2. 研究人員發現,日益複雜的情況對戰略管理提出了挑戰 Increasing complexity challenges strategic management, researcher finds (phys.org)
3. 海洋考察提供北冰洋 "大西洋化 "的證據 Oceanographic expedition provides evidence on the ''atlantification'' of the Arctic Ocean (phys.org)
4. 混交林可以降低氣候變暖時森林受損的風險 Mixed forests can reduce the risk of forest damage in a warmer climate (phys.org)
5. 鐵血防線:微生物如何保護番茄作物免受細菌性枯萎病的侵害 Iron-clad defense: How microbes shield tomato crops from bacterial wilt (phys.org)
6. 科學家開發培養系統,揭開皮膚微生物群的秘密 Scientists develop culture system to unlock secrets of the skin microbiome (phys.org)
7. 低成本表型系統揭示野生番茄定量抗病性的關鍵信息 Low-cost phenotyping system unveils key insights into quantitative disease resistance in wild tomatoes (phys.org)
8. 植物生物學家展示了兩個基因如何共同觸發水稻胚胎的形成 Plant biologists show how two genes work together to trigger embryo formation in rice (phys.org)
9. 非侵入性植物脅迫表型:對抗非生物脅迫的多器官方法 Noninvasive plant stress phenotyping: A multi-organ approach to combat abiotic stressors (phys.org)
11. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)海洋世界探險家先游泳再飛行 NASA ocean world explorers have to swim before they can fly (phys.org)
12. 科學家利用物質波揭示量子光學中的新型集體行為 Using matter waves, scientists unveil novel collective behaviors in quantum optics (phys.org)
13. 科學家發現一種感染淡水藻類的新型巨型病毒 Scientists discover a new giant virus that infects freshwater algae (phys.org)
14. 光激活載藥脂質體顯示出微創青光眼治療的潛力 Light-activated, drug-carrying liposomes show potential for minimally invasive glaucoma treatments (phys.org)
15. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)的 "雨燕 "號(Swift)以改進的指向模式迎來 20 週年紀念日 NASA''s Swift reaches 20th anniversary in improved pointing mode (phys.org)
16. 到 2100 年,氣候變化和空氣汙染每年可能危及 3000 萬人的生命 Climate change and air pollution could risk 30 million lives annually by 2100 (phys.org)
20. 用於溫室的光變塗料有助於延長陽光不足國家的水果生長期 Light-altering paint for greenhouses could help lengthen the fruit growing season in less sunny countries (phys.org)
21. 製造火星的衛星超級計算機提供 "顛覆性 "新解釋 Making Mars''s moons: Supercomputers offer ''disruptive'' new explanation (phys.org)
23. 研究發現,基於光的技術可安全有效地減輕穀物真菌汙染 Light-based technology is safe and effective for mitigating fungal contamination of cereal grains, study finds (phys.org)
25. 兒童心理健康問題日益突出,學校社工成為未被充分利用的資源 School social workers an underutilized resource as mental health challenges in children sees increase (phys.org)
26. 將灌溉決策與地下水使用聯繫起來的新模型揭示了地下水減少的原因 New model sheds light on groundwater declines by linking irrigation decisions and groundwater use (phys.org)
27. 淨化有毒輪胎:研究人員展示了從報廢輪胎中去除有毒微粒的能力 Decontaminating toxic tires: Researchers show ability to remove toxic particles from end-of-life tires (phys.org)
28. R 音粗糙,L 音平滑:跨文化研究發現這些關聯可能是普遍存在的 R sounds are rough, and L sounds are smooth: Cross-cultural study finds these associations may be universal (phys.org)
29. 心臟蚶的外殼上有窗戶,可以為共生藻提供光線 Heart cockles have windows in their shells to let in light for symbiotic algae (phys.org)
30. 超緊湊光學設計增強了虛擬和增強現實設備攝像頭的功能 Ultra-compact optical design enhances virtual and augmented reality device cameras (phys.org)
31. 調查發現,更大幅度的加薪和更好的福利有助於留住教師 Larger pay increases and better benefits could support teacher retention, survey finds (phys.org)
32. 馬達加斯加海洋藻類大量繁殖是由南部非洲乾旱地區的沙塵造成的 Madagascar''s huge ocean algae bloom was caused by dust from drought-stricken southern Africa (phys.org)
33. 學校放假意味著更多的飲料添加警告--為什麼保持安全的重任仍然落在女性身上? School break means more drink spiking warnings—why is the burden still on women to stay safe? (phys.org)
34. 研究發現:海牛可能是最近才到達佛羅里達的動物 Manatees might be relatively recent arrivals to Florida, study finds (phys.org)
35. 研究表明黑猩猩友好的社交行為具有傳染性 Study shows friendly social behaviors are contagious for chimpanzees (phys.org)
36. 調查顯示,鄰里網絡可推動地方氣候行動 Neighborly networking may motivate local climate action, survey suggests (phys.org)
37. 通過散射層的百萬像素熒光顯微技術變得簡單易行 Megapixel fluorescence microscopy through scattering layers made simple (phys.org)
38. 企業仍在致力於實現淨零排放,儘管這條道路崎嶇不平。以下是數據顯示 Companies are still committing to net-zero emissions, even if it''s a bumpy road. Here''s what the data show (phys.org)
39. 報告顯示對兒童參與社區服務的看法存在差異 Report shows disparity in views of child participation in community services (phys.org)
40. 加拿大第一輛月球車即將命名,準備探索一個充滿敵意的月球區域 Canada''s first moon rover will soon have a name as it prepares to explore a hostile lunar region (phys.org)
41. 澳大利亞女性的年薪仍比男性少近 30,000 澳元,而且隨著年齡的增長,差距會越來越大。 Australian women are still being paid almost 30,000 a year less than men and the gap widens with age (phys.org)
42. 您會減少購買塑料瓶嗎?一個簡單的問題可以改變我們的行為 ''Will you buy fewer plastic bottles?'' A simple question can change our behavior (phys.org)
43. 研究揭示照顧親人如何影響克利夫蘭長期無家可歸者的生活 Study reveals how caregiving for loved ones shapes lives of Cleveland''s chronically homeless (phys.org)
44. 父母總是對孩子撒謊--但他們應該三思而後行 Parents lie to children all the time—but they should think twice about it (phys.org)
45. 年輕行星的發現可為行星的形成提供新的視角 Young planet discovery could provide new insight into planet formation (phys.org)
46. 我們知道銀河系並非唯一的星系已有 100 年了 It''s been 100 years since we learned the Milky Way is not the only galaxy (phys.org)
47. 研究發現首席執行官的決策可能受過去經濟衰退記憶的困擾 Study finds CEOs'' decisions can be haunted by memories of past recessions (phys.org)
48. 世界最深海域的生命:到 2030 年發現 1000 個海洋新物種的挑戰 Life in the world''s deepest seas: The challenge of finding 1,000 new marine species by 2030 (phys.org)
49. 種植大豆的排放足跡大得驚人,但減少排放的時機已經成熟 Growing soybeans has a surprisingly significant emissions footprint, but it''s ripe for reduction (phys.org)
50. 20 世紀初的海洋可能比以前想象的更溫暖 Early 20th century oceans might have been warmer than previously thought (phys.org)
51. 許多物理學家認為,宇宙對生命來說是微調的。我們的研究結果對這一觀點提出了質疑 Many physicists argue the universe is fine-tuned for life. Our findings question this idea (phys.org)
52. 為什麼人們寧願打掃廁所也不願查看銀行存款--以及由此導致的消費問題 Why people would rather clean the toilet than check their bank balance—and the spending problems this leads to (phys.org)
53. 研究人員開發出開創性的監測技術,幫助建設紅樹林的恢復能力 Researchers develop pioneering monitoring technique to help build mangrove resilience (phys.org)
54. 新研究強調碳稅對有效實現經濟去碳化的價值 New study emphasizes value of a carbon tax to effectively decarbonize the economy (phys.org)
55. 管風琴會產生自動調音效果嗎?瞭解最大類別樂器對音樂廳的影響 Do pipe organs create an auto-tune effect? Understanding largest class of music instrument''s effects on concert halls (phys.org)
56. 好奇心、圖像和科學探索:物理學家的新書探索非凡現象 Curiosity, images, and scientific exploration: New book by physicist explores remarkable phenomena (phys.org)
58. 繪製蛋白酶特異性圖譜的新工具可為改進治療方法鋪平道路 New tool to map protease specificity may pave the way for improved treatments (phys.org)
59. 研究人員計算出具有螺旋邊界條件的二維材料拓撲數 Researchers calculate topological numbers for 2D materials with spiral boundary conditions (phys.org)
60. 研究人員發現光在視網膜細胞組織中的重要作用 Researchers discover the essential role of light in the organization of retinal cells (phys.org)
61. COP29:只有讓碳迴歸大地,才能真正實現零淨排放 COP29: Only by returning carbon to the ground is net zero truly possible (phys.org)
62. 羅馬角鬥士的超級粉絲就是當時的足球流氓 Dedicated Roman gladiator superfans were the football hooligans of their day (phys.org)
63. 新研究可幫助非營利組織吸引數百萬在線捐贈者 New research could help nonprofits attract millions of online donors (phys.org)
64. 報告認為,中美必須在清除二氧化碳方面開展合作 US, China must collaborate on carbon dioxide removal, report finds (phys.org)
65. 選擇學校時,不要拘泥於單性別與男女同校--詢問是否支持和包容所有學生 When picking schools, don''t get stuck on single-sex vs. co-ed—ask whether all students supported and included (phys.org)
66. 我研究組織失敗已有幾十年--英格蘭教會需要的不僅僅是一位新領袖 I''ve studied organizational failure for decades—the Church of England needs more than a new leader (phys.org)
67. 投資支持服務,有效提高多樣性,留住公路建設學徒 Investment in support services effective in increasing diversity, retention of apprentices in highway construction (phys.org)
68. Cas9-PE 系統在水稻中實現精確編輯和特定位點隨機突變 Cas9-PE system achieves precise editing and site-specific random mutation in rice (phys.org)
69. 與離散的極端天氣相比,複合天氣事件對溼地甲烷排放的影響更大 Compound weather events found to have greater effect on wetland methane emissions than discrete weather extremes do (phys.org)
70. 甜牙--有人看到埃塞俄比亞狼以火紅撲克花的花蜜為食 Sweet tooth—Ethiopian wolves seen feeding on nectar of red hot poker flowers (phys.org)
71. 婆羅洲熱帶雨林中果子狸的不同食性使它們能夠生活在同一地區 Diverse diets of civets in Borneo rainforest allow them to live in same geographical area (phys.org)
72. 將碳排放轉化為甲烷燃料:新方法有可能節約大量能源 Turning carbon emissions into methane fuel: New method offers potential for abundant energy savings (phys.org)
73. 研究人員利用沉浸式 3D 技術記錄和研究人類的過去 Researchers use immersive 3D tech to document and study the human past (phys.org)
75. 預測下一次超新星爆發新模擬揭示超新星衝擊爆發的物理學原理 Predicting the next supernova explosion: New simulations reveal the physics of supernova shock breakout (phys.org)
76. 自組裝蛋白質可用於生產性能更高、更可持續的護膚產品 Self-assembling proteins can be used for higher performance, more sustainable skincare products (phys.org)
77. 新語言編碼形狀和結構,幫助機器學習模型預測納米孔特性 New language encodes shape and structure to help machine learning models predict nanopore properties (phys.org)
78. 研究發現,入侵斑馬貝與魚體內汞含量升高有關 Invasive zebra mussels are associated with elevated mercury levels in fish, study finds (phys.org)
79. 數學建模研究表明,將基因驅動添加到一攬子干預措施中可促進瘧疾控制 Mathematical modeling study demonstrates gene drives could boost malaria control when added to intervention package (phys.org)
80. 研究稱,自 2019 年以來,氣候變化使颶風風力增強了 18 英里/小時 Climate change goosed hurricane wind strength by 18 mph since 2019, study says (phys.org)
81. 物理學家開發出高分辨率可視化磁性納米結構的新方法 Physicists develop new method to visualize magnetic nanostructures with high resolution (phys.org)
83. 自動 3D 計算機視覺模型為測量和了解奶牛行為與福利提供了新工具 Automated 3D computer vision model offers a new tool to measure and understand dairy cow behavior and welfare (phys.org)
85. 恐龍鼓槌、X 射線視頻和 3D 模型揭示了鳥類運動的進化過程 Dinosaur drumsticks, X-ray videos and 3D models shed light on the evolution of bird motion (phys.org)
86. 普京降低了使用核武器的門檻。他在虛張聲勢嗎? Putin lowered threshold on use of nuclear weapons. Is he bluffing? (phys.org)
87. 就業成果研究發現女退伍軍人比男退伍軍人更能經受大流行病的封鎖 Employment outcomes study finds women veterans weathered pandemic lockdowns better than men (phys.org)
88. 人類細胞圖譜實現了對人體認識的飛躍 Human Cell Atlas achieves leap in the understanding of the human body (phys.org)
89. 光基光催化系統可在室溫下分解全氟辛烷磺酸 Light-based photocatalytic system can break down PFAS at room temperature (phys.org)
90. 研究顯示:汙水處理廠附近的河流微生物表達大量抗生素耐藥基因 River microbes near wastewater treatment plants express high levels of antibiotic resistance genes, study shows (phys.org)
91. 某些植物的卓越光合作用能力可能是培育氣候適應性作物的關鍵 Superior photosynthesis abilities of some plants could hold key to climate-resilient crops (phys.org)
92. 從休斯頓到月球:約翰遜熱真空室測試月球太陽能技術 From Houston to the moon: Johnson''s thermal vacuum chamber tests lunar solar technology (phys.org)
94. 宇宙調查數據顯示:銀河系是類似星系中的一個異常值 The Milky Way represents an outlier among similar galaxies, universe survey data shows (phys.org)
95. 大部分捐贈衣物被出口或丟棄:研究呼籲整頓城市時尚垃圾 Majority of clothes being donated are exported or discarded: Study calls for city fashion waste shakeup (phys.org)
96. 從道路到水庫:擴大全球排放跟蹤範圍 Roads to reservoirs: Expanding the scope of global emissions tracking (phys.org)
97. 弦理論研究的新拼圖研究證明了四引力子散射猜想 A new puzzle piece for string theory research: Study proves 4-graviton scattering conjecture (phys.org)
98. 科學家研製出性能優於小鼠的便攜式微型高速 "電子鼻 Scientists create portable, miniature high-speed ''electronic nose'' that outperforms mice (phys.org)
99. 研究揭示了幼兒教育中師生關係的重要性 Study reveals importance of student-teacher relationships in early childhood education (phys.org)
102. 研究引發了對氣候變化和全球衝突危機的擔憂 Study raises concerns about the climate change and global conflict crises (phys.org)
103. 研究發現:不同社會經濟群體的氣候適應知識各不相同 Climate adaptation knowledge varies between socioeconomic groups, finds study (phys.org)
104. 虛擬現實可改變警民危機交鋒的遊戲規則 Virtual reality could be gamechanger in police-civilian crisis encounters (phys.org)
105. 湯加里羅本地植物急劇減少,入侵石南花蔓延開來 Dramatic decline in Tongariro''s native plants as invasive heather spreads (phys.org)
106. 費耶特維爾氟化工廠附近種植的蔬菜含有 GenX 和其他 PFAS Garden produce grown near Fayetteville works fluorochemical plant contains GenX, other PFAS (phys.org)
107. 1986 年在中國出土的踝龍類恐龍被確認為新物種 Ankylosaurid dinosaur, unearthed in China in 1986, identified as a new species (phys.org)
108. 特拉華河 "鹽線 "是什麼,為什麼我們應該關注它的位置 What the Delaware River ''salt line'' is, and why we should care where it is (phys.org)
109. 生態學家監測氣候變化影響下的生態系統變化 Ecologist monitors ecosystem changes as effects of climate change (phys.org)
110. 特拉華河水位下降 60%,乾旱導致鹽鋒增加 Delaware River water levels at 60% as salt front increases amid drought (phys.org)
112. 煙霧會隨著時間和距離發生變化,但健康風險依然存在 Smoke changes over time and distance, but health risks remain (phys.org)
114. 科學家發現潛在致命毒魚的分子組成 Scientists discover the molecular composition of potentially deadly venomous fish (phys.org)
115. 播種野花能否彌補城市缺乏支持昆蟲授粉的天然草地的不足? Can sown wildflowers compensate for cities'' lack of natural meadows to support pollinating insects? (phys.org)
116. 隨著氣候變化,土壤變暖,樹木如何調整通過根部獲取養分的策略 How trees adjust their strategies for acquiring nutrients through their roots as soil warms with climate change (phys.org)
118. 揭開第一顆類星體的秘密:它們是如何違揹物理定律成長的 Unlocking the secrets of the first quasars: How they defy the laws of physics to grow (phys.org)
119. 50 歲以上成年人使用互聯網與改善心理健康有關 Internet use in adults over age 50 linked to better mental health (phys.org)
120. 尼安德特人洞穴中發現的化石集表明了抽象思維能力 Fossil collection found in Neanderthal cave suggests abstract thinking (phys.org)
121. 二維石墨烯自旋閥利用範德華磁體的接近性實現高效自旋電子學 2D graphene spin valve leverages van der Waals magnet proximity for efficient spintronics (phys.org)
122. 工程抗生素 D22有望對抗耐藥細菌 Engineered antibiotic D22 shows promise against drug-resistant bacteria (phys.org)
123. 研究探討誠信宣誓對減少不誠實行為的效果 Study explores the effectiveness of honesty oath for reducing dishonest behaviors (phys.org)
124. 通過算法預測古代標本的 DNA 甲基化,深入瞭解人類進化史 Algorithm predicts DNA methylation in ancient specimens, providing insight into human evolution (phys.org)
125. COP29 談判代表在 G20 "進軍令 "下達後努力達成協議 COP29 negotiators strive for deal after G20 ''marching orders'' (phys.org)
126. SpaceX 發射巨型 "星際飛船 "火箭,但放棄了用機械臂捕捉助推器的嘗試 SpaceX launches giant Starship rocket, but aborts attempt to catch booster with mechanical arms (phys.org)
127. 明尼蘇達州即將啟用新的老鷹攝像機,全球觀眾為之歡欣鼓舞 New eagle camera is going live in Minnesota to the delight of global viewers (phys.org)
128. 發現宇航員在太空中處理某些任務的速度較慢,但沒有永久性認知衰退的跡象 Astronauts found to process some tasks slower in space, but no signs of permanent cognitive decline (phys.org)
130. 研究表明,北方人、蘇格蘭人和愛爾蘭人擅長識別假口音,以防範外來者 Northerners, Scots and Irish excel at detecting fake accents to guard against outsiders, study suggests (phys.org)
131. 研究表明,煤灰廢料中蘊藏著大量稀土元素 Enormous cache of rare earth elements hidden inside coal ash waste, study suggests (phys.org)
132. 研究人員表示,合作是植物和牲畜終極基因型的關鍵 Collaboration key to ultimate genotypes in plants and livestock, say researchers (phys.org)
133. 合作發現一種具有抗艾滋病毒潛力的非洲植物的作用機制 Collaboration uncovers mechanisms of an African plant with anti-HIV potential (phys.org)
134. 在工作場所,建立盟友關係的努力可能會遇到阻力--為什麼會出現這種情況,領導者可以做些什麼? Allyship efforts can face pushback in the workplace—here''s why it happens and what leaders can do about it (phys.org)
135. 基因組研究的進展揭示了數千個大豆基因的替代轉錄起始位點 Advancements in genomic research reveal alternative transcription initiation sites in thousands of soybean genes (phys.org)
136. 古代 DNA 揭示了早期歐洲人在農業革命初期的適應情況 Ancient DNA sheds light on adaptation of early Europeans at the dawn of the agricultural revolution (phys.org)
138. 在星團中發現的第一對白矮星-主序雙星為恆星演化帶來新啟示 First pairs of white dwarf–main sequence binaries discovered in clusters shine new light on stellar evolution (phys.org)
139. 多種維生素能幫助拯救珊瑚礁嗎?初步數據顯示可以 Could a multivitamin help save coral reefs? Preliminary data says yes (phys.org)
140. 加納農民為何無法從創紀錄的可可價格中獲益? Why Ghanaian farmers have been unable to capitalize on record cocoa prices (phys.org)
141. 研究發現:對土地進行可持續管理後,土壤生態系統更具復原力 Soil ecosystem more resilient when land is managed sustainably, finds study (phys.org)
142. 哥倫比亞的生物經濟DNA 分析顯示一種重要的貝類正在減少 Bioeconomy in Colombia: DNA analysis shows a vital shellfish in decline (phys.org)
143. 深度學習架構提高了光學顯微鏡圖像改進的效率 Deep learning architecture enables higher efficiency in light microscopy image improvement (phys.org)
144. 增強創業能力,促進包容性並實現更大價值 Empowering entrepreneurship to advance inclusivity and deliver greater value (phys.org)
145. 前驅體水解法實現了 SiO₂多殼空心球的批量生產 Precursor hydrolysis method allows for mass production of SiO₂ multi-shell hollow spheres (phys.org)
146. 作為死亡探測器的禿鷲和人工智能:野生動物研究與保護的高科技方法 Vultures and AI as death detectors: A high-tech approach for wildlife research and conservation (phys.org)
147. 科學家開發出銅耗竭策略,用於高級銅中毒治療 Scientists develop copper depletion strategy for advanced cuproptosis therapy (phys.org)
148. 為什麼包容性產品線可能不會被所有消費者視為同樣積極的產品--企業該如何應對? Why inclusive product lines may not be seen as equally positive by all consumers—and how companies can respond (phys.org)
149. 鄰近油氣井與 COVID-19 死亡率較高有關 Oil and gas well proximity linked to higher rates of COVID-19 mortality (phys.org)
150. 菸草不是好投資研究顯示 2016 年以來股價下跌 Tobacco isn''t a good investment: Study shows a decline in stock prices since 2016 (phys.org)
152. 人工智能與刑事司法:人工智能如何支持--而不是削弱--司法 AI and criminal justice: How AI can support—not undermine—justice (phys.org)
153. 新調查顯示,加拿大人對金錢的看法比美國人悲觀得多 Canadians are much more pessimistic about money than Americans, new survey shows (phys.org)
154. 研究人員說:少吃糖對地球和我們的健康都有好處 Eating less sugar would be great for the planet as well as our health, say researchers (phys.org)
156. 早期現代史專家分享對 17 世紀日曆中的空白和空洞的擔憂 Early modern history expert shares concerns with gaps and emptiness in 17th century calendars (phys.org)
157. 農業雜草最終會在不斷變化的氣候中佔據上風嗎? Will agricultural weeds finally claim the upper hand in a changing climate? (phys.org)
158. 深入研究鈷活性位點的調節,提高丙烯的選擇性以改進生產 Delving deep into regulation of cobalt active sites to enhance selectivity of propylene to improve production (phys.org)
159. 新的分析發現,婦女和女孩在氣候危機的前線付出了代價 Women and girls pay the price on the frontlines of the climate crisis, new analysis finds (phys.org)
160. 研究人員表示,氣候政策可促進創新和可持續性 Climate policies stimulate innovation and sustainability, says researcher (phys.org)
161. 專家研究微塑料的去向及其帶來的風險 Experts study where microplastics are winding up—and what risks they pose (phys.org)
163. 電化學揭開新型氫化鈀納米粒子的神秘面紗 Electrochemistry unlocks a new type of palladium hydride nanoparticle (phys.org)
164. 政府和監管機構需要就採礦業承包商的安全問題採取行動 Government and regulators need to act on contractor safety in the mining industry (phys.org)
165. 將本地物種作為寵物飼養能使它們免於滅絕嗎?事實並非如此簡單 Could keeping native species as pets save them from extinction? Here''s why it''s not that simple (phys.org)
166. 人工智能促進生活:主權國家維拉杜裡的認知方式如何使技術向好的方向轉變 AI for life: How sovereign Wiradyuri ways of knowing can transform technology for good (phys.org)
167. 氣候變化助長了弱勢群體不衛生的如廁習慣 Climate change is encouraging unsanitary toilet practices among vulnerable communities (phys.org)
168. 14 家社區報紙即將關閉,新西蘭太多地區正淪為 "新聞荒漠 With 14 community newspapers due to close, too many parts of NZ are becoming ''news deserts'' (phys.org)
169. 受女性虐待的男性並不都會反擊--有些人認為強勢的男性不會使用暴力 Men abused by women don''t all fight back—some believe a strong man is nonviolent (phys.org)
171. 超越反彈:感受多樣性威脅如何引發積極變革 Beyond backlash: How feeling threatened by diversity can trigger positive change (phys.org)
172. 喜歡在家工作嗎?取決於你是如何做到的,以及誰在做這件事 Like working from home? Depends how you got there, and who''s doing it (phys.org)
174. 莫阿納效應:小島嶼發展中國家如何將應對氣候變化的鬥爭推向世界 The Moana effect: How small island developing states bring their struggle against climate change to the world (phys.org)
175. 實驗表明量子計算機能協調移動設備的行動 Experiment suggests quantum computers can coordinate actions of moving devices (phys.org)
176. 人工智能世界中的人類進化:預測大腦大小、注意力和社會行為的變化 Human evolution in an AI world: Predicting changes in brain size, attention and social behaviors (phys.org)
177. 新型晶體無需輸入任何能量即可從空氣中獲取水分 Novel crystals can harvest water from air without any energy input (phys.org)
178. 出身名門的英國黑人向下流動的可能性高達三倍 Black Britons from top backgrounds up to three times more likely to be downwardly mobile (phys.org)
179. 研究人員追蹤從垃圾填埋場到處理廠的全氟辛烷磺酸和微塑料 Researchers track PFAS, microplastics from landfills to treatment plants (phys.org)
180. 蝸牛研究預示著人工智能在生物研究領域的光明前景 Snail study points to bright future for AI in biological research (phys.org)
181. 大規模遞解出境是特朗普的首要任務--經濟學家解釋它如何導致經濟衰退 Mass deportations are a day one priority for Trump—economists explain how it could lead to a recession (phys.org)
182. 新研究表明,人工智能可用於預測河流流量和預警潛在洪水 AI can be used to predict river discharge and warn of potential flooding, new study shows (phys.org)
183. 研究人員發現,英國警方未能達到公眾的最低服務標準 Police in Britain are failing to meet the public''s minimum standards of service, researchers find (phys.org)
184. 黑人創業者往往被資本拒之門外,但有些人正在通過以下方式消除障礙 Black entrepreneurs are often shut out from capital, but here''s how some are removing barriers (phys.org)
185. Y 染色體分析技術的進步有助於馬匹育種和保護 Advances in Y chromosome analysis aid in horse breeding and conservation (phys.org)
186. 工作場所多樣性培訓計劃隨處可見,但效果卻大相徑庭 Workplace diversity training programs are everywhere, but their effectiveness varies widely (phys.org)
187. 狩獵採集研究有助於解釋人類歷史上 99% 的時間裡兒童是如何學習的 Hunter-gatherer study helps explain how children have learned for 99% of human history (phys.org)
188. 物理學家利用滑動種子更好地理解山體滑坡和巖崩 Physicists use sliding seeds to better understand landslides and rock avalanches (phys.org)
189. 物理學家解釋五層石墨烯中的分數電荷如何發揮作用 Physicists explain how fractional charge in pentalayer graphene could work (phys.org)
190. 調整核聚變燃料的量子特性(自旋)可使發電更經濟 Aligning the quantum property known as spin for fusion fuels could make it easier to generate electricity economically (phys.org)
191. 用人工智能預測新型抗癌化合物的作用模式 Predicting the mode of action of new anti-cancer compounds with AI (phys.org)
192. 為新型電子產品回收緊俏金屬--研究人員發現工業強度吸附劑可吸附鑭 Recovering in-demand metals for new electronics—researchers find industrial-strength adsorbents soak up lanthanum (phys.org)
193. 實驗表明,內容審核員會受到網絡錯誤信息的影響,但準確性思維可能會有所幫助 Experiments reveal content moderators are influenced by online misinformation, but accuracy mindset may help (phys.org)
194. 調查顯示錯誤信息對西班牙語社交媒體平臺的影響 Survey demonstrates impact of misinformation on Spanish-language social media platforms (phys.org)
195. 研究人員稱,社交媒體用戶可能不會閱讀標題之外的內容 Social media users probably won''t read beyond this headline, researchers say (phys.org)
196. 盲洞魚研究為脊椎動物大腦神經元的進化提供了新的視角 Blind cavefish study provides new insights into the evolution of neurons in vertebrate brains (phys.org)
197. 研究顯示,地下水抽取導致加利福尼亞州迅速下沉 Groundwater pumping drives rapid sinking in California, study shows (phys.org)
199. 古生物學家發現薩斯喀徹溫省首批半人馬座龍和 Citipes elegans 化石 Paleontologists discover Saskatchewan''s first Centrosaurus and Citipes elegans fossils (phys.org)
202. 歷時 7 年的研究顯示,來自全球各地的塑料碎片在北太平洋垃圾帶迅速增加 7-year study reveals plastic fragments from all over the globe are rising rapidly in the North Pacific Garbage Patch (phys.org)
205. 當細胞保護者與殺手合作時:研究探索 CED-9 在細胞凋亡中的雙重作用 When a cell protector collaborates with a killer: Research explores dual role of CED-9 in apoptosis (phys.org)
207. 在玻璃中生根--利用植物和真菌創建三維微血管網絡的生物啟發方法 Building roots in glass, a bio-inspired approach to creating 3D microvascular networks using plants and fungi (phys.org)
208. 光物質相互作用揭示量子信息技術新範式 Light-matter interaction reveals new paradigm of quantum information technology (phys.org)
209. 為什麼有權有勢的人更容易出軌?專家發現自我感覺的權力與忠誠度之間存在相關性 Why the powerful may be more likely to cheat: Experts find correlation between self-perception of power and faithfulness (phys.org)
211. 冠狀病毒中看似 "殘缺不全 "的基因可能是病毒生存的必要條件 Seemingly ''broken'' genes in coronaviruses may be essential for viral survival (phys.org)
212. 研究發現,即使是單細胞生物也會表現出習慣性,這是一種簡單的學習形式 Research reveals even single-cell organisms exhibit habituation, a simple form of learning (phys.org)
213. 研究人員發現,購物者的可持續發展動機並不像他們所說的那樣強烈 Shoppers aren''t as motivated by sustainability as they claim, researcher finds (phys.org)
215. 對不列顛哥倫比亞省榛子樹的基因分析表明,原住民對其進行了廣泛傳播 Genetic analysis of hazelnut trees in British Columbia shows wide dispersal by Indigenous people (phys.org)
217. 基於 CRISPR 的系統用 "條形碼 "標記細胞外囊泡,以便更好地瞭解細胞間的交流 CRISPR-based system labels extracellular vesicles with ''barcodes'' to better understand cell-to-cell communication (phys.org)
219. 高速攝像研究顯示:一點金光閃閃的東西能讓昆蟲的捕食者眼花繚亂 A bit of bling helps insects dazzle their predators, high-speed camera study shows (phys.org)
222. 非洲農村地區現代住房開發隱藏的疾病風險 The hidden disease risks of modern housing developments in rural Africa (phys.org)
223. 離子速度新紀錄有望加快電池充電和生物傳感速度 New ion speed record holds potential for faster battery charging and biosensing (phys.org)
225. 健康的 "新城鎮在人口老齡化之後振興社區 Healthy ''New Towns'': Revitalizing neighborhoods in the wake of aging populations (phys.org)
227. 研究顯示,自 COVID-19 以來,英語國家的青少年逃學率有所上升 Research reveals teenage truancy rates have risen in English-speaking countries since COVID-19 (phys.org)
230. 好萊塢技術幫助美國國家航空航天局實現超級計算數據可視化 Hollywood techniques help NASA visualize supercomputing data (phys.org)
232. 亞利桑那州一心愛的墨西哥灰狼神秘死亡,懸賞 100,000 美元 Reward of 100,000 offered in mysterious death of beloved Mexican gray wolf in Arizona (phys.org)
233. 研究人員研究 SpaceX 星際飛船的轟鳴聲及其對社區和環境的影響 Researchers study the roar of SpaceX''s Starship and its impact on communities and the environment (phys.org)
234. 加州水循環廠獲得 2600 萬美元,為米德湖供水 California water recycling plant gains 26 million to feed Lake Mead (phys.org)
235. 史無前例的羊魚石刻揭示了埃及人對十二生肖符號的理解 First ever goat-fish petroglyph reveals Egyptian understanding of zodiac symbols (phys.org)
236. 通過對小鼠細胞進行 "群體控制",科學家在組織工程學方面取得進展 By exerting ''crowd control'' over mouse cells, scientists make progress towards engineering tissues (phys.org)
239. 大堡礁部分地區珊瑚死亡率創歷史新高 Parts of Great Barrier Reef suffer highest coral mortality on record (phys.org)
242. 從複雜性中發現共性:科學家探索 "中間科學 "以解決全球問題 Deducing commonality from complexity: Scientist explores ''Mesoscience'' to address global issues (phys.org)
243. 在印度南部的茶葉之鄉,正在醞釀微小但強大的努力,以恢復原始森林 In southern India''s tea country, small but mighty efforts are brewing to bring back native forests (phys.org)
244. 為什麼說校警可能不是預防暴力的最有效方法? Why school police officers may not be the most effective way to prevent violence (phys.org)
245. 全球首個可視化分級系統為應對微塑料時裝汙染而開發 World''s first visual grading system developed to combat microplastic fashion pollution (phys.org)
246. 費城學生有了新的閱讀和寫作課程。一位掃盲專家解釋了變化的原因 Philadelphia students have a new reading and writing curriculum. A literacy expert explains what''s changing (phys.org)
247. 較好但不出色:民調機構在評估特朗普-哈里斯競選時面臨熟悉的抱怨和困難 Better but not stellar: Pollsters faced familiar complaints, difficulties in assessing Trump-Harris race (phys.org)
248. 短命的蘇打水稅強化了關於稅收對消費者行為影響的其他推測:研究 Short-lived soda tax reinforces alternative presumptions on tax impacts on consumer behaviors: Study (phys.org)
249. 賦予人民權力,拯救地球:直接民主的理由 Empowering people, saving the planet: A case for direct democracy (phys.org)
250. 氣候危機和生物多樣性危機交織在一起,但我們有可能將兩者對立起來 The climate and biodiversity crises are entwined, but we risk pitting one against the other (phys.org)
251. 最新版書籍為監測和管理兩棲動物、爬行動物和魚類體內的拉那病毒提供指導 Latest edition of book offers guidance on monitoring and managing ranaviruses in amphibians, reptiles and fish (phys.org)
252. 有關邊緣化群體創業的研究挑戰了傳統智慧 Research challenges traditional wisdom on entrepreneurship among marginalized groups (phys.org)
253. 研究發現 "安全 "的雙酚 A 替代品仍可能帶來健康風險 Study finds ''safe'' BPA alternatives may still pose health risks (phys.org)
256. NFT 市場中的偏見:研究顯示女性和黑人頭像售價較低,並提出促進平等的解決方案 Bias in the NFT market: Study reveals female and black avatars sell for less, and offers solutions to promote equality (phys.org)
257. 新的火星著陸方式:我們將如何在紅色星球上登陸大型有效載荷 The new Mars landing approach: How we''ll land large payloads on the Red Planet (phys.org)
258. 除現金外,捐贈者建議基金還吸納了大量資產,增加了稅收收入 Donor-advised funds are drawing a lot of assets besides cash, taking a bigger bite out of tax revenue (phys.org)
259. 研究強調了在養家餬口的同時務農所面臨的獨特挑戰 Study highlights unique challenges of farming while raising a family, managing household (phys.org)
260. 從使用植物果皮到高科技材料,自行車頭盔在過去兩個世紀中取得了巨大進步 From using plant rinds to high-tech materials, bike helmets have improved significantly over the past two centuries (phys.org)
261. 研究人員說,遊戲玩家吃垃圾食品的神話其實與社會飢餓和性別有關 The myth of junk food-eating gamers is actually about social hunger—and gender, say researchers (phys.org)
262. 在美國邊境,近一半的拉美移民在家鄉遭受過槍支暴力或威脅 Nearly half of Latin American migrants at US border experienced gun violence or threats back home (phys.org)
263. 研究人員建議通過歐洲式食品認證促進印第安納州農村經濟發展 Researchers propose European-style food certification to boost Indiana''s rural economies (phys.org)
265. 專家解釋災害性天氣事件對森林和樹種的影響 Expert explains effects of catastrophic weather events on forests and tree species (phys.org)
266. 科學家利用新的成像方法密切分析微生物粘合劑之間的相互作用 With new imaging approach, scientists closely analyze microbial adhesive interactions (phys.org)
268. 花期調控的新見解:碳和氮信號對擬南芥花抑制因子的影響 New insights into flowering regulation: Impact of carbon and nitrogen signaling on floral repressors in Arabidopsis (phys.org)
269. 統計方法改進了早期地球和系外行星大氣模型 Statistical approach improves models of atmosphere on early Earth and exoplanets (phys.org)
270. 蒼蠅攜帶細菌,其中一些對抗生素具有抗藥性--南非三家臨終關懷醫院的證據 Flies carry bacteria, and some are resistant to antibiotics—evidence from three South African hospices (phys.org)
272. 團隊創造出世界上第一臺可調諧波長的藍色半導體激光器 Team creates world''s first tunable-wavelength blue semiconductor laser (phys.org)
274. 機器學習和超級計算機模擬預測金納米粒子與血液蛋白質之間的相互作用 Machine learning and supercomputer simulations predict interactions between gold nanoparticles and blood proteins (phys.org)
275. 專家警告南極幕布地球工程提案的政治風險 Experts warn of political risks in Antarctic curtain geoengineering proposal (phys.org)
277. 模擬微小蠕蟲的進食過程揭示了生物有機體的複雜性 Modeling a tiny worm''s feeding process sheds light on the complexity of biological organisms (phys.org)
278. 從頭到尾:細胞如何在早期發育過程中自主行為 From head to tail: How cells can behave autonomously during early development (phys.org)
279. 瞭解以前的報警經歷可以預防家庭暴力 Looking to prior encounters with the police can prevent domestic violence (phys.org)
280. 需要在非常特殊的條件下才能創造出被稱為 R Aquarii 的奇異恆星奇觀 It takes very special conditions to create the bizarre stellar spectacle known as R Aquarii (phys.org)
281. 尋找九號行星的最佳方法可能是數百臺小型望遠鏡 The best way to find planet nine might be hundreds of tiny telescopes (phys.org)
284. 強制每週工作五天能否解決建築業工作與生活平衡的問題? Would a mandatory five-day working week solve construction''s work-life balance woes? (phys.org)
285. 澳大利亞將自然修復私有化,最廉價的方法拯救不了瀕危物種 As Australia privatizes nature repair, the cheapest approach won''t save our threatened species (phys.org)
286. 遷徙的鳥有偷渡客:科學家說:外來蜱蟲可能會將新型疾病傳播到世界各地 Migrating birds have stowaways: Invasive ticks could spread novel diseases around the world, say scientists (phys.org)
288. 研究顯示社會紐帶如何幫助使用工具的猴子學習新技能 Study shows how social bonds help tool-using monkeys learn new skills (phys.org)
289. 氣候變化加劇災害,美國人面臨可保性危機 Americans face an insurability crisis as climate change worsens disasters (phys.org)
290. 研究顯示:暴雨導致美國土壤流失更多農作物所需的養分 American soil losing more nutrients for crops due to heavier rainstorms, study shows (phys.org)
291. 一種意想不到的機制可以替代動物模型來探索皮膚更新 An unexpected mechanism could provide an alternative to animal models for exploring skin renewal (phys.org)
292. 移民真的會助長犯罪嗎?證據顯示並非如此 Does immigration really drive up crime? Not according to the evidence (phys.org)
293. 什麼是淨零?什麼是藍碳?專家解釋關鍵氣候術語 What is net zero? What is blue carbon? Experts explain key climate terms (phys.org)
294. 機器人操縱價格:司法部為何要起訴一家軟件公司以阻止房東合謀收取租金 Robo price-fixing: Why the Justice Department is suing a software company to stop landlords colluding on rents (phys.org)
295. 獮猴桃當地人對大自然的理解可以幫助我們重新思考經濟問題 The Serviceberry: This indigenous understanding of nature can help us rethink economics (phys.org)
296. 學生在大學申請表上隱瞞種族和民族,校園多樣性變得難以衡量 Campus diversity is becoming difficult to measure as students hide race and ethnicity on college applications (phys.org)
297. 經濟壓力和文化差異使移民特別容易受到賭博的傷害 Financial stress and cultural differences make migrants particularly vulnerable to gambling harms (phys.org)
298. 為培養寶貴的職場技能而玩遊戲--新報告顛覆了人們對網絡遊戲的陳舊觀念 Gaming for the good of developing valuable workplace skills—old stereotypes of online gaming upended by new report (phys.org)
299. 化石發現:南非海岸的腳印讓我們瞭解祖先的生活 Fossil finds: Footprints on South Africa''s coast offer a glimpse into our ancestors'' lives (phys.org)
300. 金融機構根據種族構成開設底特律地區網點 Financial institutions open Detroit area locations based on racial makeup (phys.org)