1. 樹木和灌木上奇異的藍色年輪揭示了過去寒冷的夏季--可能是火山爆發造成的 Curious blue rings in trees and shrubs reveal cold summers of the past—potentially caused by volcanic eruptions (phys.org)
2. 敦促就氣候變化對水電和野生動物的影響採取行動 Action urged over climate change''s impact on hydropower and wildlife (phys.org)
3. 研究小組利用光遺傳學技術操縱細胞內信號轉導 Team manipulates intracellular signal transduction using optogenetic technology (phys.org)
4. 戰爭和氣候危機如何重塑全球化肥行業 How war and climate crisis are reshaping the global fertilizer industry (phys.org)
6. 中國 "人造太陽 "創下聚變發電紀錄 Chinese ''artificial sun'' sets a record towards fusion power generation (phys.org)
9. 皮膚穿透線蟲與 CO₂ 的 "愛恨情仇 "可能帶來新的寄生蟲感染治療方法 Skin-penetrating nematodes'' love-hate relationship with CO₂ could lead to new parasitic infection treatments (phys.org)
11. 對致命狗癌症的研究為改進治療提供了新線索 Study of deadly dog cancer reveals new clues for improved treatment (phys.org)
12. 大腦活動研究發現,構建句子結構可能與語言有關 Building sentence structure may be language-specific, brain activity study finds (phys.org)
14. 看到看不見的東西新方法揭示新鮮複製 DNA 中的 "超可訪問 "窗口 Seeing the unseen: New method reveals ''hyperaccessible'' window in freshly replicated DNA (phys.org)
16. 專家警告:洛杉磯野火留下的灰燼可能有毒 The ash left behind by the Los Angeles wildfires might be toxic, experts warn (phys.org)
17. 利用電磁波和量子材料改進無線通信技術 Harnessing electromagnetic waves and quantum materials to improve wireless communication technologies (phys.org)
18. 州長提議明年秋季起紐約州全州學校禁用手機 Governor proposes banning cellphones in schools throughout New York state starting next fall (phys.org)
19. 在城市生活的刺翅大杓鷸比在農村生活的刺翅大杓鷸活動得更多 City-dwelling spur-winged lapwings move around more than their rural counterparts (phys.org)
20. 新發現揭示了細胞的健康狀況細胞內循環過程的重要啟示 New findings shed light on cell health: Key insights into the recycling process inside cells (phys.org)
21. 自然特徵和油氣結構影響鯨鯊在海景中的移動 Natural features and oil and gas structures influence the movement of whale sharks across the seascape (phys.org)
22. 逆轉雄性果蠅與年齡相關的生育能力下降:精液的關鍵作用 Reversing age-related fertility decline in male fruit flies: The crucial role of seminal fluid (phys.org)
23. 改造中國的糧食系統:研究人員評估實現可持續發展的潛在途徑 Transforming China''s food system: Researchers assess potential pathways for sustainability (phys.org)
24. 美國國家航空航天局和印度的新地球衛星 NISAR 將如何觀測地球 How the new NASA and India Earth Satellite NISAR will see Earth (phys.org)
26. 科學家首次成功捕獲分子以執行量子操作 Scientists succeed in trapping molecules to perform quantum operations for the first time (phys.org)
27. 研究發現:極端氣候使西格陵蘭島的數千個湖泊 "越過臨界點 Extreme climate pushed thousands of lakes in West Greenland ''across a tipping point,'' study finds (phys.org)
28. 從肯尼亞維多利亞湖和藍藻看伊利湖可能出現的問題 Looking to Kenya''s Lake Victoria and cyanobacteria for what may come for Lake Erie (phys.org)
29. 創新工藝將尿液轉化為緩釋晶體肥料 Innovative process converts urine into slow-release crystal fertilizer (phys.org)
30. 事實證明,農藥混合物全年都存在於土壤和植物中,而不僅僅是在施藥期間 Pesticide mixtures shown to be present in soil and plants all year round, not just during application times (phys.org)
31. 發現大型兩足恐龍腳印:蒙古巨型長尾龍的可能證據 Large bipedal dinosaur footprints discovered: Possible evidence of Mongolian giant Saurolophus (phys.org)
32. 新型過氧化物晶體生長方法帶來超高分辨率微型 LED 顯示器 Novel perovskite growth method leads to ultrahigh-resolution micro-LED displays (phys.org)
33. 硅上的納米島可實現可切換的拓撲紋理,用於新型電子應用 Nanoislands on silicon enable switchable topological textures for new electronic applications (phys.org)
34. 電池工廠的系統工程幾乎將產量提高了一倍,提供了一種可持續的化石燃料替代品 Systems engineering of cell factories almost doubles output, offering a sustainable fossil-fuel alternative (phys.org)
35. 科學家利用 "分層 "晶體的力量實現能源創新 Scientists harness the power of ''layered'' crystals for energy innovation (phys.org)
37. 船舶粘泥堆積:生物膜生長模型可降低海洋運輸成本和排放 Ship slime build-up: Biofilm growth model could enable lower costs and emissions in ocean transport (phys.org)
38. 非營利組織如何在災前、災中和災後提供幫助 How nonprofits pitch in before, during and after disasters strike (phys.org)
39. 瞭解你的政治對手其實並不恨你,可以減少有毒的兩極分化和反民主態度 Learning your political opponents don''t actually hate you can reduce toxic polarization and antidemocratic attitudes (phys.org)
40. 婦女是鐵器時代英國的中心。新發現提醒我們,厭女症如何影響了我們對過去的看法 Women were at the center of iron age Britain. New find reminds us how misogyny has shaped our view of the past (phys.org)
41. 科學家發現可在氣候變暖時防治瘧疾復發的化合物 Scientists discover compound to combat malaria''s resurgence in warming climates (phys.org)
42. 雜貨店銷售的啤酒帶動了其他品類銷售額的增長 Beer sold in grocery stores drives higher sales in other categories (phys.org)
43. 人工智能模型模擬 5 億年進化過程,生成新型熒光蛋白 AI model simulates 500 million years of evolution to generate a new fluorescent protein (phys.org)
44. 類地心條件下鐵的熔化溫度和相穩定性揭示地球地球動力學 Melting temperature and phase stability of iron under core-like conditions shed light on Earth''s geodynamics (phys.org)
45. 再生養殖是超市貨架上的新流行標籤,但它究竟意味著什麼? Regeneratively farmed is the new buzz label on supermarket shelves, but what does it actually mean? (phys.org)
46. 在氣候變化辯論中,婦女被視為 "救世主 "或 "受害者":為什麼這是一個問題 Women are seen as ''saviours'' or ''victims'' in climate change debates: Why this is a problem (phys.org)
47. 對美國員工的調查顯示 "工人希望在工作中擁有發言權 Survey with American employees reveals ''workers want a say in their work'' (phys.org)
48. 攔截和搜身 "的經驗教訓可幫助費城警方在不損害公民自由的情況下使用無人機提高安全性 Lessons from ''stop and frisk'' can help Philly police use drones to improve safety without compromising civil liberties (phys.org)
49. 我是一名經濟學家。我擔心加州保險危機會引發更廣泛的金融動盪,原因如下 I''m an economist. Here''s why I''m worried the California insurance crisis could trigger broader financial instability (phys.org)
50. 扭曲石墨烯中的電子形成新穎的 1/3 分數量子霍爾態 Electrons in twisted graphene form novel 1/3 fractional quantum Hall state (phys.org)
51. 新一代纖維:智能紡織品可感知光線、壓力、氣味甚至味道 Next-gen fibers: Smart textile can sense light, pressure, smell and even taste (phys.org)
52. 無論過去還是現在,我們如何在危機中生存?考古學家研究了四種常見的復原策略 How do we survive crises—then and now? Archaeologists examine four common resilience strategies (phys.org)
53. 在太陽系外的一顆行星上測量到極端超音速風 Extreme supersonic winds measured on a planet outside our solar system (phys.org)
54. 食源性病原體的大小很重要:小型鳥類的糞便不太可能給農民帶來食品安全風險 Size matters for foodborne pathogens: Poop from small birds unlikely to pose food safety risk for farmers (phys.org)
55. 實驗室培育的腸道蛋白質打印模擬人類腸道結構 Lab-grown intestines: Protein printing mimics human gut structures (phys.org)
56. 研究顯示,鎳礦開採是氣候行動的一個嚴重問題 Nickel mining a serious concern for climate action, reveals study (phys.org)
57. 瞭解電子動力學的新領域:用阿秒短 X 射線閃光成像 A new frontier in understanding electron dynamics: Imaging with attosecond short X-ray flashes (phys.org)
58. 新證據表明,500 萬年前的大洪水重新填滿了地中海 New evidence suggests megaflood refilled the Mediterranean Sea 5 million years ago (phys.org)
59. 陶瓷催化劑利用鈉和硼推動可持續工業反應 Ceramic catalyst uses sodium and boron to drive sustainable industrial reactions (phys.org)
60. 電化學工藝回收煙氣中濃度僅為 2% 的 CO₂ Electrochemical process recycles CO₂ from flue gases with just 2% concentration (phys.org)
61. 科學家們終於知道細胞是如何建立起讓它們遷移的結構的了 Scientists finally know how cells build a structure that lets them migrate (phys.org)
62. 瀕危而特殊:新昆蟲物種凸顯科索沃生物多樣性熱點 Endangered and exceptional: New insect species highlights Kosovo biodiversity hotspot (phys.org)
63. 調查顯示以巴和平協議可能達成一致的區域 Surveys reveal zone of possible agreement for Israeli–Palestinian peace agreement (phys.org)
65. 全美受大規模公共槍擊事件影響的社區酒類銷量增加 Communities affected by public mass shootings see alcohol sales increase across US (phys.org)
67. 儘管知道人們打獵的時間和地點,加拿大雁還是不會逃得太遠 Despite knowing where and when people hunt, Canada geese don''t flee far (phys.org)
68. 大堡礁珊瑚白化達到 "災難性 "程度 Coral bleaching on Great Barrier Reef reaches ''catastrophic'' levels (phys.org)
69. 神經成像揭示多元化團隊為何創意出眾但執行不力 Neuroimaging uncovers why diverse teams excel in ideas but falter in execution (phys.org)
70. 原子對催化劑將甲烷高效轉化為醋酸 Atomic pair catalyst converts methane to acetic acid with high efficiency (phys.org)
72. 紙質傳感器為監測全球農業提供了環保、經濟的方法 Paper-based sensors provide eco-friendly, affordable way to monitor global agriculture (phys.org)
74. 意大利麵鍋內的鹽沉積環?研究人員揭示了其中的物理機制 Salt deposit ring inside your pasta pan? Researchers unveil the physical mechanisms at play (phys.org)
78. 創新技術翻轉化學極性,創造靶向藥物 Innovative technique flips chemical polarity for targeted drug creation (phys.org)
79. 研究發現 PICH 蛋白是防止與癌症有關的染色體斷裂的關鍵因素 Research identifies PICH protein as key player in preventing chromosome breakage linked to cancer (phys.org)
81. SMART:利用首個等離子體向核聚變又邁進了一步 SMART: One step closer to nuclear fusion with its first plasma (phys.org)
82. 研究表明,澳大利亞車前子可替代無麩質麵包中的車前子殼 Australian Plantago could replace psyllium husk in gluten-free breads, research suggests (phys.org)
84. 儘管擔心對專家知識的信任度下降,但一項全球調查顯示,新西蘭人非常重視科學 Despite fears of falling trust in expert knowledge, a global survey shows New Zealanders value science highly (phys.org)
85. 特朗普稱美國 "分裂原子 "後,新西蘭市長髮飆 New Zealand mayor goes nuclear after Trump claims US ''split the atom'' (phys.org)
86. 特朗普退出巴黎氣候協定,加倍使用化石燃料 Trump leaves Paris climate agreement, doubles down on fossil fuels (phys.org)
90. 進化的適應性如何使果蠅能夠發現有毒食物來源並在其中繁衍生息 How evolutionary adaptations enable a fruit fly to detect and thrive on toxic food sources (phys.org)
91. 研究稱,全球水資源研究忽視了全球南部的需求 Global water research overlooks needs of the Global South, study says (phys.org)
92. 不要依賴社交媒體用戶進行事實核查。許多人並不關心公共利益 Don''t rely on social media users for fact-checking. Many don''t care much about the common good (phys.org)
93. 特朗普的 "紀念幣 "並不新鮮--它借鑑了古代世界的玩法 Trump''s meme coin is nothing new—it takes a page out of the ancient world''s playbook (phys.org)
94. 洛杉磯大火有可能強化 "我們同舟共濟 "的錯誤觀念--窮人仍然更容易受到傷害 LA fires risk reinforcing the false idea that we''re all in this together—the poor are still more vulnerable (phys.org)
95. 藝術作為抵抗:數字檔案記錄了抗議藝術如何應對警察暴力 Art as resistance: Digital archive documents how protest arts address police violence (phys.org)
96. 在公海上拯救生命和肢體:現代早期船上外科醫生的非凡世界 Saving lives and limbs on the high seas: The extraordinary world of early modern ship''s surgeons (phys.org)
97. 氣候變化助長了特朗普開發加拿大水資源和北極資源的願望 Climate change is fueling Trump''s desire to tap into Canada''s water and Arctic resources (phys.org)
98. 特朗普簽署行政命令,撤銷拜登時代對阿拉斯加油氣勘探的限制 Trump signs executive order reversing Biden-era restrictions on oil and gas exploration in Alaska (phys.org)
100. 發現牡蠣血蛋白可提高抗生素療效 Discovery shows oyster blood proteins improve antibiotic effectiveness (phys.org)
101. X射線觀測發現附近低質量星系團的合併過程 X-ray observations uncover merger process in a nearby low-mass galaxy cluster (phys.org)
102. 博士後期間發表論文與日後學術生涯的成功息息相關 Publishing during postdoc years tied to later academic career success (phys.org)
103. 基因工程酵母能產生大量健康脂肪酸 Genetically engineered yeast produces high levels of healthy fatty acid (phys.org)
105. 研究表明,旅客願意為低排放航班支付更多費用 Study suggests travelers are willing to pay more for low-emission flights (phys.org)
106. 改進後的氡氣繪圖發現近 25% 的美國人生活在高風險地區 Improved radon gas mapping finds nearly 25% of Americans living in highest risk areas (phys.org)
107. 新制造的晶體可控制高頻聲子與單量子系統之間的相互作用 Newly fabricated crystals control interactions between high-frequency phonons and single quantum systems (phys.org)
108. 為什麼應該(不應該)養狗?養狗的利與弊 Why you should (not) get a dog: The pros and cons of dog ownership (phys.org)
109. 經過千年的二氧化碳匯,三分之一以上的北極濱海地區現在成為了二氧化碳源 After millennia as CO₂ sink, more than one-third of Arctic-boreal region is now a source (phys.org)
110. 19 世紀澳大利亞殖民地機構中的幹植物表明居民們在秘密地非法吃零食 Dried plants 19th-century Australian colonial institution indicate secret, illicit snacking among residents (phys.org)
111. 歐洲 21 家最大鋼鐵廠測得的一氧化碳年排放量 Annual carbon monoxide emissions measured from Europe''s 21 largest steel plants (phys.org)
112. 草皮勝過海浪同位素分析揭示史前希臘人的飲食習慣 Turf over surf: Isotope analysis reveals prehistoric Greek dietary practices (phys.org)
113. 揭開植物生長素的神秘面紗對作物有重大影響的微小激素 Unlocking auxin: The tiny hormone with big implications for crops (phys.org)
114. 研究顯示,大多數烏克蘭人對特朗普當選總統持 "謹慎樂觀 "態度 Majority of Ukrainians ''cautiously optimistic'' about Trump presidency, according to study (phys.org)
115. 該書探討了東非入侵楊樹的生態學和管理問題 Book explores the ecology and management of invasive Prosopis trees in Eastern Africa (phys.org)
116. 美國國家航空航天局肯尼迪地面系統為阿耳特彌斯二號及以後的系統準備硬件 NASA Kennedy ground systems prepping hardware for Artemis II and beyond (phys.org)
118. 人工智能分析顯示,化學研究中經常包含不準確的質量測量數據 Chemical research often contains inaccurate mass measurement data, according to AI analysis (phys.org)
119. 參觀體驗中心後,學生們在危險情況下表現得更好了 Students act better in dangerous situations after visiting experience center (phys.org)
120. 達爾文和貝特曼認為雌性動物不會濫交--他們錯了 Darwin and Bateman thought female animals weren''t promiscuous—they were wrong (phys.org)
122. 研究稱 "做多 "是專業投資基金經理的制勝策略 ''Going long'' is a winning strategy for professional investment fund managers, says study (phys.org)
123. 街頭幫派如何使用社交媒體?研究揭示了 "網絡交友 "的秘密 How do street gangs use social media? Study sheds light on ''cyberbanging'' (phys.org)
124. 研究強調,需要更簡單、以實證為基礎的領導力發展 Study highlights the need for simpler, evidence-based leadership development (phys.org)
125. 馬拉圭--衛星天線最好冷藏:低溫升級將容量提高近 80 Malargüe—A satellite dish best served cold: Cryogenic upgrade boosts capacity by almost 80% (phys.org)
126. 問與答:加州野火危機的原因、蔓延和解決方案 Q&A: Causes, spread and solutions for California''s wildfire crisis (phys.org)
127. 報告描述了歐盟日益成為俄羅斯破壞活動目標的方式 Report describes ways EU increasingly targeted by Russian sabotage (phys.org)
128. 探索極端降水事件的增加如何導致洪水氾濫 Exploring how the increase in extreme precipitation events is causing more flooding (phys.org)
129. 美國國家航空航天局阿耳特彌斯號登月任務的宇航員需要更好的靴子。原因如下 Astronauts on NASA''s Artemis mission to the moon will need better boots. Here''s why (phys.org)
130. 人們齊心協力幫助洛杉磯火災倖存者--60 年的研究表明,這些無名英雄至關重要 People pulled together to help LA fire survivors—60 years of research shows these unsung heroes are crucial (phys.org)
131. 研究發現:備忘錄能提高學習效率和科學態度 Memes improve learning and attitude towards science, study finds (phys.org)
133. 保護蘋果免受氣候變化影響的關鍵可能就藏在密歇根州的森林中 A key to protecting apples from climate change might be hiding in Michigan''s forests (phys.org)
134. 活動人士抨擊 "破壞性 "印尼森林改造計劃 Activists slam ''destructive'' Indonesia forest conversion plan (phys.org)
135. 同步技術有助於確定無序蛋白質的形態 Simultaneous techniques help determine the form of disordered proteins (phys.org)
137. 評估利物浦潮汐能計劃對環境影響的三種方法 Three ways to assess how Liverpool''s tidal energy plan will affect the environment (phys.org)
138. 1080 誘餌用於捕殺狐狸、貓和野狗,但其他動物更有可能吃掉它們 1080 baits are used to kill foxes, cats and dingoes—but other animals can be more likely to eat them (phys.org)
139. 美國揭露了世界反興奮劑機構岌岌可危的籌資模式 The US has exposed the World Anti-Doping Agency''s precarious funding model (phys.org)
140. 登山家幫助科學家在偏遠冰川中發現納米塑料 Mountaineers help scientists find nanoplastics in remote glaciers (phys.org)
141. RNA 的生物物理行為為了解 X 染色體失活提供了新的視角 RNA''s biophysical behavior offers new insights into X chromosome inactivation (phys.org)
143. 羅馬行政管理的新篇章:羅馬晚期碑文的啟示 A new chapter in Roman administration: Insights from a late Roman inscription (phys.org)
145. 埃塞俄比亞地震和火山爆發:地球科學家解釋兩者之間的聯繫 Ethiopian earthquakes and volcanic eruptions: Earth scientist explains the link (phys.org)
146. 研究顯示:量子 "臍帶 "連接了許多材料中的金屬態和絕緣體態 Quantum ''umbilical cord'' links metal and insulator states in many materials, study shows (phys.org)
147. 抗菌劑無處不在:為了我們的微生物群,我們需要控制抗菌劑的使用 Antibacterials are everywhere: For the sake of our microbiome, we need to control their use (phys.org)
148. 小型食肉動物可能是黎凡特狩獵採集者營養的重要組成部分 Small carnivores may have constituted important part of hunter–gatherer nutrition in the Levant (phys.org)
149. 研究發現:古老的病毒 DNA 塑造了早期胚胎髮育過程 Ancient viral DNA shapes early embryo development, study finds (phys.org)
150. 氣候模型顯示,隨著土壤溼度的變化,熱浪可能會加劇 Heat waves could worsen as soil moisture changes, climate models reveal (phys.org)
151. 為什麼改善社會住房可以非常簡單(而且負擔得起) Why improving social housing could be remarkably simple (and affordable) (phys.org)
152. 肯尼亞農民有很多數字工具來幫助提高生產力。如何讓它們更有效? Kenya''s farmers have lots of digital tools to help boost productivity. How they can be made more effective? (phys.org)
153. 為什麼非洲的青年科學家應該幫助檢查氣候變化研究的質量? Why Africa''s young scientists should help check the quality of climate change research (phys.org)
154. 不知道該選擇什麼字體?字體設計研究有助於找到合適的字體 Not sure what font to choose? Typography study helps find the right type (phys.org)
155. 預測性描述符釋放高性能納米酶的過氧化物酶樣活性 Predictive descriptor unlocks high-performance nanozymes for peroxidase-like activity (phys.org)
156. 宗教 "慈悲放生 "雜交石斑魚會對生態產生重大影響 Religious ''mercy release'' of hybrid groupers can have significant ecological impact (phys.org)
157. 控制聚變能發電廠的等離子體熱量:聚變裝置上的 "百葉窗 "應排出像恆星一樣熱的氣體 Controlling plasma heat in a fusion energy power plant: ''Louvers'' on fusion device should exhaust gases as hot as a star (phys.org)
158. 研究人員發現,熱帶氣旋和內潮有助於產生深層近慣性動能 Tropical cyclones and internal tides contribute to deep near-inertial kinetic energy, researchers discover (phys.org)
159. 從保護寵物到建造 "昆蟲旅館"--以下是吸引鳥類來您花園的七種方法 From securing pets to building ''insect hotels''—here are seven ways to attract birds to your garden (phys.org)
161. 電纜細菌能傳導超過 100 微米的質子,暗示生物電子潛力 Cable bacteria conduct protons over 100 micrometers, hinting at bioelectronic potential (phys.org)
162. 拜登幫助科學走出實驗室,走進社區--強調以解決方案為重點的研究 Biden helped bring science out of the lab and into the community—emphasizing research focused on solutions (phys.org)
163. 亞馬遜河研究發現,小魚營養更好,環境成本更低 Smaller fish offer better nutrition and lower environmental cost, Amazon River study finds (phys.org)
164. 氣候誤傳在社交媒體上比比皆是--而且有愈演愈烈之勢 Climate misinformation is rife on social media—and poised to get worse (phys.org)
165. 發現 "麻煩 "射電星系,其大小是銀河系的 32 倍 ''Troublesome'' radio galaxy 32 times the size of Milky Way spotted (phys.org)
167. 科學家發現致命尼帕病毒關鍵成分的結構 Scientists uncover structure of critical component in deadly Nipah virus (phys.org)
168. 星際基地火箭試驗設施正在永久性地改變得克薩斯州南部的地貌 The Starbase rocket testing facility is permanently changing the landscape of southern Texas (phys.org)
170. 旋轉改變了現代網球--這就是其背後的物理學原理 Spin has transformed modern-day tennis—here''s the physics behind it (phys.org)
171. 不同的公眾意見可能會減緩利用自然方法保護英國海岸的進程 Different public opinions could slow down use of natural methods to protect the UK''s coasts (phys.org)
172. 抬網捕魚如何影響印度尼西亞凱馬納的鯨類生態 How lift-net fisheries affect cetacean ecology in Kaimana, Indonesia (phys.org)
174. 研究發現,經濟不平等是民主受到侵蝕的有力預測因素 Economic inequality is a powerful predictor of democratic erosion, study finds (phys.org)
175. 加利福尼亞內華達山脈深處,地球岩石圈可能正在剝離 Deep beneath California''s Sierra Nevada, Earth''s lithosphere may be peeling away (phys.org)
176. 美國國家航空航天局為太空任務設定新的硫化氫暴露限值 NASA sets new hydrogen sulfide exposure limits for space missions (phys.org)
180. 本書探討了社交媒體作為年輕人表達政治觀點的工具的作用 Book explores social media as tool for young people to express their political views (phys.org)
182. 新發現的星系群中有兩個光暗恆星形成星系 Newly discovered group hosts two optically dark star-forming galaxies (phys.org)
183. 伐木後的生活:跟蹤亞馬孫保護區建立後森林鳥類群落的恢復情況 Life after logging: Tracking the recovery of forest bird communities after protected area establishment in Amazonia (phys.org)
185. 學生項目發現具有非常規超導特徵的超導體 Student project discovers superconductor with hallmark of unconventional superconductivity (phys.org)
186. 科羅拉多州在第二輪歷史性狼群放歸活動中從加拿大放歸 15 頭狼 Colorado releases 15 wolves from Canada in second round of historic reintroduction (phys.org)
187. 禽流感引發的貓咪死亡潮促使制定寵物食品生產新規 A wave of cat deaths from bird flu prompts new rules on pet food production (phys.org)
188. 納瓦霍地區的鈾熱與工業的黑暗歷史相碰撞 Uranium fever collides with industry''s dark past in Navajo country (phys.org)
189. 疲憊不堪的洛杉磯消防員為 "最後一次 "危險大風做好準備 Weary LA firefighters brace for ''last'' dangerous winds (phys.org)
192. 氣候變化迫使我們重新思考我們的 "家園 "意識--以及失去家園意味著什麼 Climate change is forcing us to rethink our sense of ''home''—and what it means to lose it (phys.org)
193. 驚人發現揭示了亨廷頓氏病--一種毀滅性的致命腦部疾病--的病因 Surprise finding sheds light on what causes Huntington''s disease, a devastating fatal brain disorder (phys.org)
194. 什麼是寡頭政治,美國是否準備成為寡頭政治? What is an oligarchy, and is the United States poised to become one? (phys.org)
195. 從鱈魚原木到青蛙沼澤:我們收錄了 400 種幫助物種在更溫暖的世界中生存的方法 From cod logs to frog bogs: We catalogued 400 ways to help species survive a warmer world (phys.org)
196. 數學模型顯示順應潮流如何影響文化趨勢和兩極分化 Mathematical model shows how conformity influences cultural trends and polarization (phys.org)
197. 阿拉巴馬州的避難所是鳥類愛好者和成千上萬遷徙沙丘鶴的天堂 Alabama refuge is a paradise for birders and thousands of migrating sandhill cranes (phys.org)
198. 殘疾科學家如何讓研究實驗室和野外工作更無障礙 How scientists with disabilities are making research labs and fieldwork more accessible (phys.org)
199. 印度尼西亞伊布火山本月噴發超過 1,000 次 Indonesia''s Mount Ibu erupts more than 1,000 times this month (phys.org)
200. 特朗普的第二個總統任期:我們內心深處的恐懼如何左右政治結果 Trump''s second presidency: How our deepest fears can shape political outcomes (phys.org)
201. 為什麼火星的一半與另一半如此不同?火星地震 "可能剛剛揭示了答案 Why is one half of Mars so different to the other? ''Marsquakes'' may have just revealed the answer (phys.org)
203. 永恆的迴響:2100 年曆史的亞歷山大大帝馬賽克修復分析 Echoing in eternity: 2,100-year-old Alexander the Great mosaic analyzed for restoration (phys.org)
205. 南極洲究竟是如何融化的?關鍵細節開始變得清晰起來 How is Antarctica melting, exactly? Crucial details are beginning to come into focus (phys.org)
206. 研究警告:二氧化碳上升速度與 1.5C 目標 "不符 Carbon dioxide up at rates ''incompatible'' with 1.5C target, study warns (phys.org)
207. 週六引文:新的白堊紀掠食者剛剛出現;中子星山;酷炫的 "活海堤 Saturday citations: New cretaceous predator just dropped; neutron star mountains; a cool ''living seawall'' (phys.org)
208. 研究揭示本土植物在治理路面鹽汙染中的作用 Study reveals native plants'' role in managing road salt pollution (phys.org)
209. 雙反應器系統將 CO₂ 轉化為可消耗的單細胞蛋白質 Dual-reactor system converts CO₂ to consumable single-cell protein (phys.org)
210. 洛杉磯大火燒燬了加州至少 40 年來最大的城市區域 Los Angeles fires have scorched largest urban area in California in at least 40 years (phys.org)
212. 太空探索技術公司(SpaceX)的 "星際飛船 "在空中發生爆炸後被禁飛 US grounds SpaceX''s Starship after fiery mid-air explosion (phys.org)
215. 一個新的大型工業項目威脅著世界上最好的天文臺的視野 A new industrial megaproject threatens the view of the world''s best observatories (phys.org)
218. 繪製微生物多樣性地圖:研究發現 42% 的細菌缺乏基因組數據 Microbial diversity mapped: 42% of bacteria lack genomic data, study finds (phys.org)
219. 細菌在聚合物中形成纜索狀結構,長成活的凝膠體 Bacteria in polymers create cable-like structures that grow into living gels (phys.org)
220. 2024 年的二氧化碳年增長率為歷史最快:英國氣象局 2024 saw fastest-ever annual rise in CO2 levels: UK weather service (phys.org)
221. 研究表明,自我管理技能和目標感是相輔相成的 Self-management skill and sense of purpose go hand-in-hand, study suggests (phys.org)
222. 研究發現英超俱樂部所有權結構中存在非法融資風險 Study identifies illicit finance risks in Premier League club ownership structures (phys.org)
223. 種子大小的信號放大器芯片可促進太空通信 A seed-sized signal amplifier chip could boost space communications (phys.org)
225. 研究人員將市民的幫助和尖端技術結合起來,追蹤生物多樣性 Researchers combine citizens'' help and cutting-edge tech to track biodiversity (phys.org)
227. 新發現的機制通過結合 DNA 和 RNA 表觀遺傳學實現精確基因調控 Newly discovered mechanism enables precise gene regulation by combining DNA and RNA epigenetics (phys.org)
228. 長期分析發現,地下水受到乾旱和暴雨的威脅 Groundwater threatened by droughts and heavy rainfalls, long-term analyses find (phys.org)
229. 直接測量可減少土壤碳信用市場的不確定性 Direct measurements can reduce uncertainty in soil carbon credit markets (phys.org)
230. 狗發現 "松露研究人員和犬科動物發現兩個新的松露品種 ''Dog-found'' truffle: Researchers and canines discover two new truffle species (phys.org)
231. 氣候變化中的永久凍土:模型預測北極對全球變暖的反應 Permafrost in climate change: Models predict Arctic''s response to global warming (phys.org)
232. 研究揭示颶風對水資源和氣候變化的影響 Research reveals hurricane impact on water resources and climate change (phys.org)
233. 從安第斯山脈嗜極細菌中發現可能具有工業用途的生物活性化合物 Bioactive compounds with possible industrial applications identified in extremophilic bacteria from Andes (phys.org)
234. 研究稱,收緊土地使用管制會損害建築商的生產力和創新能力,加劇住房危機 Study says tighter land-use controls hurt productivity, innovation among builders, fuel housing crisis (phys.org)
236. 聚合物編輯可將廢料循環利用,製成更高性能的塑料 Polymer editing can upcycle waste into higher-performance plastics (phys.org)
238. 不僅僅是穀物揭示 5000 年前農民的菜單 Not only cereals: Revealing the menu of farmers 5,000 years ago (phys.org)
239. 令人震驚的線索:細胞如何在胚胎髮育過程中利用電場遷移 Shocking cues: How cells harness electric fields to migrate during embryonic development (phys.org)
240. 扭曲的光新穎的超表面為圓偏振光提供了緊湊的解決方案 Twisting light: Novel metasurface offers compact solution for circularly polarized light (phys.org)
241. 細胞成像技術:人工智能將無標記光聲顯微技術轉化為共焦顯微技術 Cell imaging technology: AI transforms label-free photoacoustic microscopy into confocal microscopy (phys.org)
242. 太空探索技術公司(SpaceX)的發射事故很可能是由大火引起的,大火在加勒比海附近留下了火焰碎片的痕跡 SpaceX launch accident likely caused by fire that sent trails of flaming debris near the Caribbean (phys.org)
244. 新化石物種揭示了早期陸生植物不同的生活史策略 New fossil species sheds light on divergent life-history strategies in early land plants (phys.org)
245. 層層剝開:探索鎳酸鹽超導的封蓋效應 Peeling back the layers: Exploring capping effects on nickelate superconductivity (phys.org)
246. 生物學家揭示鸕鷀和安哥鵝的生理和行為特徵 Biologists shed light on the physiology and behavior of cormorants and anhingas (phys.org)
248. 調查顯示,年輕人正在失去對可持續投資的興趣 Young people are losing interest in sustainable investing, survey shows (phys.org)
250. 學生會:必須解決助長幻想破滅的有毒問題的警告 Student unions: Warnings of toxic problems fueling disillusionment need to be dealt with (phys.org)
252. 重新定義秒:光學原子鐘在比對測量中達到創紀錄的精確度 Redefining the second: Optical atomic clock achieves record accuracy in comparison measurement (phys.org)
253. 將哈勃緊張局勢轉化為危機新的測量結果證實宇宙膨脹得太快,無法適應當前的模型 Turning the Hubble tension into a crisis: New measurement confirms universe is expanding too fast for current models (phys.org)
254. 物種-代謝 "雙靶向技術釋放微生物和酶資源 ''Species-metabolism'' dual-targeting technology unlocks microbial and enzyme resources (phys.org)
255. 葉甲蟲的成功進化與基因轉移和共生有關 Leaf beetles'' evolutionary success linked to gene transfer and symbiosis (phys.org)
256. 美國環保局談生物固體和全氟辛烷磺酸:下水道汙泥危害健康 Sewer sludge is dangerous to health, EPA says of biosolids and PFAS (phys.org)
257. 學生髮現黑猩猩會發出有節奏的聲音(儘管它們的節奏感有限) Students discover chimpanzees make rhythmic sounds (despite limited sense of rhythm) (phys.org)
258. 可遷移的奇蹟:X 射線揭示了一種奇特的材料轉變 Metastable marvel: X-rays illuminate an exotic material transformation (phys.org)
260. 南非早期類人猿牙齒中的同位素顯示他們很少吃肉 Isotopes in early South African hominin teeth show they ate little meat (phys.org)
262. 是什麼聖安娜風助長了洛杉磯的野火?它們何時會平息? What are the Santa Ana winds that are fueling the L.A. wildfires? When will they die down? (phys.org)
263. 研究表明,轉向植物性飲食可緩解氣候變化 Moving to a plant-based diet can mitigate climate change, research suggests (phys.org)
265. 研究人員開發出幫助狗主人控制寵物肥胖的工具 Researchers develop tools to help dog owners manage pet obesity (phys.org)
266. 重塑南佛羅里達州海堤,幫助海洋生物,緩衝上升的海水 Reinventing the South Florida seawall to help marine life, buffer rising seas (phys.org)
267. 海上風電場會傷害鯨魚嗎?特朗普將海上風電場稱為 "危險",專家們對此進行了權衡 Do offshore wind farms harm whales? Experts weigh in as Trump labels them ''dangerous'' (phys.org)
268. 研究稱,火星兩個截然不同的半球由地幔對流而非巨大撞擊造成 Mars''s two distinct hemispheres caused by mantle convection not giant impacts, study claims (phys.org)
270. 天文學家捕捉到前所未有的超大質量黑洞運行畫面 Astronomers capture unprecedented view of supermassive black hole in action (phys.org)
273. SpaceX 再次捕獲 "星際飛船 "助推器,但末級發生爆炸 SpaceX catches Starship booster again, but upper stage explodes (phys.org)
274. 研究深入揭示了某些物種如何在黑暗無氧的環境中茁壯成長 Study provides insight into how some species thrive in dark, oxygen-free environments (phys.org)
275. 錢德拉發現:紅矮星周圍的系外行星面臨極端惡劣的太空天氣 Exoplanets around red dwarfs face extreme space weather, Chandra finds (phys.org)
276. 新的審查呼籲在地球極限範圍內從經濟增長向福祉轉變 New review calls for shift from economic growth to well-being within planetary limits (phys.org)
277. 心靈之眼魚類如何利用大腦松果體探測顏色和亮度 Mind''s eye: How fish detect color and brightness with the brain''s pineal gland (phys.org)
278. 天體物理學家揭示了圍繞附近恆星運行的 74 個外行星帶的結構 Astrophysicists reveal structure of 74 exocomet belts orbiting nearby stars (phys.org)
279. 英國人仍然將工人階級口音與犯罪行為聯繫在一起:研究警告刑事司法系統存在偏見 Brits still associate working-class accents with criminal behavior: Study warns of bias in the criminal justice system (phys.org)
280. 貝索斯的 "藍色起源 "公司成功將 "新格倫 "火箭送入軌道,這一壯舉醞釀了 15 年之久 Bezos'' Blue Origin has successfully launched its New Glenn rocket to orbit, a feat 15 years in the making (phys.org)
281. 研究人員稱,盆栽橄欖樹中的蛇是觀賞植物貿易危害的 "冰山一角 Snakes in potted olive trees ''tip of the iceberg'' of ornamental plant trade hazards, say researchers (phys.org)
282. 反常霍爾力矩:下一代自旋電子學的 "全新物理學 Anomalous Hall torque: ''Brand new physics'' for next-generation spintronics (phys.org)
284. 地緣政治緊張局勢加劇,研究人員呼籲建立科學合作 "安全區 Amid rising geopolitical tensions, researchers call for ''safe zones'' for scientific collaboration (phys.org)
286. 2024 年虛假信息氾濫,2025 年可能帶來更多風險 Disinformation in 2024 was rife, and it''s likely to bring more risks in 2025 (phys.org)
287. 圖切克和加圖探索塑造基礎物理學的友誼 Touschek and Gatto: Exploring a friendship that would shape fundamental physics (phys.org)
289. 群體基因組分析揭示了芹菜複雜的育種歷史 Population genomic analysis uncovers complex breeding history of celery (phys.org)
290. 洪都拉斯的木蘭花和其他瀕危樹木感到酷熱難耐 Magnolias and other threatened trees feeling the heat in Honduras (phys.org)
291. 基因編輯的土壤細菌可為玉米生產提供第三種氮源 Gene-edited soil bacteria could provide third source of nitrogen for corn production (phys.org)
292. 塔勒誇在哪裡?我們對虎鯨媽媽和她的幼崽的瞭解 Where is Tahlequah? What we know about the mother orca and her calf (phys.org)
293. 仙女座星系全景圖揭開數億顆恆星的神秘面紗 Panorama of Andromeda galaxy unveils hundreds of millions of stars (phys.org)
294. 重型二銻化學:研究人員創造出含有一個以上銻原子的雜環 Heavy dipnictogen chemistry: Researchers create heterocycles with more than one antimony atom (phys.org)
295. 研究稱,學校需要提高入門級工資,以更好地爭奪新手教師 Schools need to boost entry-level salaries to better compete for novice teachers, study says (phys.org)
296. 種子洗牌:氣候變暖通過改變種子萌發順序重塑植物群落 Seedling shuffle: Climate warming reshapes plant communities by changing the order of seed germination (phys.org)
297. 更牢固、更環保的超級膠水:生物可降解聚合物優於商業選擇 Stronger, greener superglue: Biodegradable polymer outperforms commercial options (phys.org)
298. 研究探討過去十年氣候變化如何影響沿海森林 Study examines how climate change has shaped coastal forests over the last decade (phys.org)
299. 月球是從地球噴射出來的一塊碎片嗎?研究揭示了月球的形成和地球上水的起源 Is the moon a chunk ejected from Earth? Study sheds light on moon formation, origin of water on Earth (phys.org)
300. 馬斯克的 "星際飛船 "在貝索斯取得軌道飛行勝利後準備發射 Musk''s Starship set for launch after Bezos orbital triumph (phys.org)