1. 二氧化碳中性建築:研究呼籲加快建築領域的能源改造,以實現無化石燃料目標 CO₂ neutral buildings: Study calls for accelerated energy renovation in building sector to achieve fossil-free goals (phys.org)
2. 考慮多種災害影響有助於改進風災停電預測 Accounting for multi-hazard effects can help improve windstorm outage predictions (phys.org)
3. 葡萄糖的雙重生命:研究揭示葡萄糖作為組織再生主調節因子的驚人作用 Glucose''s double life: Study reveals its surprising role as a master regulator of tissue regeneration (phys.org)
4. 細胞對壓力的反應比以前認為的更加微妙 How cells respond to stress is more nuanced than previously believed (phys.org)
7. 全球物種減少:生物多樣性研究凸顯人類的破壞性影響 Global species loss: Biodiversity study highlights the devastating human impact (phys.org)
8. 抓猴如何幫助我們理解情感和意識 How scratching monkeys can help us understand emotions and consciousness (phys.org)
10. 酶工程:選擇性破壞致病蛋白質的新方法 Enzyme engineering: New method selectively destroys disease-causing proteins (phys.org)
11. 模糊雨雪之間的界限:氣象分類的侷限性 Blurring the line between rain and snow: The limits of meteorological classification (phys.org)
13. 你的工作讓你快樂嗎?工作滿意度數據帶來的啟示 Is your job making you happy? Insights from job satisfaction data (phys.org)
14. 利用機載傳感器檢測到澳大利亞煤礦甲烷排放量較高 High methane emissions from Australian coal mine detected using airborne sensors (phys.org)
15. 大規模石墨烯轉移自動化技術可促進電子芯片生產 Automated technique for large-scale graphene transfer can boost electronic chip production (phys.org)
16. 怎樣才能有效預防暴力侵害婦女行為?證據如下 What works to prevent violence against women? Here''s what the evidence says (phys.org)
18. 新型電化學氟化方法提高氫氟醚產量 Novel electrochemical fluorination method boosts hydrofluoroether production (phys.org)
19. 我們的工作和家庭生活比以往任何時候都更加融合--我們該如何駕馭這一新的 "之 "字形現實? Our work and home lives are blending more than ever—how do we navigate this new ''zigzag'' reality? (phys.org)
21. 播客曾是發出不同聲音的叛逆媒體。現在,它正慢慢被大媒體所吞噬 Podcasting was once a rebel medium for diverse voices. Now it''s slowly being consumed by big media (phys.org)
22. 新型傳感器可為臨床診斷提供更準確的呼氣分析 New sensor enables more accurate breath analysis for clinical diagnosis (phys.org)
23. 超快 X 射線研究揭示溶解抑制了吡嗪中的電子重排 Ultrafast X-ray study reveals solvation suppresses electronic rearrangement in pyrazine (phys.org)
24. 高超音速衝擊波:三維模擬揭示新的流動干擾 Hypersonic shock waves: 3D simulations expose new flow disturbances (phys.org)
25. 批判性思維比以往任何時候都更加重要。如何提高我的技能? Critical thinking is more important than ever. How can I improve my skills? (phys.org)
27. 夏季高溫和乾旱給珀斯生態系統帶來壓力,地下水管理備受關注 Concern for groundwater management as summer heat and drought strain Perth''s ecosystems (phys.org)
28. 蒙古出土的巨爪屬於雙指恐龍新物種 Giant claw unearthed in Mongolia belongs to a new species of two-fingered dinosaur (phys.org)
29. 也許問題不在於批判性思維,而在於我們如何評估它 Maybe the problem isn''t critical thinking, but how we assess it (phys.org)
30. 我們的孩子對氣候變化有疑問。我們正在為他們解答 Our kids have questions about climate change. We are giving them answers (phys.org)
32. 美國國家航空航天局為阿耳特彌斯二號登月任務組裝最大的火箭部件 NASA puts biggest rocket pieces together for Artemis II moon mission (phys.org)
33. 全球變暖暴露出 1,620 公里長的格陵蘭新海岸線 Global warming exposes 1,620 kilometers of new Greenland coastline (phys.org)
35. 報告稱,隨著聯邦保護措施的消失,南卡羅來納州可能失去 100 萬英畝溼地 South Carolina could lose 1 million acres of wetlands as federal protections vanish, report says (phys.org)
36. 射殺闖入科羅拉多州的野生野牛是否違法?立法者將做出決定 Should it be illegal to shoot wild bison that wander into Colorado? Lawmakers will decide (phys.org)
37. 科學家在實驗室培育出類似琥珀的樹脂,用於研究化石保存情況 Scientists create lab-grown amber-like resin to study fossil preservation (phys.org)
39. 物質-反物質之謎的新線索:重子行為的基本不對稱性 A new piece in the matter–antimatter puzzle: A fundamental asymmetry in the behavior of baryons (phys.org)
41. 生物學家首次目睹鯊魚故意發出聲音的情況 Biologists witness first case of a shark intentionally making sounds (phys.org)
42. 律師討論父母超越 "共享 "的法律影響 Lawyer discusses legal implications when parents go beyond ''sharenting'' (phys.org)
43. 一些樹木在遭受雷擊後茁壯成長電擊如何促進樹木的存活和生長 Some trees thrive after lightning strikes: How electric jolts can boost survival and growth (phys.org)
44. 汙水汙泥可以在農田裡找到第二次生命。以下是其製造過程 Sewage sludge can find a second life on farm fields. Here''s how it''s made (phys.org)
46. 糾纏在自我發現中:量子計算機分析自身糾纏 Entangled in self-discovery: Quantum computers analyze their own entanglement (phys.org)
48. 研究表明,"全有或全無 "的商業戰略可能適得其反 ''All or nothing'' business strategies can backfire, study suggests (phys.org)
50. X射線觀測揭示星系團PLCKG287的動態特徵 X-ray observations reveal dynamic features of galaxy cluster PLCKG287 (phys.org)
51. 研究揭示地方領導層中男性的性別偏見盲點 Research reveals gender bias blind spot among men in local leadership (phys.org)
54. 研究人員發現了有助於植物在新環境中獲得成功並防止入侵的特性 Researchers uncover traits that help plants succeed in new environments while guarding against invasiveness (phys.org)
55. 水文學家警告說,可用於鋰礦開採的淡水量被大大高估了 The amount of fresh water available for lithium mining is vastly overestimated, hydrologists warn (phys.org)
57. 超過 10 億磅的可樂塑料垃圾進入水道:研究 Over a billion pounds of Coke plastic waste to enter waterways: Study (phys.org)
59. 原子量子電動力學的新基準:精確測量類硼錫離子的 g 因子 A new benchmark for quantum electrodynamics in atoms: Precision measurement of boron-like tin ion''s g factor (phys.org)
60. 前所未有 "的大規模白化現象耗盡了澳大利亞珊瑚礁的生命 ''Unprecedented'' mass bleaching drains life from Australian reef (phys.org)
61. 越來越多的州開始禁止在學校使用手機,佐治亞州是最新採取行動的州 More states move to ban cellphones in school as Georgia is latest to act (phys.org)
62. 鈀納米顆粒的化學振盪可為貴金屬催化劑的回收利用鋪平道路 Chemical oscillations in palladium nanoparticles could pave way for recycling precious metal catalysts (phys.org)
63. 新研究發現:原行星盤比以前想象的要小得多 Protoplanetary disks are much smaller than previously thought, new study finds (phys.org)
64. 大象如何規劃它們的旅程:新研究揭示節能策略 How elephants plan their journeys: New study reveals energy-saving strategies (phys.org)
65. 研究表明,蝌蚪試圖以比正常生長速度快得多的速度逃離池塘中的危險病毒 Tadpoles try to flee dangerous virus in their pond by growing much faster than normal, research shows (phys.org)
66. 挑戰 "一夫一妻制優越神話":非一夫一妻制者的關係和性生活同樣快樂 Challenging the ''monogamy-superiority myth'': Non-monogamous people report just-as-happy relationships and sex lives (phys.org)
67. 甜菜漿纖維顯示出營養補充劑和可持續塑料替代品的潛力 Sugar beet pulp fibers show potential for nutritional supplements and sustainable plastic alternatives (phys.org)
68. 委內瑞拉民主崩潰的教訓:反對派運動如何反抗專制領導人 Lessons from Venezuela''s democratic collapse: How opposition movements can defy autocratic leaders (phys.org)
69. 猶他州生態學家證實 "蜂巢之州 "名副其實 Utah ecologists confirm that the ''Beehive State'' lives up to its name (phys.org)
70. 自動培養銷售線索可提高銷售額--但前提是條件合適 Automated lead nurturing boosts sales—but only under the right conditions (phys.org)
72. 研究稱,解決方案是另類媒體環境報道的重要組成部分,但需要持續的支持 Solutions are a big part of alternative media''s environmental reporting, but need consistent support, study says (phys.org)
73. 測量兒童樂感的問卷可為教育提供有針對性的支持 Questionnaire that measures musicality in children can provide targeted support in education (phys.org)
75. 為單分子檢測開發的超精密傳感器技術 Ultra-precision sensor technology developed for single-molecule detection (phys.org)
77. 實現紡織品的循環利用:應用蝴蝶框架評估挑戰和機遇 Achieving circularity in textiles: Applying the Butterfly framework to assess challenges and opportunities (phys.org)
78. 研究人員利用創新方法識別卡廷加生物群落中的蜜蜂物種 Researchers use innovative methods to identify bee species in the Caatinga biome (phys.org)
79. 科學家呼籲將帝企鵝列入《世界自然保護聯盟》紅色名錄的 "瀕危 "名單 Scientists call for uplisting emperor penguins to ''threatened'' on IUCN red list (phys.org)
80. 氧化策略為長波紅外雙折射晶體提供了便捷途徑 Oxygenation strategy provides facile route to long-wave infrared birefringent crystals (phys.org)
81. 科學家揭示神經元鈣振盪參與組織交流 Scientists reveal neuronal calcium oscillations involved in tissue communication (phys.org)
82. 診斷技術在三小時內識別病原體的準確率接近 100 Diagnostic technology achieves near 100% accuracy in pathogen identification within three hours (phys.org)
83. 鎳(0)和硼終於在方形平面配合物中結合在一起了 Nickel(0) and boron—together at last in square-planar complexes (phys.org)
84. DNA 脂質納米粒子有望為常見慢性病帶來基因療法 DNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles are poised to bring gene therapy to common chronic diseases (phys.org)
85. 多巴胺的刺激告訴鳥寶寶,它們的歌聲練習已見成效 A hit of dopamine tells baby birds when their song practice is paying off (phys.org)
86. 一些專家認為,"人類世 "應得到官方認可 Anthropocene deserves official recognition, some experts maintain (phys.org)
87. 溼地的未來:預測長江中游流域的生態變化 The future of wetlands: Predicting ecological shifts in the Middle Yangtze River Basin (phys.org)
88. 戰時學校:瞭解烏克蘭教師的心理壓力 School during wartime: Learning about teachers'' psychological stress in Ukraine (phys.org)
89. 報告發現紐約市 "沙發寄宿 "的離家出走者容易受到剝削 NYC''s ''couch-surfing'' runaways found vulnerable to exploitation in report (phys.org)
90. 研究揭開了癌症燃料酶的神秘面紗,有望開發出新療法 Study unravels mystery of cancer-fueling enzyme, which could lead to new therapies (phys.org)
91. 富裕國家欠非洲的氣候債。這些資金可幫助城市發展 Wealthy nations owe climate debt to Africa. These funds could help cities grow (phys.org)
92. 在被稱為 "蜥蜴島 "的熱帶天堂中,研究人員正在打開進化的黑匣子 Amid a tropical paradise known as ''Lizard Island,'' researchers are cracking open evolution''s black box (phys.org)
95. 新型噴灑技術幫助殺蟲劑附著在植物葉片上,減少汙染徑流 New spray technology helps pesticides stick to plant leaves to reduce polluting runoff (phys.org)
98. 解決工作場所隔離問題的辦法可能就在代溝之中:代溝 The solution to workplace isolation might be in the gap: The generation gap (phys.org)
99. 我們的研究表明,兩孩福利限制正在造成危害;只有取消這一限制才能結束這種狀況 Our research shows the harm the two-child limit on benefits is doing; only scrapping it can end this (phys.org)
100. 動態密度泛函理論為理解蛋白質與膜的相互作用提供了新方法 Dynamic density functional theory offers new approach to understanding protein–membrane interactions (phys.org)
101. 兩極分化:窮國在經濟問題上意見不一,富國在社會問題上意見不一--新發現 Polarization: Poor countries disagree over the economy, richer countries on social issues—new findings (phys.org)
102. 塑造腸道:組織力學如何驅動腸道類器官的形成 Shaping the gut: How tissue mechanics drive intestinal organoid formation (phys.org)
103. 將巴塞羅那的交通流量減少 25%,每年可避免約 200 人因汙染而過早死亡:研究 Reducing traffic in Barcelona by 25% would prevent around 200 premature deaths a year linked to pollution: Study (phys.org)
106. 狗是新的兒童嗎?研究分析了出生率和養狗情況 Are dogs the new children? Birth rates and dog ownership analyzed in study (phys.org)
107. 轉變旅遊業:解決酒店排放問題的簡單辦法 Transforming tourism: A simple solution to tackling hotel emissions (phys.org)
108. 研究稱,籃球分析投資是 NBA 獲勝和取得其他成功的關鍵 Basketball analytics investment is key to NBA wins and other successes, says study (phys.org)
109. 較小的黃色粘膠誘捕器為橄欖蠅種群監測提供了更有效的方法 Smaller yellow adhesive traps offer a more efficient method for population monitoring of the olive fly (phys.org)
111. 學術出版是一個價值數十億美元的產業。它並不總是對科學有利 Academic publishing is a multibillion-dollar industry. It''s not always good for science (phys.org)
112. 區塊鏈正在改變雜貨購物:新研究揭示新鮮度透明度可減少食品浪費並提高利潤 Blockchain is changing grocery shopping: New study reveals freshness transparency can cut food waste and boost profits (phys.org)
114. 研究人員發現:C. diff利用有毒化合物助長生長優勢 C. diff uses toxic compound to fuel growth advantage, researchers discover (phys.org)
115. 深海採礦對海洋生物的威脅無人想到:向繁榮的中層水區傾倒廢棄物 Deep-sea mining threatens sea life in a way no one is thinking about: By dumping debris into the thriving midwater zone (phys.org)
118. 學校 "忽視 "閱讀障礙,家長和教師在支持問題上存在分歧 Dyslexia ''invisible'' in schools amid parent–teacher divide on support (phys.org)
119. 海洋渦流是海洋的 "餐車":研究揭示了中尺度漩渦的脂質體組成 Ocean eddies are the food trucks of the sea: Study reveals lipidome composition of mesoscale eddies (phys.org)
120. 科學家揭示肯塔基州水質挑戰的新見解 Scientists reveal new insights into Kentucky''s water quality challenges (phys.org)
121. 火星和地球比我們想象的還要不同濃縮20年的大氣波觀測數據 ''Mars and Earth are even more different than we thought'': Condensing 20 years of atmospheric wave observations (phys.org)
122. 科學家揭開青蛙抗菌秘密,對抗超級細菌 Scientists unlock frogs'' antibacterial secrets to combat superbugs (phys.org)
123. 語言模稜兩可:兒童和成人如何以不同方式解釋上下文中的代詞 Language ambiguity: How children and adults interpret contextual pronouns differently (phys.org)
125. 跟蹤淨零碳債務:誰該為超過 1.5C 氣候極限負責? Tracking net-zero carbon debt: Who is responsible for overshoot of the 1.5C climate limit? (phys.org)
126. 被忽視的多樣性新研究表明植物、真菌甚至病毒都會使用毒液 Overlooked diversity: New research suggests plants, fungi and even viruses use venom (phys.org)
127. 如果我們選擇正確的 30%,保護澳大利亞 30% 土地的預算將拯救物種 A budget splash to conserve 30% of Australia''s lands will save species—if we choose the right 30% (phys.org)
129. 機器學習技術揭示西伯利亞高精度土地覆被圖,增強氣候預測能力 Machine learning techniques reveal a high-precision land cover map for Siberia, enhancing climatic predictions (phys.org)
130. 通信網絡的各個方面影響著共同社會認同的發展、群體表現 Aspects of communications networks affect development of shared social identity, group performance (phys.org)
131. 誰在呼叫?蝙蝠通過解決感官衝突戰勝欺騙 Who is calling? Bats outsmart deception by solving sensory conflicts (phys.org)
132. 夢想、預言和直覺如何影響移民決定 How dreams, prophecies and intuitions can impact the decision to migrate (phys.org)
133. 報告重點介紹應對氣候變化的微生物創新技術 Report highlights microbial innovations to combat climate change (phys.org)
134. 植物用數百萬張小嘴 "呼吸"--激光器揭示了氣孔行為的進化過程 Plants ''breathe'' with millions of tiny mouths—lasers illuminate evolution of stomata behavior (phys.org)
137. 研究表明,教孩子們認識蟲子對環境有益 Teaching kids about bugs benefits the environment, research suggests (phys.org)
138. 研究發現:大白鯊消失後生態系統遭到破壞 Ecosystem disrupted following the disappearance of great white sharks, study finds (phys.org)
139. 在土壤中添加硅能幫助番茄植物對抗南美番茄蟯蟲 Adding silicon to soil can help tomato plants fight South American tomato pinworm (phys.org)
141. 最適合製作素食酥餅的黃油:實驗測試確定最佳脂肪含量 The best butter for a vegan shortbread: Experimental tests determine the optimal fat content (phys.org)
143. 研究發現:雲帶移動影響印度季風期間的潮溼天氣 Cloud band movement influences wet spells during Indian monsoon, study finds (phys.org)
144. 級聯模式干涉儀可取代光纖分束波導 Cascaded-mode interferometer could replace beam-splitting waveguides for fiber optics (phys.org)
145. 從經濟鬥爭到文化戰爭:研究揭示 GDP 如何影響全球兩極分化 From economic struggles to culture wars: Study reveals how GDP influences polarization around the globe (phys.org)
147. 越來越多的女孩被排斥在學校之外--這就是為什麼她們覺得被老師誤解了 More girls are being excluded from school—here''s why they feel misjudged by teachers (phys.org)
148. TiO₂ 納米粒子可同時修復地下水中的砷和鈾 TiO₂ nanoparticles offer simultaneous arsenic and uranium remediation from groundwater (phys.org)
150. 報告顯示,學習障礙人士經濟拮据 People with learning disabilities are struggling financially, report shows (phys.org)
151. 模擬顯示,六個閥門是快速分散冷卻氣體的理想設置 Simulations show six valves provide ideal setup for rapidly dispersing cooling gas (phys.org)
152. 科學家揭示酶如何進化到在低溫條件下發揮作用 Scientists uncover how enzymes evolved to function at low temperatures (phys.org)
153. 新研究顯示,推遲淨零過渡可能會造成巨大的經濟損失 Delaying the net zero transition could impose significant economic costs, new research reveals (phys.org)
154. 一半是冰,一半是火物理學家在磁性材料中發現物質的新階段 ''Half ice, half fire'': Physicists discover new phase of matter in a magnetic material (phys.org)
155. 研究發現移動細胞的普遍性--這一發現可能對健康和機器人技術產生影響 Study finds universality in moving cells—a discovery that could impact health and robotics (phys.org)
156. 研究顯示:提供帶薪休假可大幅降低員工辭職幾率 Offering paid time off dramatically cuts odds of employees quitting their jobs, study reveals (phys.org)
157. 熒光洞穴可解釋生命如何在地外環境中持續存在 Fluorescent caves could explain how life persists in extraterrestrial environments (phys.org)
158. 新書探討了從愛爾蘭到烏克蘭等 11 個國家的擇校問題 New book explores school choice in 11 countries from Ireland to Ukraine (phys.org)
159. 南加州中毒海獅數量激增,威脅海灘遊客,加重救援人員負擔 Surge in poisoned sea lions threatens beachgoers, burdens rescuers in Southern California (phys.org)
160. 內斯科特狗的遺骸讓人瞭解羅馬英國人的祭祀活動 Nescot dog remains provide insight into Romano-British ritual practices (phys.org)
161. SpaceX 公司從卡納維拉爾角發射機密 NROL-69 任務 SpaceX launches classified NROL-69 mission from Cape Canaveral (phys.org)
162. 新發現化石地點的放射性同位素年齡為哺乳動物的進化提供了線索 Radioisotopic ages of newly discovered fossil sites hold clues to evolution of mammals (phys.org)
163. 天文學家深入瞭解 NGC 7793星系的熱氣態光環 Astronomers provide insights into the hot gaseous halo of galaxy NGC 7793 (phys.org)
167. 墓葬中的骨骼分析發現,勤勞的人被埋葬在精英階層中 Skeletal analysis in Tombos tombs finds hardworking individuals buried among the elite (phys.org)
168. 研究顯示,個體漁民在生成環境數據方面幾乎與衛星一樣準確 Artisanal fishers are almost as accurate as satellites in producing environmental data, study shows (phys.org)
169. 非傳統類型的量子計算機如何打開通往基本粒子世界的新大門 How an unconventional type of quantum computer opens a new door to the world of elementary particles (phys.org)
172. 微小晶體的光誘導對稱性變化使研究人員能夠創造出具有定製特性的材料 Light-induced symmetry changes in tiny crystals allow researchers to create materials with tailored properties (phys.org)
176. 黨參根的化學分析顯示,化合物具有顯著的血管擴張作用 Chemical analysis of Codonopsis lanceolata roots shows significant vasodilatory effects from compound (phys.org)
177. 研究顯示,以色列公眾更喜歡更快的地震預警--即使以降低準確性為代價 Israeli public prefers faster earthquake warnings—even at the cost of lower accuracy, study reveals (phys.org)
179. 如何從木材和塑料廢棄物中提取有價值的物質 How valuable substances can be extracted from wood and plastic waste (phys.org)
181. 尼日利亞的玉米種植:更好地預測蟲害和氣候風險 Maize cultivation in Nigeria: Better predicting pest and climate risks (phys.org)
182. 研究發現:樹木多樣性有助於森林緩衝酷暑和嚴寒 Tree diversity helps forests buffer extreme heat and cold, study finds (phys.org)
183. 研究發現幾內亞比紹寵物黑猩猩的非法貿易 Research uncovers the illegal trade of pet chimpanzees from Guinea-Bissau (phys.org)
184. 在初榨橄欖油和松子消費中預防食品欺詐的進展情況 Advances to prevent food fraud in the consumption of virgin olive oil and pine nuts (phys.org)
186. 韋伯揭開 "宇宙龍捲風 "螺旋星系的真面目 Webb unmasks true nature of the ''Cosmic Tornado'' spiral galaxy (phys.org)
188. OQTOPUS:研究人員推出開源量子計算機操作系統 OQTOPUS: Researchers launch open-source quantum computer operating system (phys.org)
189. 管理波羅的海遺留彈藥:AL628 號考察隊調查可疑地點 Managing legacy munitions in the Baltic Sea: Expedition AL628 investigates suspect sites (phys.org)
190. 光如何穩定應激反應蛋白,幫助植物在惡劣環境中生存 How light stabilizes a stress-response protein to help plants survive harsh environments (phys.org)
191. 在日新月異的黃石國家公園,一個新的熱蒸汽噴口正吸引著人們的目光 A new thermal steam vent is grabbing attention in ever-changing Yellowstone National Park (phys.org)
192. 女農民面臨的壓力:研究指出,動物損失和繼承規劃是主要壓力因素 Stressors female farmers face: Study cites animal loss, succession planning as key stressors (phys.org)
193. 地中海最北有毒河豚記錄引發警覺 Northernmost record of toxic pufferfish in Mediterranean raises alarm (phys.org)
194. 研究發現,能從未來或過去的角度看待挑戰的領導者可能會卓有成效 Leaders who can view challenges in a future or past perspective likely to be effective, study finds (phys.org)
197. 研究顯示,多達 30% 的櫸樹死於櫸樹葉病 As many as 30% of beech trees killed by beech leaf disease, study shows (phys.org)
198. 是時候停止指責蝙蝠和蠑螈阻礙發展了嗎?新基金可支持自然,緩解建築延誤 Time to stop blaming bats and newts for blocking development? A new fund could support nature and ease building delays (phys.org)
199. 當系統突然傾斜時:對難以預測的轉變的新認識 When systems suddenly tip: New insights into hard-to-predict transitions (phys.org)
200. 新研究揭示了氫離子和氫氧根離子中和的關鍵途徑 New study uncovers key pathways in hydronium and hydroxide ion neutralization (phys.org)
204. 創新論壇:扭轉社區暴力軌跡的偉大構想 Innovation forums: Big ideas to reverse trajectory of community violence (phys.org)
206. 距離更近,速度更快:連接人工智能與量子計算的新型低溫內存計算方案 Meters closer, miles faster: A novel cryogenic in-memory computing scheme to bridge AI with quantum computing (phys.org)
207. 用於可持續廢水修復的多功能複合催化劑 A multifunctional composite catalyst for sustainable wastewater remediation (phys.org)
208. 山脈是生物多樣性的引擎:隆起如何影響物種進化 Mountains as biodiversity engines: How uplift may shape species evolution (phys.org)
210. 縮放偏差:視頻會議中 "尖銳 "聲音的社會成本 Zoom bias: The social costs of having a ''tinny'' sound during video conferences (phys.org)
213. 人行橫道背後的秘密--為什麼有些橫道會陷入混亂 The secret behind pedestrian crossings—and why some spiral into chaos (phys.org)
214. 基因組測序揭示了使微生物產生抗藥性和難以殺死的未知基因 Genomic sequencing reveals previously unknown genes that make microbes resistant to drugs and hard to kill (phys.org)
215. 富裕的非洲人經常不交稅。專家說,答案在於更聰明地收稅 Wealthy Africans often don''t pay tax. The answer lies in smarter collection, says expert (phys.org)
216. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)的科學家們正在記錄野花盛開的時間,以瞭解我們這個不斷變化的星球 NASA scientists are clocking wildflower blooms to understand our ever-changing planet (phys.org)
217. 野火、暴風和熱浪:極端天氣如何威脅大自然的基本服務 Wildfires, windstorms and heat waves: How extreme weather threatens nature''s essential services (phys.org)
218. 牛對牛結核病的易感性可追溯到關鍵基因 Susceptibility to bovine tuberculosis in cattle traced to key genes (phys.org)
219. 研究警告:碳循環反饋可能放大全球變暖風險 Carbon cycle feedbacks may amplify global heating risk, study warns (phys.org)
220. 圖案化自旋電子發射器實現了室溫太赫茲極化控制,適用於無線和生物醫學應用 Patterned spintronic emitter enables room-temperature THz polarization control for wireless and biomedical applications (phys.org)
221. 為下一代太空探索開發的可擴展納米技術光帆 Scalable nanotechnology-based lightsails developed for next-generation space exploration (phys.org)
222. 黑猩猩''工程師''對理解人類技術進化具有啟示意義 ''Chimpanzee ''engineers'' have implications for understanding human technological evolution (phys.org)
223. 機械力如何編碼細胞功能並導致纖維化 How mechanical forces can encode function in cells and lead to fibrosis (phys.org)
226. 打破抗生素細菌的保護殼研究為抗擊肺炎鏈球菌提供啟示 Breaking antibiotic-resistant bacteria''s protective capsules: Study offers insights into combating S. pneumoniae (phys.org)
227. 莫伊裡克現象法相使層間激子在低溫下移動,從而實現量子穩定性 Moiré than meets the eye: Phasons enable interlayer excitons to move at low temperatures for quantum stability (phys.org)
228. 謎底揭曉:我們的測試揭示了南澳海灘上殺死魚類和危害衝浪者的微小藻類 Mystery solved: Our tests reveal the tiny algae killing fish and harming surfers on SA beaches (phys.org)
229. 尋找難以捉摸的量子粒子?研究人員建議,試試劣質金屬 Looking for elusive quantum particles? Try a bad metal, researchers suggest (phys.org)
230. 小行星 2024 YR 可能不會在 2032 年撞擊地球,但它和其他小行星會不斷回來 Asteroid 2024 YR may not hit Earth in 2032, but it—and others—will keep coming back (phys.org)
231. 給河流以活動空間:重新思考洪水管理如何造福人類和自然 Giving rivers room to move: How rethinking flood management can benefit people and nature (phys.org)
235. 最新物理模型有助於重建末次冰期後海平面的突然大幅上升 Updated physical model helps reconstruct sudden, dramatic sea level rise after last ice age (phys.org)
236. 中國批准在西藏易發生山體滑坡地區實施有爭議的水電項目 China authorizes controversial hydropower project in landslide-prone region of Tibet (phys.org)
237. 削減對不平等、差距和其他 DEIA 課題的研究會損害科學 Cuts to research into inequality, disparities and other DEIA topics harm science (phys.org)
239. 從暴雨到乾旱氣候變化加速水循環,引發更多極端天氣 From deluges to drought: Climate change speeds up water cycle, triggers more extreme weather (phys.org)
240. 歐洲一家初創公司在首次試飛中放棄了發射軌道火箭的嘗試 A European startup scrubs its attempt to launch an orbital rocket on its first test flight (phys.org)
242. 南極洲極光冰川下盆地水流的過去和未來建模 Modeling the past and future of Antarctica''s Aurora Subglacial Basin water flow (phys.org)
243. 採用鑽石自旋量子比特的高精度量子門誤差率低於 0.1% High-precision quantum gates with diamond spin qubits achieve error rate below 0.1% (phys.org)
244. 利用二氧化碳產生氧氣的電化學過程可用於太空 Electrochemical process that uses carbon dioxide to produce oxygen could be used in space (phys.org)
245. 引進的太平洋牡蠣為澳大利亞港口河的生物多樣性帶來益處 Introduced Pacific oysters provide biodiversity benefits in Australia''s Port River (phys.org)
248. 事件視界望遠鏡可近距離研究黑洞的加速噴流 Event Horizon Telescope allows close study of accelerating jets from black holes (phys.org)
249. 分析模型預測細菌如何通過障礙物進行傳播 Analytical model predicts how bacteria navigate obstacles to spread (phys.org)
250. 澳大利亞學校需要進行廣泛的系統改革,以實現公平目標 Wide system changes needed for Australian schools to reach equity goals (phys.org)
251. 染色體是如何為細胞分裂塑形的?科學家揭示 DNA 環形成機制 How chromosomes shape up for cell division: Scientists reveal DNA loop formation mechanisms (phys.org)
252. 加利福尼亞州禁止使用聚苯乙烯:那麼,為什麼商店貨架上還有這種材料? California banned polystyrene: So why is it still on store shelves? (phys.org)
255. 呼吸-孑子激光研究揭示同步現象的新複雜性 Breathing-soliton laser study unveils new complexities in synchronization phenomena (phys.org)
256. 面對飆升的山體滑坡成本,帕洛斯維第斯考慮對標誌性沿海公路收費 Faced with soaring landslide costs, Palos Verdes considers toll on iconic coastal road (phys.org)
257. 研究發現,氣候變暖和熱浪正在加速全球湖泊脫氧 Climate warming and heat waves are accelerating global lake deoxygenation, study finds (phys.org)
258. 研究人員利用合成酵母菌群實現植物木酚素的從頭生物合成 Researchers achieve de novo biosynthesis of plant lignans using synthetic yeast consortia (phys.org)
259. 磁性納米粒子將藥物輸送到腫瘤深處,減緩癌症生長 Magnetic nanoparticles transport drugs deep into tumors to slow cancer growth (phys.org)
262. 大自然的時光機長期研究如何揭開進化的秘密 Nature''s time machine: How long-term studies unlock evolution''s secrets (phys.org)
264. 科學家改造海星細胞,使其能隨光線變化而變形 Scientists engineer starfish cells to shape-shift in response to light (phys.org)
265. 歷史上的強盜 "Schinderhannes "已被確認:約 220 年前骸骨被混在一起 Historical robber ''Schinderhannes'' clearly identified: Skeletons were mixed up about 220 years ago (phys.org)
266. 白領犯罪:"墮落 "與重返社會的恥辱 White-collar crimes: ''Fall from grace'' and the stigma of reentry into society (phys.org)
267. 太空探索技術公司(SpaceX)計劃本月底執行私人宇航員極地軌道任務 Fram2 SpaceX targets end of month for private astronaut polar orbit mission Fram2 (phys.org)
269. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)網站不再宣傳阿爾忒彌斯號的 "第一位登月女性 NASA websites no longer promote ''first woman'' on the moon for Artemis (phys.org)
270. 研究人員利用衍射光學揭開單向光聚焦的神秘面紗 Researchers unveil unidirectional light focusing using diffractive optics (phys.org)
271. 用動態保護模式擁抱變化:研究挑戰傳統的保護區方法 Embrace change with dynamic conservation models: Study challenges traditional protected area approach (phys.org)
272. 新型給藥方法有望以更少的注射次數獲得長達數月的療效 New drug delivery method promises months-long effects with fewer injections (phys.org)
274. 歐洲一家初創公司將在首次試飛中發射一枚軌道火箭 A European startup is set to launch an orbital rocket on its first test flight (phys.org)
275. 科學與傳統的結合有助於修復中國故宮文物 A mix of science and tradition helps restore relics in China''s Forbidden City (phys.org)
276. 古老的植物調查幫助研究人員追蹤澳大利亞島嶼上植物的變化情況 Old botanical surveys help researchers track how plants on Australia''s islands are changing (phys.org)
277. 縮小宇宙微波背景與第一批星系之間的差距 Bridging the gap between the cosmic microwave background and the first galaxies (phys.org)
278. 天文學家公佈第一批恆星和星系的 "嬰兒照片 Astronomers unveil ''baby pictures'' of the first stars and galaxies (phys.org)
280. 下一代人工智能硬件:三維光子電子平臺提升效率和帶寬 Next-generation AI hardware: 3D photonic-electronic platform boosts efficiency and bandwidth (phys.org)
281. 發酵粉和小蘇打有什麼區別?微妙但重要 What''s the difference between baking powder and baking soda? It''s subtle, but significant (phys.org)
282. 研究人員發現了唯一不會跳躍的袋鼠--它可以告訴我們袋鼠是如何進化出奇特步態的 Researches find the only kangaroo that doesn''t hop—and it can teach us how roos evolved their quirky gait (phys.org)
283. AMoRE 實驗為¹⁰⁰Mo 的無中子雙貝塔衰變設定了新限制 AMoRE experiment sets new limits on neutrinoless double beta decay of ¹⁰⁰Mo (phys.org)
284. 葡萄園的守護者警犬與化學合力防治白粉病 Guardians of the vineyard: Canines and chemistry work to combat powdery mildew (phys.org)
285. 同行評審旨在防止科學不端行為:但它也有自己的問題 Peer review is meant to prevent scientific misconduct: But it has its own problems (phys.org)
286. 樹突棘瞭解記憶如何在時間中聯繫的關鍵 Dendritic spines: The key to understanding how memories are linked in time (phys.org)
287. 我們發現了一種新的黃蜂澳大利亞學生通過公民科學發現昆蟲物種 We found a new wasp! Students in Australia are discovering insect species through citizen science (phys.org)
288. 歐幾里得打開數據寶庫,讓人們一窺深層領域的奧秘 Euclid opens data treasure trove, offers glimpse of deep fields (phys.org)
289. 英國有近 100 萬年輕人沒有工作或接受教育;證據顯示,有哪些方法可以改變這種狀況 Britain has almost 1 million young people not in work or education; here''s what evidence shows can change that (phys.org)
291. 進化:有助於尋找配偶的特徵可能導致大腦變小 Evolution: Features that help in finding a mate may lead to smaller brains (phys.org)
292. 實驗表明灰海豹能監測自己的血氧含量以防止溺水 Experiments show gray seals can monitor their own blood oxygen levels to prevent drowning (phys.org)
293. 週六引文:宇宙不在乎你珍貴的標準模型 Saturday Citations: The universe doesn''t care about your precious standard model (phys.org)
294. 研究人員開創性地利用光驅動方法制造關鍵藥物化合物 Researchers pioneer groundbreaking light-driven method to create key drug compounds (phys.org)
295. SPHEREx 望遠鏡旨在揭開宇宙最初時刻的秘密 SPHEREx telescope aims to unlock secrets of universe''s first moments (phys.org)
297. 美國國家航空航天局將從阿拉斯加發射三枚火箭,進行一次極光實驗 NASA to launch three rockets from Alaska in single Aurora experiment (phys.org)
299. 對人為有機氣溶膠形成的新認識表明其對區域的影響更大 New insights into formation of anthropogenic organic aerosols suggest greater region impact (phys.org)
300. 嫦娥六號樣品表明42.5億年前的撞擊形成了月球南極-艾特肯盆地 Chang''e-6 samples suggest 4.25-billion-year-old impact formed moon''s South Pole–Aitken basin (phys.org)