1. 科学家解码美国最具标志性树木之一白橡树的 DNA Scientists decode the DNA of one of America''s most iconic trees, the white oak (phys.org)
2. 重新(去)细化城市元素的详细程度:整合几何和属性数据 Re-(de)fined level of detail for urban elements: Integrating geometric and attribute data (phys.org)
3. 模拟显示热带山区双峰复杂的降雨模式 Simulations show complex rainfall patterns over tropical mountains with dual peaks (phys.org)
5. 库马西被称为花园城市,但绿地正在土地使用法规的冲突中消失 Kumasi was called the garden city, but green spaces are vanishing in a clash of land use regulations (phys.org)
6. 深度纳米测量:深度学习系统检测与疾病相关的纳米粒子 Deep Nanometry: Deep learning system detects disease-related nanoparticles (phys.org)
7. 人工智能系统精确绘制城市绿地地图,揭示环境鸿沟 AI system accurately maps urban green spaces, exposing environmental divides (phys.org)
8. 长期数据分析促使人们重新思考海洋固碳的地区差异 Long-term data analysis prompts rethink on regional differences in ocean carbon sequestration (phys.org)
9. 光学镊子揭示分子穿梭中的前后运动是对称的 Optical tweezers reveal forward and backward motion is symmetric in molecular shuttling (phys.org)
10. 具有形状记忆功能的聚氨酯在加热时会从铝箔变成泡沫 Polyurethane with shape memory change from foil to foam when heated (phys.org)
11. 创新型 X 射线技术为了解锕系元素的键合特性提供了全新视角 Innovative X-ray technique offers fresh insights into actinide bonding properties (phys.org)
12. 揭示氧甾醇诱导细胞死亡背后的复杂机制 Unveiling the intricate mechanisms behind oxysterol-induced cell death (phys.org)
14. 虚拟标记可在拥挤环境中实现高精度多动物姿态跟踪 Virtual markers enable highly accurate multi-animal pose tracking in crowded environments (phys.org)
15. 关闭循环回路:液体肥料中的废物养分 Closing the recycle loop: Waste-derived nutrients in liquid fertilizer (phys.org)
17. 突破 "定制 "显微镜的极限:光敏样品的三维成像速度提高了 1000 倍 Pushing the limits of ''custom-made'' microscopy: 3-D imaging of light-sensitive samples now 1,000 times faster (phys.org)
18. 新化石显示:1.2 亿年前,食肉恐龙在澳大利亚繁衍生息 Carnivorous dinosaurs thrived in Australia 120 million years ago, new fossils show (phys.org)
19. 本土未来思维:想象更美好世界的四种方法 Indigenous futures thinking: Four approaches to imagining a better world (phys.org)
20. 在英格兰,有特殊教育需求的双语儿童可能会失去支持 Bilingual children with special educational needs may be missing out on support in England (phys.org)
21. 我们将拯救它们":拯救几近灭绝的犀牛的努力 ''We will save them'': The quest to rescue nearly extinct rhinos (phys.org)
22. 世界上最活跃的火山之一基拉韦厄火山在第 10 次喷发中再次喷出熔岩 In its 10th episode, Kilauea, one of the world''s most active volcanoes, is again spewing lava (phys.org)
23. 法国议会投票决定禁止某些 "永久化学品 "的使用 France''s parliament votes to ban some uses of ''forever chemicals'' (phys.org)
24. 犬类睡眠研究表明,您的爱犬可能比您想象的更狂野 Your dog may be wilder than you think, according to canine sleep research (phys.org)
25. 珍稀饲养:日本合作拯救不丹濒临灭绝的白腹苍鹭 Rare rearing: Japanese collaboration to save near-extinct White-bellied herons in Bhutan takes wings (phys.org)
26. 笨鸟 "不再:研究人员说,鸸鹋和猕猴是技术创新者 ''Dumb birds'' no more: Emus and rheas are technical innovators, say researchers (phys.org)
27. 新西兰长期以来饱受生产力低下之苦。一个简单的解决办法就是让工人保持愉快的心情 NZ has long suffered from low productivity. A simple fix is keeping workers happy (phys.org)
28. 科学家呼吁努力保护极度濒危鲨鱼物种的栖息地 Scientists call for efforts to protect habitats of critically endangered shark species (phys.org)
29. 机器学习助力检测乳制品和肉类中的污染和腐败物质 Machine learning powers detection of contamination, spoilage in dairy, meat (phys.org)
30. 接受调查的科学家中,每 5 人中就有 2 人报告受到骚扰和恐吓--施害者往往在机构内部 2 in 5 scientists surveyed reported harassment and intimidation—often, perpetrators are inside the institution (phys.org)
31. 探索金黄色葡萄球菌的阴暗面--这种细菌对多种药物--甚至是那些尚未在人体中进行试验的药物--都具有抗药性 Exploring the dark side of Staph aureus, a bacterium resistant to multiple drugs—even those yet to be tested in humans (phys.org)
32. 研究人员揭示中国天山库玛拉克河流域的洪水动态 Researchers unravel flood dynamics in China''s Kumalak River Catchment in Tianshan Region (phys.org)
33. 将 "星 "改为 "拇指",减少劳务评级中的种族主义现象 Reducing racism in labor service ratings by changing from stars to thumbs (phys.org)
34. 研究发现:如果休陪产假的时间更长,妈妈们就不太可能阻止爸爸发挥作用 Moms less likely to discourage dads'' role if longer paternity leave taken, study finds (phys.org)
35. 基因编辑水稻在东非显示出对细菌性枯萎病的抗性 Genome-edited rice shows resistance to bacterial blight in East Africa (phys.org)
36. 研究表明,海龟会因气候变化而改变筑巢模式 Research shows turtles change nesting patterns in response to climate change (phys.org)
38. 天文学家刚刚目睹了一颗''奇怪恒星''的形成? Did astronomers just witness the formation of a ''strange star?'' (phys.org)
41. 瑞典湖面结冰越来越薄,给冬季活动带来风险 Lake ice is getting weaker in Sweden, posing risks for winter activities (phys.org)
43. 揭示合成细胞受体的结构与功能关系 Unraveling structure and function relationships in synthetic cell receptors (phys.org)
45. 肯塔基州最高环保官员对水污染法案表示 "严重关切 Kentucky''s top environmental official has ''grave concerns'' about water pollution bill (phys.org)
47. 推进量子材料:控制电子状态的新方法 Advancing quantum materials: A new approach to controlling electronic states (phys.org)
48. 尼安德特人的内耳揭示了其神秘起源的线索 The inner ear of Neanderthals reveals clues about their enigmatic origin (phys.org)
50. 新实现的核自旋暗态有望减少量子退相干 Newly realized nuclear-spin dark state promises reduced quantum decoherence (phys.org)
51. 明尼苏达州持续爆发禽流感,更多老鹰和猫头鹰死于禽流感 More eagles, owls dying of bird flu as persistent outbreak circulates in Minnesota (phys.org)
53. 鸡通过风传播 H5N1 病毒感染的可能证据 Possible evidence of windborne H5N1 viral infections in chickens (phys.org)
55. 惊人发现显示载锌蛋白可在无胃酸存在的情况下激活降酸药 Surprise discovery shows zinc-carrying proteins can activate acid reducing drugs without the presence of gastric acid (phys.org)
56. 医学中的种族主义:有进步的迹象,但有些人认为变化还不够大 Racism in medicine: There are signs of progress, but some argue that not enough has changed (phys.org)
57. 小麦哲伦云观测深入揭示早期宇宙恒星形成过程 Small Magellanic Cloud observations provide insight into early universe star formation (phys.org)
58. 微振动微针:为快速和微创生物标记物检测铺平道路 Micro-vibration microneedles: Paving the way for rapid and minimally invasive biomarker detection (phys.org)
59. 研究人员提供整个瓦登海潮滩的数据集 Researchers make dataset on tidal flats of entire Wadden Sea available (phys.org)
61. 雾收集 "可为世界最干旱地区提供饮用水和农业用水 ''Fog harvesting'' could yield water for drinking and agriculture in the world''s driest regions (phys.org)
64. 新型碳基材料可去除水中有害的 "永久化学品 Novel carbon-based materials can remove hazardous ''forever chemicals'' in water (phys.org)
65. 化石研究揭示棕榈树曾在加拿大亚北极地区繁衍生息 Fossil study reveals that palm trees once thrived in subarctic Canada (phys.org)
66. 海洋颗粒上的细菌在海洋氮循环中发挥关键作用 Bacteria on marine particles play key role in ocean nitrogen cycle (phys.org)
67. 研究人员在高温热敏陶瓷方面取得进展 Researchers make progress in high-temperature thermally sensitive ceramics (phys.org)
68. 研究发现:主动让生态系统承受轻微的环境压力可提供保护 Proactively exposing ecosystems to mild environmental stressors offers protection, study finds (phys.org)
70. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)将实验送入太空研究抗生素细菌 NASA sends experiment to space to study antibiotic-resistant bacteria (phys.org)
72. 锗探测器帮助物理学家揭开宇宙的神秘面纱 Germanium detectors help physicists unlock the mysteries of the universe (phys.org)
73. 沙漠植物巧妙的生存技巧:一年两个休眠周期确保在恶劣条件下生存 Desert plants'' clever survival trick: Two dormancy cycles a year ensure survival in harsh conditions (phys.org)
74. 超快涡旋电子衍射:观测运动电子的新方法 Ultrafast vortex electron diffraction: A new way to observe electrons in motion (phys.org)
76. 氯气加紫外线可为受有害藻类大量繁殖影响的水体解毒 Chlorine plus UV light can detoxify water affected by harmful algae blooms (phys.org)
77. 推特是否偏爱右翼政客的推文?国际研究将于 2023 年提前结束 Did Twitter favor tweets from right-wing politicians? International study ends prematurely in 2023 (phys.org)
79. 报告发现,政府猜疑、阴谋论思想与三个社区的历史性伤害有关 Government suspicion, conspiratorial thinking linked to historical harm in three communities, report finds (phys.org)
80. 工作中的团队冲突可以提高创造力,但这取决于 "战斗者 "和 "战斗 "的程度 Team conflict at work can boost creativity, but it depends on the ''fighters'' as much as the fights (phys.org)
82. 对 UFO 基因的 CRISPR 操作揭示了复杂的植物开花动态 CRISPR manipulation of UFO gene reveals complex plant flowering dynamics (phys.org)
83. 破坏寄生虫基因调控揭示疟疾干预新策略 Disrupting parasite gene regulation reveals new malaria intervention strategy (phys.org)
84. 阻断植物免疫反应为定植细菌带来竞争优势 Blocking plant immune responses gives colonizing bacteria a competitive advantage (phys.org)
86. 研究表明,我们可以养殖更多海产品,同时最大限度地减少其对生物多样性的影响 We can farm more seafood while minimizing its impact on biodiversity, research shows (phys.org)
87. 研究揭示了宗教、社会文化规范与少女月经耻辱之间的联系 Study reveals link among religion, sociocultural norms, and menstrual stigma for adolescent girls (phys.org)
90. 随着城市化水道的恢复,蓝背鲱鱼强势回归 Blueback herring make a robust return as an urbanized waterway recovers (phys.org)
91. 新发现的澳大利亚恐龙和世界上最古老的甲龙化石 New Australian dinosaurs and the oldest megaraptorid fossils in the world (phys.org)
93. 加强股东问责制:日本公司治理改革的经验教训 Enhancing shareholder accountability: Lessons from Japan''s corporate governance reforms (phys.org)
95. 板块构造模型发现,山脉可能是隐藏的天然氢宝库 Mountain ranges could be hidden treasure troves of natural hydrogen, plate tectonic modeling finds (phys.org)
96. 在丹麦,农村养猫者为猫做绝育手术,并允许它们进入室内 In Denmark, rural cat owners are neutering their cats and allowing them indoor access (phys.org)
99. 2024 年谷物粉尘爆炸:事故稳定,伤亡报告减少 Grain dust explosions in 2024: Steady incidents, fewer injuries reported (phys.org)
100. 城市环境促进水生物种适应多种压力因素 Urban environments promote adaptation to multiple stressors in aquatic species (phys.org)
101. 管理社会科学定性数据的国家资源 A national resource for managing qualitative data across the social sciences (phys.org)
103. 如果公司总部所在地区不平等现象严重,投资者就会重视公司的纳税责任 Investors value corporate tax responsibility when the company is based somewhere with a lot of inequality (phys.org)
104. 格陵兰迅速融化的冰层和容易发生山体滑坡的峡湾使得特朗普觊觎的石油和矿产开采十分危险 Greenland''s rapidly melting ice and landslide-prone fjords make the oil and minerals Trump covets dangerous to extract (phys.org)
105. 人肉对身体有益?中世纪欧洲的食人医学 Human flesh does a body good? Cannibalism as medicine in Medieval Europe (phys.org)
106. 狒狒与人类的恐惧:南非残酷攻击背后的深层历史 Baboons and human fear: A deep history behind the cruel attacks in South Africa (phys.org)
108. 气候变化正在威胁安大略湖。小冰河时期的教训告诉我们为什么要适应气候变化 Climate change is threatening Lake Ontario. Lessons from the Little Ice Age show us why we need to adapt (phys.org)
111. 杰基尔与海德领导力 "的危险:为什么职场虐待后的补偿可能弊大于利? Dangers of ''Jekyll and Hyde leadership'': Why making amends after workplace abuse can hurt more than it helps (phys.org)
112. 研究表明,包容的工作场所能让黑人员工茁壮成长 Inclusive workplaces can empower black employees to thrive, study shows (phys.org)
113. 如何在动荡时期经营公司的六条建议:新兴市场的经验教训 Six tips on how to run a company in turbulent times: Lessons from emerging markets (phys.org)
114. 如何保护更多澳大利亚家庭免受洪水、火灾和其他气候灾害带来的日益增长的风险 How to protect more Australian homes from the growing risks of floods, fires and other climate disasters (phys.org)
117. 西方的银行、律师和说客如何帮助后共产主义盗贼继续致富 How banks, lawyers and lobbyists in the west help post-communist kleptocrats stay rich (phys.org)
122. 英国公众认为警方未能提供最低标准的服务 Police failing to deliver a minimum standard of service, according to the UK public (phys.org)
123. 为什么提高房屋建筑的生产率是一个棘手的问题? Here''s why increasing productivity in housing construction is such a tricky problem to solve (phys.org)
124. 火星上的生命?它可能看起来像你胃里的东西 Life on Mars? It probably looks like something you''d find in your stomach (phys.org)
125. 在澳大利亚,公民教育处于历史最低点。绘制我们的 "公民之旅 "地图可能会有所帮助 Civics education is at an all-time low in Australia. Mapping our ''civic journeys'' may help (phys.org)
126. 振动是我们能感觉到但又无法解释的东西。现在,研究人员想要研究它们 Vibes are something we feel but can''t quite explain. Now researchers want to study them (phys.org)
127. 是的,澳大利亚需要新住宅,但这些住宅必须能够在气候变暖的世界中抵御灾害。 Yes, Australia needs new homes—but they must be built to withstand disasters in a warmer world (phys.org)
128. 兽医提供寒冷天气护理建议,确保宠物安全过冬 Veterinarian offers cold weather care tips to keep pets safe this winter (phys.org)
129. 在上一个冰河时期,森林的消失为新西兰带来了新的鸟类,现在我们也正在经历类似的过程 Loss of forests brought new birds to NZ during the last Ice Age—we''re witnessing a similar process now (phys.org)
130. 塔斯马尼亚更多的干燥闪电引发了丛林大火,给消防员和土地管理者带来了挑战 More dry lightning in Tasmania is sparking bushfires, challenging fire fighters and land managers (phys.org)
131. 动态 3D 显示屏:稀土眼镜提供生动、可调的色彩 Dynamic 3D displays: Rare-earth glasses offer vivid, tunable colors (phys.org)
132. 研究发现:生命力顽强的藻类使冰川表面变暗,可能加速格陵兰冰川融化 Resilient algae darken glacier surface and may speed up Greenland ice melt, study finds (phys.org)
133. 秘鲁濒危植物的发现彰显公民科学的力量 Threatened Peruvian plant discovery highlights the power of citizen science (phys.org)
134. 研究人员说,是时候更新线粒体电子传递链的教科书了 Time to update textbooks on electron transport chain in mitochondria, researchers say (phys.org)
135. 研究警告:过度开采地下水正在损害巴西的河流流量 Overexploitation of groundwater is compromising river flows in Brazil, study warns (phys.org)
136. 科学家发现:癌细胞合作清除营养物质 Cancer cells cooperate to scavenge for nutrients, scientists discover (phys.org)
137. 冰川融化加剧了淡水资源的流失,导致全球海平面上升 Melting glaciers increase loss of freshwater resources and contribute to global sea level rise (phys.org)
138. 物理学家发现:静电取决于材料的接触历史 Static electricity depends on materials'' contact history, physicists show (phys.org)
139. 激光设备可扫描几乎所有气体样本,并告诉您其中的成分 Laser-based device can scan almost any sample of gas and tell you what''s in it (phys.org)
140. DESI发现300个中等质量黑洞和2500个矮星系中的活动黑洞 DESI uncovers 300 intermediate-mass black holes plus 2,500 active black holes in dwarf galaxies (phys.org)
141. 冰川裂解北极温室气体排放的隐蔽来源 ''Glacial fracking'': A hidden source of Arctic greenhouse gas emissions (phys.org)
142. 重新定义蛛形纲动物的进化:全基因组复制和多次陆地殖民 Arachnid evolution redefined: Whole-genome duplications and multiple land colonizations (phys.org)
143. 研究发现:社会主导型人才更自信,但不一定更有能力 Socially dominant individuals are more confident but not necessarily more competent, finds study (phys.org)
144. 根据模型,涡均流能量交换取决于三个变量 Eddy-mean flow energy exchange depends on three variables, according to model (phys.org)
145. 零售业的人工智能:如何激发创造力并提高工作满意度 AI in retail: How to spark creativity and improve job satisfaction (phys.org)
146. 结核杆菌如何改变宿主细胞死亡机制以促进感染 How M. tuberculosis alters host cell death mechanisms to facilitate infection (phys.org)
147. 研究表明:超新星产生的宇宙辐射改变了非洲的病毒进化 Cosmic radiation from supernova altered virus evolution in Africa, study suggests (phys.org)
148. 当其他狗也眨眼时,狗会眨得更多,这暗示着狗与狗之间的社交联系 Dogs blink more in response to other dogs doing the same, hinting at social connection (phys.org)
150. 从农田到建筑:细菌菌株提供可持续的生物水泥解决方案 From farmland to construction: Bacteria strains offer sustainable biocement solution (phys.org)
151. 兰花从真菌那里窃取养分,揭示了光合作用与寄生的连续性 Orchid''s nutrient theft from fungi sheds light on photosynthesis-parasitism continuum (phys.org)
152. 细胞间的 mRNA 转移揭示了新的细胞间通信途径 mRNA transfer between cells reveals novel intercellular communication pathway (phys.org)
153. 光脉冲可以精确激活药物,同时将副作用降至最低 Light pulses can unlock precise drug activation while minimizing side effects (phys.org)
154. 自组装纳米平台可提高癌症光免疫疗法的疗效 Self-assembling nanoplatform can boost cancer photoimmunotherapy effectiveness (phys.org)
156. 六方格合成钻石以前所未有的硬度超越天然钻石 Synthetic diamond with hexagonal lattice outshines the natural kind with unprecedented hardness (phys.org)
157. 贝纳尔双层石墨烯中发现的两种不同超导态挑战了当前模型 Two distinct superconducting states found in Bernal bilayer graphene challenge current models (phys.org)
158. 揭开超导体的秘密:铜氧化物中关键结构-性能联系的新见解 Unlocking the secrets of superconductors: New insights into key structure-property connections in cuprates (phys.org)
159. 电子微调释放出卓越的氢催化性能 Electronic fine-tuning unlocks superior hydrogen catalysis performance (phys.org)
160. 嗜热细菌实现塑料回收的高转化率 Thermophilic bacterium achieves high conversion rate for plastic recycling (phys.org)
161. 从冰河时代到现在:反复入侵如何塑造了新西兰的鸟类生活 From the Ice Age to now: How repeated invasions have shaped New Zealand bird life (phys.org)
162. 民主陷入危机:世界各地对民主机构的信任度不断下降 Democracy in crisis: Trust in democratic institutions declining around the world (phys.org)
164. 宠物店里的暹罗斗鱼需要更多空间:新的行为数据 Siamese fighting fish need more space in pet shops: New behavior data (phys.org)
165. 中国改革后的标准战略将如何影响企业用工? How will China''s reformed standards strategy affect corporate labor employment? (phys.org)
166. 新的着陆点SpaceX 发射可能给巴哈马带来音爆 New landing spot: SpaceX launch could bring sonic boom to the Bahamas (phys.org)
167. 观测研究年轻恒星天体金牛座 HL 的长期 X 射线变异性 Observations investigate long-term X-ray variability of young stellar object HL Tauri (phys.org)
168. 磁开关在一维范围内捕获量子信息载流子 Magnetic switch traps quantum information carriers in one dimension (phys.org)
169. 环形 mRNA 可多产生 200 倍的蛋白质,增强了精准治疗的潜力 Circular mRNA produces 200 times more protein, enhancing precision therapy potential (phys.org)
170. 磁性半导体在三维材料中保留二维量子特性 Magnetic semiconductor preserves 2D quantum properties in 3D material (phys.org)
171. 核聚变:WEST 机器打破了等离子体持续时间的世界纪录 Nuclear fusion: WEST machine beats the world record for plasma duration (phys.org)
172. 破解黑洞之谜:模拟黑洞周围的磁流 Trying to solve a key black hole mystery: Simulating magnetic flows around black holes (phys.org)
173. 研究揭示了日本结缕草高度入侵的原因 Research provides insights into why Japanese knotweed is so highly invasive (phys.org)
174. 巡警将对搁浅在澳大利亚偏远海滩上的 90 只海豚实施安乐死 Rangers to euthanise 90 dolphins stranded on remote Australian beach (phys.org)
175. 海龟被严寒冻晕后重返佛罗里达附近的大西洋海域 Sea turtles return to the Atlantic Ocean off Florida after being stunned by the cold (phys.org)
176. 城市杀手 "小行星现在有 3.1% 的几率撞击地球:美国国家航空航天局 ''City killer'' asteroid now has 3.1% chance of hitting Earth: NASA (phys.org)
177. 研究发现,在课文中添加额外的句号会使课文...看起来更。紧张。 Study finds adding extra periods to your texts makes them... Seem. More. Intense. (phys.org)
180. 企业可以通过创建一个鼓励而非强制节约能源的工作场所来减少能源浪费 Businesses can cut energy waste by creating a workplace where saving power feels encouraged, not enforced (phys.org)
181. 禽流感疫情恶化,美国农业部有条件批准新型禽流感疫苗上市 USDA grants conditional approval for new bird flu vaccine amid worsening outbreak (phys.org)
182. 用人工智能增强模拟揭开核聚变核心的秘密 Unlocking the secrets of fusion''s core with AI-enhanced simulations (phys.org)
183. 研究人员开发出首台室温掺钬氟化钇锂薄盘激光器 Researchers develop first room temperature holmium-doped yttrium lithium fluoride thin disk laser (phys.org)
184. 微流控元件库元件库可实现快速、低成本的设备原型设计 Microfluidic component library component library enables rapid, low-cost device prototyping (phys.org)
185. 量子台球:深入探究光辅助原子碰撞 Quantum billiard balls: Digging deeper into light-assisted atomic collisions (phys.org)
186. 利用原子振动显示量子材料在界面上的行为的纳米技术 Nanoscale technique uses atomic vibrations to show how quantum materials behave at interfaces (phys.org)
187. 新型二维碳材料比石墨烯更坚韧且不易开裂 New 2D carbon material is tougher than graphene and resists cracking (phys.org)
188. 避免职场平庸陷阱:排斥绩优者可能导致故意表现不佳 Avoiding the workplace mediocrity trap: Exclusion of top performers can lead to intentional underperformance (phys.org)
189. 南极考察证实高致病性禽流感病毒在威德尔海扩散 Antarctic expedition confirms the spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Weddell Sea (phys.org)
190. 应对我们时代的巨大挑战:我们都是解决方案的一部分 Tackling the grand challenges of our time: We are all part of the solution (phys.org)
191. 驱逐数百万移民可能冲击美国经济,导致住房、食品和其他价格上涨 Deporting millions of immigrants could shock the US economy, increasing housing, food and other prices (phys.org)
192. 卡赫拉曼马拉什地震研究展示了潜在的滑移率误差 Kahramanmaraş earthquake study showcases potential slip rate errors (phys.org)
193. 强核力计算解释原子核中的多尺度现象 Strong nuclear force calculations explain multiscale phenomena in atomic nuclei (phys.org)
195. 研究显示:eBay 谈判的时机影响交易结果 Timing in eBay negotiations affects deal outcomes, study reveals (phys.org)
197. 生态学家发现东部帝王斑蝶正推迟秋季迁徙 Ecologists find that eastern monarch butterflies are delaying fall migration (phys.org)
199. 防晒霜对海洋生物的潜在影响亟待调查 Sunscreen''s potential impact on marine life needs urgent investigation (phys.org)
203. 手掌大小的单镜头全彩非相干白光数字全息摄影系统 Palm-sized single-shot full-color incoherent digital holographic camera system with white light (phys.org)
205. 在硅光子芯片中生成和控制声音的可扩展方法 Scalable way to generate and control sound in silicon photonic chips (phys.org)
206. 谁能成为物理学家?研究探讨非传统学生的物理教育动机 Who gets to be a physicist? Research explores physics educational motivations of non-traditional students (phys.org)
207. 美国人愿意为减少枪支暴力支付近 1,000 亿美元 Americans willing to pay nearly 100 billion to reduce gun violence (phys.org)
208. 科学家在新泽西海滩确认美国有新的海葵入侵物种 Scientists confirm new invasive species of anemone in U.S. on New Jersey beaches (phys.org)
210. 了解意大利中部与地震有关的断层的长期发展情况 Understanding long-term development of earthquake-related faults in central Italy (phys.org)
211. 新研究揭示了经济危机期间小额信贷中隐藏的社会资本风险 New study reveals hidden risks of social capital in microfinance during economic crises (phys.org)
212. 甜糖蜜饲料是了解牛放牧行为的关键 Sweet molasses feed proves key to understanding grazing behavior in cattle (phys.org)
213. 研究人员说,使用儿童性虐待材料往往与其他形式的暴力有关 Use of child sexual abuse material is often associated with other forms of violence, say researchers (phys.org)
214. 经济需求和过去的行动影响着社区之间的合作还是对抗 Economic need and past actions affect whether there is cooperation or antagonism between communities (phys.org)
215. 网络分析确定了驱动人类行为的 15 种关键动机 Network analysis identifies 15 key motives driving human behavior (phys.org)
216. 加倍利用百年数学公式,解锁更多可控量子比特 Doubling down on a century-old math formula unlocks more controllable qubits (phys.org)
217. 随着金属污染的减少,英格兰河流的生物多样性得到改善 Biodiversity in England''s rivers found to have improved as metal pollution reduced (phys.org)
218. 自我保护纳米粒子可加强结直肠癌药物输送 Self-protecting nanoparticles can enhance colorectal cancer drug delivery (phys.org)
221. 游戏化建筑工地为建筑专业学生提供更安全、更方便的学习机会 Gamified building sites provide safer, more accessible learning opportunities for construction students (phys.org)
222. 基于金纳米粒子的新型疗法有望治疗结直肠癌 New gold nanoparticle-based therapy shows promise in colorectal cancer treatment (phys.org)
223. 澳大利亚在社会、经济和环境福祉方面落后,必须采取大胆的政策行动 Bold policy action required as Australia falls behind on social, economic and environmental well-being (phys.org)
224. 如果一个小黑洞穿过你的身体,会发生什么? What would happen if a tiny black hole passed through your body? (phys.org)
225. 相信 "因果报应 "的消费者可能不太可能抵制品牌的不良行为 Consumers who believe in karma may be less likely to boycott brands for bad behavior (phys.org)
226. 大不整合保护工作停滞不前,但倡导者仍抱有希望 Great Unconformity protection efforts stalled, but advocates hopeful (phys.org)
229. 液体镜面只能笔直朝上,磁铁能解决这个问题吗? Liquid mirrors can only point straight up. could magnets solve this problem? (phys.org)
230. 化石显示,在距今约 2.52 亿年前的二叠纪末期大灭绝之后,陆地迅速恢复 Fossils reveal rapid land recovery after end-Permian extinction around 252 million years ago (phys.org)
231. 卡戈梅铁磁体中意想不到的磁层相互作用揭示了新的磁现象 Unexpected layer interactions in kagome ferromagnets reveal new magnetic phenomena (phys.org)
233. 南非未能让数百万人获得足够的水。需要一种新方法 South Africa has failed to deliver access to enough water for millions. A new approach is needed (phys.org)
234. 加州如何在野火后重建更安全、更具抗灾能力的城市,同时又不牺牲工人的利益 How California can rebuild safer, more resilient cities after wildfires without pricing out workers (phys.org)
235. 选择性燃烧为去除工业过程中的污染物提供了高能效的替代方法 Selective combustion provides energy-efficient alternative to remove pollutants from industrial processes (phys.org)
236. 人们对海洋生态系统的了解少得惊人。海洋知识为何如此重要 Understanding of marine ecosystems is alarmingly low. Here''s why ocean literacy matters (phys.org)
237. 量子效应使遥远的物体一起移动:新研究发现空间涟漪可能发生这种现象 Quantum effects make distant objects move together: New research finds this may happen with ripples in space (phys.org)
238. 改善安全治理、防止未来非法采矿悲剧发生的 5 种方法 5 ways to improve security governance and prevent future illegal mining tragedies from happening (phys.org)
239. 高速显微镜揭示蛋白质在细菌膜上的实时迁移 High-speed microscopy reveals real-time protein translocation across a bacterial membrane (phys.org)
240. 科学家揭开最坚硬生物材料之一的神秘面纱,找到花粉有效期的线索 Scientists unlock one of the toughest biomaterials and find clues to pollen''s expiration date (phys.org)
241. 软件工具跟踪学生在教育游戏中的行为,促进协作学习 Software tool tracks student behavior in educational games to boost collaborative learning (phys.org)
242. 人造原子发出的光:利用超导电路推进量子系统的发展 Light from artificial atoms: Advancing quantum systems with superconducting circuits (phys.org)
243. 揭开在线市场低成本优势背后的秘密 Unpacking the secrets behind an online marketplace''s low-cost dominance (phys.org)
244. 坚持不懈发现新型岩石,它们可能是火星上发现的最古老的岩石 Perseverance finds new kinds of rocks that could be the oldest ever found on Mars (phys.org)
245. 固态润滑剂利用原子薄片实现极低摩擦力 Solid state lubricant uses atomically thin sheets to achieve extremely low friction (phys.org)
246. 细胞清理:揭开细胞如何启动循环过程之谜 Cellular clean-up: Solving the mystery of how cells initiate their recycling process (phys.org)
248. 烧塑料做饭和取暖:新出现的环境危机 Burning plastic for cooking and heating: An emerging environmental crisis (phys.org)
249. 金黄色葡萄球菌如何在感染期间从我们的血液中 "偷走 "铁元素 How Staphylococcus aureus ''steals'' iron from our blood during infections (phys.org)
250. 天体奇侣X射线闪光中捕捉到的大质量恒星和白矮星 Celestial odd couple: Massive star and white dwarf caught in X-ray flash (phys.org)
252. 洪水风险在上升:气候变化模型显示暴雨将更加持续 Flood risk on the rise: Climate change models point to more persistent heavy rainfall (phys.org)
253. 从远古 DNA 看欧洲人皮肤、眼睛和头发色素的演变过程 The evolving pigment palette of European skin, eyes and hair as seen through ancient DNA (phys.org)
255. 创新战略提升反铁电材料的能量存储能力 Innovative strategy enhances energy storage in antiferroelectric materials (phys.org)
256. 高熵 MOF 实现高效氘分离,促进清洁能源发展 High-entropy MOF enables efficient deuterium separation for clean energy (phys.org)
258. 新研究评估了限制儿童获取能量饮料的公共政策偏好 New study evaluates public policy preferences for limiting children''s access to energy drinks (phys.org)
259. 发布关于气候智能型农业机遇与挑战的报告 Report on climate-smart agriculture opportunities and challenges issued (phys.org)
260. 地球工程在政治上是禁区--特朗普当选总统后会改变这种状况吗? Geoengineering is politically off-limits—could a Trump presidency change that? (phys.org)
261. 欧盟消费者不信任美国商品:特朗普的贸易赤字主张探析 EU consumers don''t trust US goods: A look into Trump''s trade deficit claims (phys.org)
262. 验证澳大利亚食品声明和绿色证书的新工具 New tool to verify Aussie food product claims and green credentials (phys.org)
263. 数十年之谜迎刃而解X 射线技术揭示六氟化硫解离动力学 Decades-old mystery solved: X-ray techniques reveal sulfur hexafluoride dissociation dynamics (phys.org)
264. 为什么弱结合型 M-N-C 催化剂在氧还原反应中不尽如人意? Why weak-binding M–N–C catalysts defy expectations in oxygen reduction reactions (phys.org)
265. 雏菊世界 "模型凸显了环境的快速变化会如何毁灭生态系统 Daisyworld model highlights how quick environmental shifts can doom ecosystems (phys.org)
266. 闪烁和耀斑JWST 发现银河系中央黑洞不断冒出光泡 Flickers and flares: JWST reveals Milky Way''s central black hole constantly bubbles with light (phys.org)
267. 首次对系外行星大气层进行三维观测,揭示其独特气候 First 3D observations of an exoplanet''s atmosphere reveal a unique climate (phys.org)
269. 计算利用月球尘埃制造火箭燃料所需的能量 Calculating the energy requirements for using moon dust to create rocket fuel (phys.org)
270. 考古学家发现阿拉伯半岛生产石刀的最古老证据 Archaeologists discover oldest evidence of stone blade production on the Arabian Peninsula (phys.org)
271. 研究揭示粘弹性材料中新的挤压诱导不稳定性 Study unveils new extrusion-induced instabilities in viscoelastic materials (phys.org)
277. 研究表明,在仅剩的 5 年时间里,世界将无法达成一项阻止生物多样性丧失的重要协议 With just 5 years to go, the world is failing on a vital deal to halt biodiversity loss, research suggests (phys.org)
278. 研究表明英国援助未能实现目标并支持发展中国家 Study suggests UK aid failing to meet objectives and support developing countries (phys.org)
279. 炸鱼和薯条不应附带渔获:澳大利亚如何防止非法海鲜进入我们的餐桌 Fish and chips shouldn''t come with a catch: How Australia can keep illegal seafood off our plates (phys.org)
280. 研究显示,鼠疫传播可能始于黑死病发生前一个世纪 Plague transmission may have begun a century before the Black Death, study shows (phys.org)
281. 澳大利亚的房子越来越大:为了实现更可持续的未来,房屋不能成为容纳一切的空间 Australian houses are getting larger: For a more sustainable future, houses can''t be the space for everything (phys.org)
282. 新实验终于证明了一个被遗忘已久的关于量子粒子如何自旋的理论 New experiments finally prove a long-forgotten theory about how quantum particles spin (phys.org)
283. 盖亚19cwm是一颗WZ Sge型矮新星,观测发现 Gaia 19cwm is a dwarf nova of WZ Sge type, observations find (phys.org)
285. 一种蛋白质可能促成了口语的出现 A single protein may have helped shape the emergence of spoken language (phys.org)
286. 纳米金点有助于增强癌细胞对超声波治疗的反应 Gold nanodots can help boost cancer cell response to ultrasound treatment (phys.org)
287. 进一步了解抗体如何对抗犬细小病毒可能会产生更好的疫苗 Expanded understanding of how antibodies fight canine parvovirus may yield better vaccines (phys.org)
288. 科学家发现:恢复非洲草原生境让人类和野生动物的生活更加安宁 Restoring African grassland habitats makes life more peaceful for humans and wildlife, scientists find (phys.org)
289. 大幅缩短测量小行星距离所需的时间 Dramatically decreasing the time it takes to measure asteroid distances (phys.org)
290. 致命的第二代鼠药正在杀死濒临灭绝的疣鼻天鹅和塔斯马尼亚魔鬼 Lethal second-generation rat poisons are killing endangered quolls and Tasmanian devils (phys.org)
291. 热浪死亡率研究揭示气候变化对城市的影响和风险 Heat wave mortality studies reveal climate change impacts and risk for cities (phys.org)
292. 语言治疗师强调阅读差距对弱势学生的影响 Speech therapist highlights reading gap''s impact on vulnerable students (phys.org)
293. 芬兰男孩对上帝的信仰持续增长--研究发现女孩的信仰也有增长迹象 Belief in God among boys continues to grow in Finland—study finds signs of growing belief among girls as well (phys.org)
294. 创新型环氧树脂集防火安全、可回收性和高性能于一身 Innovative epoxy resin combines fire safety, recyclability and high performance (phys.org)
295. 研究显示,泰勒-斯威夫特的粉丝们可能已经准备好 "甩掉 "塑料黑胶唱片了 Taylor Swift fans may be ready to ''Shake Off'' plastic vinyl records, study shows (phys.org)
297. 科学家发现对寄生杂草抗性和番茄产量至关重要的关键基因 Scientists identify key gene that''s critical for parasitic weed resistance and tomato yield (phys.org)
298. 压力驱动的相变同时诱导负光电导和超导电性 Pressure-driven phase transition induces simultaneous negative photoconductivity and superconductivity (phys.org)
300. 研究发现,无偿实习使教师和护士在经济上处于落后地位 Unpaid placements leave teachers and nurses lagging financially, finds study (phys.org)