么? Campaign rewards gamers on Roblox for engaging with the US election. What does it mean for global politics? (phys.org)
142. 埃隆-马斯克全力支持特朗普--世界首富在美国大选中的利害关系在这里 Elon Musk has gone all in for Trump—here''s what''s at stake for the world''s richest man in the US election (phys.org)
143. 根据流行病学的数学模型,错误信息确实像病毒一样传播 Misinformation really does spread like a virus, according to mathematical models drawn from epidemiology (phys.org)
144. 通过完善生长工艺,确保钻石电子器件和传感器的美好未来 Ensuring a bright future for diamond electronics and sensors by perfecting the growth process (phys.org)
145. 自七十年代以来仍在前进:美国国家航空航天局的旅行者号任务继续探索 Still kickin'' since the ''70s: NASA''s Voyager mission keeps exploring (phys.org)
146. SpaceX 发射空间站补给任务,助推器返回时发出音爆警告 SpaceX launches space station resupply mission with sonic boom warning from booster return (phys.org)
147. 绘制国税局可能发现数十亿未缴税款的迷宫图 Mapping the maze where the IRS could find billions in unpaid taxes (phys.org)
148. 新调查发现,美国人,尤其是白人、共和党男性,对攻击新闻的容忍度令人震惊 New survey finds alarming tolerance for attacks on the press in US, particularly among white, Republican men (phys.org)
149. 对金星哈斯特-巴德魔方的研究表明,它是由两次巨大撞击形成的 Study of Venus''s Haasttse-baad Tessera suggests formation by two large impacts (phys.org)
150. 研究发现:球状星团 Gran 5 有两个恒星群 Globular cluster Gran 5 hosts two stellar populations, study finds (phys.org)
151. 研究发现:给水稻喷洒纳米氧化锌可在热浪中保护产量 Spraying rice with zinc oxide nanoparticles protects yields during heat waves, study finds (phys.org)
153. 球状星团形成和演化的首个三维视图 The first 3D view of the formation and evolution of globular clusters (phys.org)
154. 人类拓扑绝缘体研究人员用舞蹈解释量子材料 A human topological insulator: Researchers use choreographed dance to explain quantum materials (phys.org)
155. 用生物启发控制系统重建长鼻龙的游泳方式 Reconstructing plesiosaur swimming styles with a bio-inspired control system (phys.org)
156. 研究人员称,澳大利亚需要一项大胆的国家丛林火灾战略 Australia needs a bold national bushfire strategy, researcher says (phys.org)
157. 微型传递器显示感染寄生虫会影响燕子的局部飞行行为 Mini-transmitters show infections with parasites affect local flight behavior of swallows (phys.org)
159. 酶工程有望推动更可持续、更高效的药物生产 Enzyme engineering has the potential to drive more sustainable and efficient drug manufacturing (phys.org)
161. 研究发现全球 30% 的地区在减少碳排放的同时实现了经济增长 Study finds 30% of regions worldwide achieve economic growth while reducing carbon emissions (phys.org)
162. 科学家确定超重元素锇和铌的化学特性 Scientists identify chemical properties of superheavy elements moscovium and nihonium (phys.org)
163. 纳米光学传感器实现了对建筑物颜色变化的结构安全监控 Nano-optical sensors enable structural safety monitoring of buildings with color variations (phys.org)
164. 生物学家揭示鹦鹉颜色多样性背后的基因 "开关 Biologists reveal the genetic ''switch'' behind parrot color diversity (phys.org)
165. 预测模型发现,妇女教育影响撒哈拉以南非洲的生育率 Women''s education influences fertility rates in sub-Saharan Africa, forecasting model finds (phys.org)
166. 研究发现,错过最后期限的影响比你想象的要大 Missing a deadline has a bigger impact than you might think, according to study (phys.org)
168. 研究人员开发出内置压电功能的高质量纳米机械谐振器 Researchers develop high-quality nanomechanical resonators with built-in piezoelectricity (phys.org)
169. 27 俱乐部 "不是真的,但它是真实的--社会学家解释了神话为何经久不衰以及它们如何塑造现实 The ''27 Club'' isn''t true, but it is real—a sociologist explains why myths endure and how they shape reality (phys.org)
170. 科学家发现具有光量子流体的全光学核磁共振类似物 Scientists discover all-optical nuclear magnetic resonance analog with quantum fluids of light (phys.org)
171. 研究人员利用已知化学反应发现局部止痛方法 Researchers discover localized pain relief using known chemical reaction (phys.org)
172. 研究人员发现,古代石缸上的图案与美索不达米亚文字的起源相符 Designs on ancient stone cylinders correspond to origin of writing in Mesopotamia, researchers discover (phys.org)
173. 生物基纤维可能比传统塑料对环境构成更大威胁 Bio-based fibers could pose greater threat to environment than conventional plastics (phys.org)
174. 在很大程度上,厄瓜多尔的石油利润最终流向了 "全球北方"。 To a great degree, Ecuadorian oil profits end up in the Global North (phys.org)
175. 最新空间站科学揭示了宇航员健康和望远镜寿命的新信息 Latest space station science reveals news for astronaut health and telescope longevity (phys.org)
178. 研究探讨卢旺达和埃塞俄比亚如何努力塑造非洲发展的未来 Study explores how Rwanda and Ethiopia tried to shape the future of development in Africa (phys.org)
180. 给城市降温需要多少棵树?研究人员开发出设定城市树冠目标的工具 How many trees does it take to cool a city? Researchers develop tool to set urban tree canopy goals (phys.org)
181. 面部识别技术证实好莱坞正变得更加多元化 Facial recognition technology confirms Hollywood is getting more diverse (phys.org)
182. 研究表明,根据近亲和远亲关系,基于隶属关系的招聘既有好处也有弊端 Research shows affiliation-based hiring can have benefits and pitfalls, depending on proximal and distal ties (phys.org)
184. 研究发现:橡胶种植增加了土壤中溶解有机碳的沥滤 Rubber plantations increase leaching of dissolved organic carbon in soil, study finds (phys.org)
185. 开启新一代芯片效率:研究人员证实了微小电路的热学见解 Unlocking next-gen chip efficiency: Researchers confirm thermal insights for tiny circuits (phys.org)
186. 研究揭示斜坡位置对生物土壤结壳中非结构碳水化合物的影响 Study reveals effect of slope position on nonstructural carbohydrates in biological soil crusts (phys.org)
187. 尽管民主问题令人担忧,但研究人员发现美国人对选举非常感兴趣 Despite democracy concerns, researchers find Americans very interested in election (phys.org)
188. 厨房改造可减少中国农村家庭空气污染并挽救生命 Kitchen renovation could reduce household air pollution and save lives in rural China (phys.org)
189. 有机硅化学为替代食品和医疗行业中的全氟辛烷磺酸提供了选择 Organosilicon chemistry offers options for replacing PFAS in food and medical industries (phys.org)
190. 如何提高洛杉矶亚裔美国人的投票率?一项新研究指明了方向 How to boost Asian American voter turnout in Los Angeles: A new study points the way (phys.org)
192. 多组学方法揭示纳米塑料在水生生物中的毒性 Multi-omics approach reveals nanoplastic toxicity in aquatic life (phys.org)
193. 对所有四个澳洲坚果品种进行基因组测序,为作物改良挖掘新潜力 Genome sequencing of all four Macadamia species unlocks new potential for crop improvement (phys.org)
194. Beta 细胞:对初级纤毛的结构、相互作用和神经元网络的新认识 Beta cells: New insights into the structure, interactions and neuronal networking of primary cilia (phys.org)
196. 不是常见的嫌疑犯研究揭示害虫对生物技术作物产生抗性的新基因基础 Not the usual suspects: Research reveals novel genetic basis of pest resistance to biotech crops (phys.org)
197. 研究强调生物强化在解决营养不良问题中的作用 Research highlights biofortification''s role in tackling malnutrition (phys.org)
198. 数学模型揭示环境如何影响鲑鱼的生活选择 Mathematical model illuminates how the environment impacts life choices of salmon (phys.org)
199. 幼儿、技术和谈话:报告探讨三岁以下儿童如何使用技术 Toddlers, tech and talk: Report explores how children under three use technology (phys.org)
200. 探索永冻土中的微生物如何促进一氧化二氮的排放 Exploring how microbes in permafrost contribute to nitrous oxide emissions (phys.org)
201. 追溯从埃及猫木乃伊到现代家养宠物的历程 Tracing the journey from Egyptian cat mummies to modern house pets (phys.org)
202. 棒球魔泥的秘密:研究量化了它的特性,证明它并不只是一种迷信 The secrets of baseball''s magic mud: Study quantifies its properties to show it''s not simply a superstition (phys.org)
203. 世界上保存最完好的恐龙真的死于 "庞贝式 "事件吗? Did the world''s best-preserved dinosaurs really die in ''Pompeii-type'' events? (phys.org)
204. 富裕国家少量减少肉类生产可能有助于应对气候变化 Small reductions to meat production in wealthier countries may help fight climate change (phys.org)
206. 通往过去的门户地质学家确认变质岩是远古地球碳循环的重要特征 Portal to the past: Geologist identifies metamorphic rock as a crucial feature of the ancient Earth''s carbon cycle (phys.org)
207. 美国国家航空航天局帕克太阳探测器最后一次飞越金星,排队等候最近的太阳经过 Final Venus flyby for NASA''s Parker Solar Probe queues closest sun pass (phys.org)
208. 斯瓦尔巴全球种子库因种子的象征意义而唤起史诗般的想象和争议 Svalbard Global Seed Vault evokes epic imagery and controversy because of the symbolic value of seeds (phys.org)
209. 商用低温射频功率传感器的成功演示为量子计算铺平了道路 Successful demonstration of a commercial cryogenic radio frequency power sensor paves way for quantum computing (phys.org)
210. 未来的太空望远镜可以用薄膜制成,在太空中展开后体积巨大 Future space telescopes could be made from thin membranes, unrolled in space to enormous size (phys.org)
211. 探索本地 "零购买 "团体的非凡潜力(并避免陷阱 Exploring the extraordinary potential (and avoiding the pitfalls) of your local Buy Nothing group (phys.org)
212. 振动光谱法经过优化,可用于准确的咖啡产地分类 Vibrational spectroscopy optimized for accurate coffee origin classification (phys.org)
213. 先进的人工智能技术提高了热带农业中作物叶病的检测能力 Advanced AI techniques enhance crop leaf disease detection in tropical agriculture (phys.org)
214. 研究显示:政治争吵和政策不确定性对企业投资造成影响 Political bickering and policy uncertainty take a toll on business investment, research shows (phys.org)
215. 研究强调微藻是食品和医药应用的可持续成分 Study highlights microalgae as sustainable ingredients for food and pharmaceutical applications (phys.org)
216. 雨水样本显示迈阿密真的下起了 "永远的化学品 "雨 Rainwater samples reveals it''s literally raining ''forever chemicals'' in Miami (phys.org)
217. 曼联:"全能 "足球经理的神话是许多经理被解雇的原因 Man Utd: The myth of the ''all-powerful'' football manager is why so many of them get the sack (phys.org)
218. 一氧化氮处理可保存新鲜核桃,减少腐烂,保持质量 Nitric oxide treatment preserves fresh walnuts, reduces decay and maintains quality (phys.org)
219. 计算机建模研究揭示了全球冰原不断变化的历史 Computer modeling research reveals the changing history of a global ice sheet (phys.org)
220. 只有 3% 的南非人能够说出全部五种国家动植物的名称。这些标志为何重要 Only 3% of South Africans can name all five national animals and plants. Why these symbols matter (phys.org)
222. 大公司从贫困中获利,却没有义务维护人权。国际法必须改变 Big companies profit from poverty but aren''t obliged to uphold human rights. International law must change (phys.org)
223. COP29:人工智能可帮助非洲开发耐气候作物--但这不应由企业掌握 COP29: AI can help develop climate-resistant crops for Africa—but it shouldn''t be left in the hands of corporates (phys.org)
225. 钴-铜串联系统为将二氧化碳转化为乙醇提供了可持续方法 Cobalt-copper tandem system offers sustainable approach for converting carbon dioxide to ethanol (phys.org)
226. 阿波菲斯欧洲一项新的太空任务可能会近距离接触一颗即将擦过地球的大小行星 Apophis: A new European space mission could get up close with a large asteroid that''s set to brush by Earth (phys.org)
227. 研究探讨大西洋环流对亚马逊雨林的影响 Study examines effects of Atlantic circulation on the Amazon rainforest (phys.org)
228. 枪支、民兵和社交媒体放大了美国大选期间的政治暴力风险 Guns, militia and social media amplify the risks of political violence during the US election (phys.org)
229. 研究人员正在开发改善马匹福利的新一代传感器 Researchers are developing the next generation of sensors to improve horse welfare (phys.org)
230. 新研究估计了全美 2,200 万条溪流的碳排放量 New research estimates carbon emissions from 22 million stream reaches across the US (phys.org)
232. 在这项 "王者运动 "中,赛马到底受到了怎样的待遇? How are racehorses really treated in the ''sport of kings?'' (phys.org)
233. 研究揭示了巴西学校中的差距--身体和学习残疾率是官方统计数字的三倍 Study reveals disparities in Brazilian schools—rate of physical, learning disabilities three times official statistics (phys.org)
234. 研究计划倡导更具神经多样性包容性的工作场所 Research program advocates for more neurodiversity inclusive workplaces (phys.org)
235. 科学家利用可持续、经济实惠的设计生物炭颗粒解决农场养分污染问题 Scientists tackle farm nutrient pollution with sustainable, affordable designer biochar pellets (phys.org)
236. 浮标从太空研究海洋颜色的新一代卫星任务 Oh buoy! A new-generation satellite mission to study color of the ocean from space (phys.org)
238. 应对炒作:研究人员努力改进科学传播 Handling the hype: Researcher seeks to improve science communication (phys.org)
240. 塔吉克斯坦泽拉夫山谷多层遗址的发现为人类扩张提供了新的视角 Multi-layered site in Tajikistan''s Zeravshan Valley uncovered, offering new insights into human expansion (phys.org)
241. 猴子知道谁将赢得大选--人类与猴子共享的原始本能决定了选民的选择 Monkeys know who will win the election—primal instincts humans share with them shape voters'' choices (phys.org)
242. 大坝夺走了澳大利亚第二大河流一半的水量--气候变化将使情况更糟 Dams have taken half the water from Australia''s second biggest river—and climate change will make it even worse (phys.org)
243. 唐纳德-特朗普是否在利用其支持者对死亡的恐惧?恐怖管理理论为我们提供了什么 Is Donald Trump preying on his supporters'' death fears? What terror management theory offers us (phys.org)
244. 从遵守到对话:新指南推动研究报告中的伦理反思 From compliance to conversation: New guidelines push for ethical reflection in research reporting (phys.org)
246. 研究人员发现维持细胞极性的蛋白质复合物的机制 Researchers uncover mechanism of protein complex maintaining cell polarity (phys.org)
247. 合成基因能以类似宜家家居的模块化方式构建细胞内结构 Synthetic genes can build intracellular structures in a modular, IKEA-like fashion (phys.org)
248. 提高探测器对中微子和暗物质的灵敏度:最新实验装置的电离率提高了 50 Improving detector sensitivity to neutrinos and dark matter: Latest experimental setup yields 50% higher ionization (phys.org)
249. 2022 年汤加火山爆发创纪录的新触发点--未经研究的地震波数据指向早期信号 New trigger proposed for record-smashing 2022 Tonga eruption—unstudied data from seismic wave points to early signals (phys.org)
250. 科学家利用手性高效液相色谱法精确鉴定具有精神活性的卡西酮类化合物 Scientists utilize chiral high-performance liquid chromatography to precisely identify psychoactive cathinones (phys.org)
251. 古代气候重建对安第斯山脉隆升的时间提出挑战 Ancient climate reconstruction challenges timing of Andes mountains uplift (phys.org)
252. 科学家发现:深海珊瑚中栖息着基因组极小的未知细菌 Deep-sea corals are home to previously unknown bacteria with extremely small genomes, scientists discover (phys.org)
253. 新型催化剂可抑制光催化水分离过程中的电荷重组 Novel catalyst can suppress charge recombination in photocatalytic water splitting (phys.org)
254. AlphaFold 研究整合实验数据,预测超大型蛋白质 AlphaFold research integrates experimental data to predict very large proteins (phys.org)
255. 科学家提出新方程,更好地预测大气河流的行为 Scientist develops new equation to better predict behavior of atmospheric rivers (phys.org)
258. 早期宇宙中的黑洞吞噬物质的速度似乎是其理论极限的 40 多倍 Black hole in early universe appears to be consuming matter at over 40 times its theoretical limit (phys.org)
259. 学者表示,青少年的考试焦虑会因成绩压力而加剧 Adolescent exam anxiety can be intensified by pressure to achieve, says academic (phys.org)
260. 研究人员利用单细胞技术和微流控技术打印器官结构 Researchers use single-cell technologies and microfluidics to print organ structures (phys.org)
261. 树环研究表明,明朝的灭亡实际上始于万历大旱 Collapse of Ming Dynasty actually began with Wanli megadrought, tree-ring research shows (phys.org)
262. 爱情一致?大多数夫妻有共同的政治信仰,但很少有夫妻能弥合党派分歧 Love aligns? Most couples share political beliefs, but few bridge partisan divide (phys.org)
264. 细菌中新描述的抗病毒防御系统通过化学改变 mRNA 终止感染 Newly described anti-viral defense system in bacteria aborts infection by chemically altering mRNA (phys.org)
265. 研究表明,耶稣的 "神奇捕鱼 "可能有一个不那么神奇的解释 Study suggests Jesus''s ''miraculous catch of fish'' may have had a less-than-miraculous explanation (phys.org)
266. 报告称,父母一方在监狱服刑的儿童表示,他们需要得到关注、认可和回应 Children with a parent in prison say they need to be seen, recognized and responded to, says report (phys.org)
267. 下一代基因组分析平台的验证测试揭示了潜在的颠覆性技术 Validation testing of next-gen genome analysis platform reveals potentially disruptive tech (phys.org)
269. 研究称,劳工部必须在较弱的经济体中促进强大的技能基础,从而解决水平提升失败的问题 Study says Labor must address leveling-up failures by promoting a strong skills base in weaker economies (phys.org)
271. 病原体检测系统有助于确保昆虫养殖场及其产品的安全和健康 Pathogen detection system helps ensure safety and health of insect farms and their products (phys.org)
274. 了解青少年与自然脱节和生态焦虑的情况 Understanding nature disconnection and eco-anxiety in young people (phys.org)
276. 古代陶俑上的指纹显示男女老幼都曾制作过陶俑 Fingerprints on ancient terracotta figurines show men, women and children worked on figurines (phys.org)
277. 对世界上最古老的树木之一进行测序,以了解克隆繁殖生物是如何发生变异的 Sequencing one of the world''s oldest trees to learn how mutations occur in clonally reproducing organisms (phys.org)
278. 纳米结构制造的进展:激光直接写入金纳米薄膜 Advances in nanostructure fabrication: Laser direct writing on Au nanofilm (phys.org)
280. 观测在两个邻近星系中发现数百颗可能的超巨星 Observations detect hundreds of possible supergiant stars in two nearby galaxies (phys.org)
282. 实验发现珊瑚礁能在某些气候变化中存活--只要有人帮忙 Experiments find coral reefs can survive some climate change—with help (phys.org)
285. 心理接种:结合两种简单工具可打击选举误导 Psychological inoculation: Combining two simple tools could combat election misinformation (phys.org)
286. 在美国投票的阴影下,各国齐聚一堂,举行紧张的气候谈判 Nations gather for crunch climate talks in shadow of US vote (phys.org)
289. 日本发射由新型旗舰 H3 火箭携带的防卫卫星 Japan launches a defense satellite carried by a new flagship H3 rocket (phys.org)
290. 印度尼西亚火山爆发烧毁房屋,造成至少 10 人死亡 Volcanic eruption burns houses in Indonesia, killing at least 10 people (phys.org)
291. 巨大恐怖鸟化石提供了有关 1200 万年前南美洲野生动物的新信息 Fossil of huge terror bird offers new information about wildlife in South America 12 million years ago (phys.org)
292. 2.15 亿公顷的森林--面积比墨西哥还大--如果我们能不去管它,它自己就能长回来 215 million hectares of forest—an area bigger than Mexico—could grow back by itself, if we can just leave it alone (phys.org)
297. 解释华北大陆地壳块体变形的地球动力学地幔流模型 Geodynamic mantle-flow model explains deformation of continental crust block in North China (phys.org)
298. 报告揭示了海洋状况与人类健康的内在联系 Report reveals how the state of our oceans is intrinsically linked to human health (phys.org)
299. 泰国洞穴救援对我们非传统领导力的启示 What the Thai cave rescue can teach us about unconventional leadership (phys.org)
300. 科学家利用激光传感器技术探测到墨西哥南部玛雅古城的痕迹 Scientists detect traces of an ancient Mayan city in southern Mexico using laser-sensor technology (phys.org)