1. 鉛-208 核的意外形狀促使重新評估原子核模型 Unexpected shape of lead-208 nucleus prompts reevaluation of atomic nuclei models (phys.org)
4. 光觸發工藝可將聚合物分解成單體,便於回收利用 Light-triggered process breaks down polymers into monomers for easier recycling (phys.org)
5. 自圖坦卡蒙之後,盧克索首次發現埃及法老之墓--我們是如何知道里面躺著的是誰的 Tomb of Egyptian pharaoh is first found in Luxor since Tutankhamun—here''s how we know who lay inside (phys.org)
6. 科學家利用深度神經網絡繪製難以捉摸的液-液轉換點地圖 Scientists map elusive liquid-liquid transition point using deep neural network (phys.org)
7. 週六引文:小行星撞擊概率上升;雨林復原力;動物意識 Saturday Citations: Rising probability of an asteroid strike; rainforest resilience; animal consciousness (phys.org)
8. 埃隆-馬斯克呼籲儘快讓國際空間站脫離軌道 Elon Musk calls for deorbit of International Space Station as soon as possible (phys.org)
11. 創新顯微鏡揭示細胞中的全三維分子取向 Innovative microscope reveals full 3D molecular orientation in cells (phys.org)
14. 玻璃肥料珠可以成為一種持續的營養輸送系統 Glass fertilizer beads could be a sustained nutrient delivery system (phys.org)
16. 新興生物醫學超聲技術靈活的微型機械超聲波傳感器 Emerging biomedical ultrasound tech: Flexible micromachined ultrasound transducers (phys.org)
18. 研究強調了弗吉尼亞州牡蠣恢復工作的成功之處 Study highlights successes of Virginia''s oyster restoration efforts (phys.org)
21. 風暴合併模式:北京地區山地下坡和平原雷暴如何相互作用 Storm merger patterns: How mountain downslope and plain thunderstorms interact in Beijing region (phys.org)
25. 圓柱系統中結構光的自成像揭示了時空二元性的新形式 Self-imaging of structured light in cylindrical systems unveils a new form of space-time duality (phys.org)
27. 檢測李斯特菌的更快方法新方法只需 8 小時,而不是 24 小時或更長時間 A faster way to detect Listeria: New method takes 8 hours instead of 24 or more (phys.org)
29. 合成方法為新藥開闢了一條寶貴的含氟藥物化合物之路 Synthesis method unlocks a pathway to valuable fluorinated drug compounds for new medicines (phys.org)
30. 催化劑系統提高二氧化碳轉化效率,促進清潔能源發展 Catalyst system enhances CO₂ conversion efficiency for clean energy (phys.org)
31. 超聲激活的微氣泡形成高速射流用於藥物輸送 Ultrasound-activated microbubbles form high-speed jets for drug delivery (phys.org)
32. 器官特異性 mRNA 和脂質納米粒子療法可修復受損肺部 Combined organ-specific mRNA and lipid nanoparticle therapy could repair damaged lungs (phys.org)
33. 無創激光法無需打開人工標本即可識別保存液 Non-invasive laser method identifies preservation fluids without opening artifact specimens (phys.org)
34. 液晶法可大規模生產均勻的過氧化物納米晶體 Liquid crystal method enables large-scale production of uniform perovskite nanocrystals (phys.org)
35. 機械化學再下一城:無溶劑方法簡化了有機鋰分子的合成過程 Mechanochemistry strikes again: Solvent-free method simplifies synthesis of organolithium molecules (phys.org)
36. 新發現的澳大利亞青蛙凸顯了適應氣候變化的可怕侷限性 Newly discovered Australian frogs highlight dire limits of climate change adaptation (phys.org)
38. 微蜂窩芯片顯示出釐米級 GPS 精度的潛力 Microcomb chips show potential for centimeter-level GPS precision (phys.org)
40. 具有超強導電性和穩定性的含銣材料可為下一代燃料電池鋪平道路 Rubidium-containing material with exceptional conductivity and stability could pave way for next-gen fuel cells (phys.org)
42. 研究人員為新發現的魚種命名,以紀念切羅基人的知識並推動保護工作 Researcher names newly discovered fish species, honoring Cherokee knowledge and advancing conservation (phys.org)
43. 紫硫細菌的獨特蛋白質複合物可在惡劣條件下促進光合作用 Purple sulfur bacteria''s unique protein complex boosts photosynthesis in harsh conditions (phys.org)
46. 建模研究表明亞馬遜雨林比想象中更具恢復力 Modeling study suggests Amazon rainforest is more resilient than assumed (phys.org)
47. 來自羅馬尼亞的新蜥腳類物種改變了人們對歐洲恐龍島生活的認識 New sauropod species from Romania transforms understanding of dinosaur island life in Europe (phys.org)
48. 磁性 "隱形斗篷 "隱藏粒子流中的障礙物 Magnetic ''invisibility cloak'' hides obstacles within particle streams (phys.org)
49. 對埃及正在消失的海岸線的研究為保護沿海城市(包括加利福尼亞州的沿海城市)提供瞭解決方案 Research on vanishing coastlines in Egypt offers solutions for protecting coastal cities, including those in California (phys.org)
51. 研究顯示:烏賊在尋找獵物時會根據環境調整自己的形狀和顏色 Cuttlefish adjust their shape and color to suit conditions when seeking prey, study shows (phys.org)
52. 東南亞的古代航海家可能在 4 萬年前就建造了先進的船隻 Ancient seafarers in Southeast Asia may have built advanced boats 40,000 years ago (phys.org)
53. 鎳超導體在常壓下工作溫度超過 -233C 臨界溫度 Nickel superconductor works above -233C threshold at normal pressure (phys.org)
54. 研究顯示:水體鹽度影響硅藻的結構和新陳代謝 Water salinity affects diatom structure and metabolism, study shows (phys.org)
55. 超電荷破缺方案可以解釋宇宙重子的不對稱現象 Hypercharge breaking scenarios could explain the baryon asymmetry of the universe (phys.org)
56. 社會變形蟲基因組的三維結構揭示了向多細胞過渡的過程 3D structure of the social amoeba genome sheds light on the transition to multicellularity (phys.org)
58. 特朗普像 "國王 "一樣執政,效仿普京模式。如何才能阻止他? Trump is ruling like a ''king,'' following the Putin model. How can he be stopped? (phys.org)
59. 學校仍然認為學生的父母是在一起的,完全排除了父母分居的情況 Schools still assume students have a mom and dad who are together, excluding separated parents completely (phys.org)
60. 敘利亞:新政權對婦女權利和包容性的承諾疑慮重重 Syria: Doubts increase over new regime''s commitment to women''s rights and inclusivity (phys.org)
61. 創意進步還是大規模盜竊?為什麼一場大型人工智能藝術品拍賣會會引發驚歎和憤怒? Creative progress or mass theft? Why a major AI art auction is provoking wonder—and outrage (phys.org)
62. 同位素分析顯示,伊比利亞釘頭儀式比想象的要複雜得多 Iberian nailed head ritual was more complex than expected, isotope analysis reveals (phys.org)
63. 細胞如何應對變化?新研究發現這並不完全取決於基因 How do cells respond to changes? New study finds it''s not all in the genes (phys.org)
64. 世界各國用於高爾夫球場的土地比風能或太陽能還多 Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy (phys.org)
65. 高速視頻顯示水滴濺入水池時的情況 High-speed videos show what happens when a droplet splashes into a pool (phys.org)
66. 減數分裂 DNA 雙鏈斷裂的體外重組:解決長期難題 In vitro reconstitution of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks: A long-standing challenge solved (phys.org)
67. 科學家意外發現全球海洋蒸發量在海洋溫度升高的同時出現下降 Scientists discover unexpected decline in global ocean evaporation amid rising sea temperatures (phys.org)
68. 發現保護線粒體免受核聚變相關損傷的雙重機制 Dual mechanisms found to guard mitochondria against fusion-related damage (phys.org)
69. 德國大選:為什麼大多數政黨都不談論氣候危機? German election: Why most political parties aren''t talking about the climate crisis (phys.org)
70. 預防無家可歸工具包為社區提供具有成本效益的家庭住房方式 Homelessness prevention toolkit empowers communities with cost-effective way to keep families housed (phys.org)
71. 環保組織質疑愛達荷州中部金礦仍需許可證才能獲批 Environmental groups challenge approval of central Idaho gold mine still needing permits (phys.org)
73. 在得克薩斯州發現的長有 "角 "的 "魔鬼 "花是新物種:它的位置是個秘密 ''Devil''-like flower with ''horns'' found in Texas is new species: Its location is secret (phys.org)
74. 問與答:學校如何讓青年教師更長久地留在教師隊伍中? Q&A: How can schools keep young teachers in the profession longer? (phys.org)
75. 研究揭示了變性和性別多元化澳大利亞人在鍛鍊方面面臨的挑戰 Study reveals exercise challenges for trans and gender-diverse Australians (phys.org)
76. 刷卡、造型、手術:約會軟件為何助長了整容手術? Swipe, style, surgery: Why dating apps are fueling cosmetic procedures (phys.org)
77. 研究表明犯罪學教育缺乏全球多樣性 Research indicates a lack of global diversity in criminology education (phys.org)
79. 馬斯克因 "遺棄 "國際空間站宇航員與丹麥宇航員發生 X 口角 Musk in X spat with Danish astronaut over ''abandoned'' ISS crew (phys.org)
81. 氣候變化導致夏季更加炎熱乾燥,英國泥炭地大火加劇了碳排放 UK peatland fires are supercharging carbon emissions as climate change causes hotter, drier summers (phys.org)
82. 簡單治療可減輕待產奶牛的炎症及其副作用 Simple treatment may reduce inflammation and its side effects in expecting cows (phys.org)
84. 問與答:研究人員探討碳封存的極限 Q&A: Researcher discusses exploring the limits of carbon sequestration (phys.org)
85. 蚊子的聽覺可能啟發探測自然災害的新方法 How mosquitoes hear may inspire new ways to detect natural disasters (phys.org)
87. 影響者營銷可幫助旅遊業減少浪費和汙染 Influencer marketing can help tourism industry mitigate waste, pollution (phys.org)
88. 新手爸爸揭示為人父母過程中的衝突和負罪感 New dads reveal conflict and guilt in the transition to parenthood (phys.org)
89. 60 年前:遊俠 8 號 "月球照片有助於阿波羅選址 60 years ago: Ranger 8 moon photos aid in Apollo site selection (phys.org)
90. 洞察進化動態:研究揭示了進化性的演變過程 Insights into evolutionary dynamics: Study reveals the evolution of evolvability (phys.org)
92. 拓撲量子處理器利用馬約拉納零模式實現容錯計算 Topological quantum processor uses Majorana zero modes for fault-tolerant computing (phys.org)
93. 人工智能系統預測可與目標結合或抑制目標的蛋白質片段 AI system predicts protein fragments that can bind to or inhibit a target (phys.org)
98. 精選的玉米品系含有能噁心和殺死主要農作物害蟲的化合物 Select corn lines contain compounds that sicken and kill major crop pest (phys.org)
99. 月球還是火星?特朗普領導下的美國國家航空航天局(NASA)前途堪憂 Moon or Mars? NASA''s future at a crossroads under Trump (phys.org)
101. 微波-光學轉換:研究展示了超導量子比特的讀出技術 Microwave-to-optics transduction: Research demonstrates readout technique for superconducting qubits (phys.org)
102. 植物的熱脅迫策略為在氣候變暖中生存提供了啟示 Plants'' heat stress strategies offer insights for survival in warming climate (phys.org)
103. 鳥類研究發現有毒全氟辛烷磺酸(PFAS)化學物質的含量比以前報告的要高得多 Bird study finds much larger volumes of toxic PFAS chemicals than previously reported (phys.org)
105. 數字學習平臺將閱讀能力提高了 9 個百分點,縮小了學習差距 Digital-learning platform improves reading growth by 9 percentile points, bridging learning gaps (phys.org)
106. 捕食機器人幫助研究人員揭示斑馬魚幼體如何快速學習 Predator robots help researchers uncover how larval zebrafish rapidly learn (phys.org)
108. 臨界高度取樣:高效估算森林體積的無模型方法 Critical height sampling: A model-free method for efficient forest volume estimation (phys.org)
109. 改善森林管理可提高受樹皮甲蟲危害的雲杉種植園的甲蟲多樣性 Better forest management boosts beetle diversity in spruce plantations hit by bark beetles (phys.org)
110. 開發出具有工業潛力的氮化硅基電磁超材料 Silicon nitride-based electromagnetic metamaterial with industrial potential developed (phys.org)
111. 探索 BiFeO₃ 的壓催化潛力:從材料工程到多樣化應用 Exploring BiFeO₃''s piezocatalytic potential: From materials engineering to diverse applications (phys.org)
113. 高自旋錳中心的發現揭示了光合作用的奧秘 Discovery of high-spin manganese centers sheds light on photosynthesis (phys.org)
114. 支持細胞粘附和組織修復的新機制具有治療潛力 Novel mechanisms that support cellular adhesion and tissue repair offer therapeutic potential (phys.org)
116. 化學家找到製造關鍵工業化學品環氧乙烷的更環保途徑 Chemists find greener path to making ethylene oxide, a key industrial chemical (phys.org)
117. 一系列微型天線可放大和控制任何方向的偏振光 Collection of tiny antennas can amplify and control light polarized in any direction (phys.org)
118. 通過 VR 體驗,19 世紀的新聞在 Steam 上栩栩如生地展現出來 19th-century press comes to life on Steam through VR experience (phys.org)
120. 科學家解碼美國最具標誌性樹木之一白橡樹的 DNA Scientists decode the DNA of one of America''s most iconic trees, the white oak (phys.org)
121. 重新(去)細化城市元素的詳細程度:整合幾何和屬性數據 Re-(de)fined level of detail for urban elements: Integrating geometric and attribute data (phys.org)
122. 模擬顯示熱帶山區雙峰複雜的降雨模式 Simulations show complex rainfall patterns over tropical mountains with dual peaks (phys.org)
124. 庫馬西被稱為花園城市,但綠地正在土地使用法規的衝突中消失 Kumasi was called the garden city, but green spaces are vanishing in a clash of land use regulations (phys.org)
125. 深度納米測量:深度學習系統檢測與疾病相關的納米粒子 Deep Nanometry: Deep learning system detects disease-related nanoparticles (phys.org)
126. 人工智能系統精確繪製城市綠地地圖,揭示環境鴻溝 AI system accurately maps urban green spaces, exposing environmental divides (phys.org)
127. 長期數據分析促使人們重新思考海洋固碳的地區差異 Long-term data analysis prompts rethink on regional differences in ocean carbon sequestration (phys.org)
128. 光學鑷子揭示分子穿梭中的前後運動是對稱的 Optical tweezers reveal forward and backward motion is symmetric in molecular shuttling (phys.org)
129. 具有形狀記憶功能的聚氨酯在加熱時會從鋁箔變成泡沫 Polyurethane with shape memory change from foil to foam when heated (phys.org)
130. 創新型 X 射線技術為了解錒系元素的鍵合特性提供了全新視角 Innovative X-ray technique offers fresh insights into actinide bonding properties (phys.org)
131. 揭示氧甾醇誘導細胞死亡背後的複雜機制 Unveiling the intricate mechanisms behind oxysterol-induced cell death (phys.org)
133. 虛擬標記可在擁擠環境中實現高精度多動物姿態跟蹤 Virtual markers enable highly accurate multi-animal pose tracking in crowded environments (phys.org)
134. 關閉循環迴路:液體肥料中的廢物養分 Closing the recycle loop: Waste-derived nutrients in liquid fertilizer (phys.org)
136. 突破 "定製 "顯微鏡的極限:光敏樣品的三維成像速度提高了 1000 倍 Pushing the limits of ''custom-made'' microscopy: 3-D imaging of light-sensitive samples now 1,000 times faster (phys.org)
137. 新化石顯示:1.2 億年前,食肉恐龍在澳大利亞繁衍生息 Carnivorous dinosaurs thrived in Australia 120 million years ago, new fossils show (phys.org)
138. 本土未來思維:想象更美好世界的四種方法 Indigenous futures thinking: Four approaches to imagining a better world (phys.org)
139. 在英格蘭,有特殊教育需求的雙語兒童可能會失去支持 Bilingual children with special educational needs may be missing out on support in England (phys.org)
140. 我們將拯救它們":拯救幾近滅絕的犀牛的努力 ''We will save them'': The quest to rescue nearly extinct rhinos (phys.org)
141. 世界上最活躍的火山之一基拉韋厄火山在第 10 次噴發中再次噴出熔岩 In its 10th episode, Kilauea, one of the world''s most active volcanoes, is again spewing lava (phys.org)
142. 法國議會投票決定禁止某些 "永久化學品 "的使用 France''s parliament votes to ban some uses of ''forever chemicals'' (phys.org)
143. 犬類睡眠研究表明,您的愛犬可能比您想象的更狂野 Your dog may be wilder than you think, according to canine sleep research (phys.org)
144. 珍稀飼養:日本合作拯救不丹瀕臨滅絕的白腹蒼鷺 Rare rearing: Japanese collaboration to save near-extinct White-bellied herons in Bhutan takes wings (phys.org)
145. 笨鳥 "不再:研究人員說,鴯鶓和獼猴是技術創新者 ''Dumb birds'' no more: Emus and rheas are technical innovators, say researchers (phys.org)
146. 新西蘭長期以來飽受生產力低下之苦。一個簡單的解決辦法就是讓工人保持愉快的心情 NZ has long suffered from low productivity. A simple fix is keeping workers happy (phys.org)
147. 科學家呼籲努力保護極度瀕危鯊魚物種的棲息地 Scientists call for efforts to protect habitats of critically endangered shark species (phys.org)
148. 機器學習助力檢測乳製品和肉類中的汙染和腐敗物質 Machine learning powers detection of contamination, spoilage in dairy, meat (phys.org)
149. 接受調查的科學家中,每 5 人中就有 2 人報告受到騷擾和恐嚇--施害者往往在機構內部 2 in 5 scientists surveyed reported harassment and intimidation—often, perpetrators are inside the institution (phys.org)
150. 探索金黃色葡萄球菌的陰暗面--這種細菌對多種藥物--甚至是那些尚未在人體中進行試驗的藥物--都具有抗藥性 Exploring the dark side of Staph aureus, a bacterium resistant to multiple drugs—even those yet to be tested in humans (phys.org)
151. 研究人員揭示中國天山庫瑪拉克河流域的洪水動態 Researchers unravel flood dynamics in China''s Kumalak River Catchment in Tianshan Region (phys.org)
152. 將 "星 "改為 "拇指",減少勞務評級中的種族主義現象 Reducing racism in labor service ratings by changing from stars to thumbs (phys.org)
153. 研究發現:如果休陪產假的時間更長,媽媽們就不太可能阻止爸爸發揮作用 Moms less likely to discourage dads'' role if longer paternity leave taken, study finds (phys.org)
154. 基因編輯水稻在東非顯示出對細菌性枯萎病的抗性 Genome-edited rice shows resistance to bacterial blight in East Africa (phys.org)
155. 研究表明,海龜會因氣候變化而改變築巢模式 Research shows turtles change nesting patterns in response to climate change (phys.org)
157. 天文學家剛剛目睹了一顆''奇怪恆星''的形成? Did astronomers just witness the formation of a ''strange star?'' (phys.org)
160. 瑞典湖面結冰越來越薄,給冬季活動帶來風險 Lake ice is getting weaker in Sweden, posing risks for winter activities (phys.org)
162. 揭示合成細胞受體的結構與功能關係 Unraveling structure and function relationships in synthetic cell receptors (phys.org)
164. 肯塔基州最高環保官員對水汙染法案表示 "嚴重關切 Kentucky''s top environmental official has ''grave concerns'' about water pollution bill (phys.org)
166. 推進量子材料:控制電子狀態的新方法 Advancing quantum materials: A new approach to controlling electronic states (phys.org)
167. 尼安德特人的內耳揭示了其神秘起源的線索 The inner ear of Neanderthals reveals clues about their enigmatic origin (phys.org)
169. 新實現的核自旋暗態有望減少量子退相干 Newly realized nuclear-spin dark state promises reduced quantum decoherence (phys.org)
170. 明尼蘇達州持續爆發禽流感,更多老鷹和貓頭鷹死於禽流感 More eagles, owls dying of bird flu as persistent outbreak circulates in Minnesota (phys.org)
172. 雞通過風傳播 H5N1 病毒感染的可能證據 Possible evidence of windborne H5N1 viral infections in chickens (phys.org)
174. 驚人發現顯示載鋅蛋白可在無胃酸存在的情況下激活降酸藥 Surprise discovery shows zinc-carrying proteins can activate acid reducing drugs without the presence of gastric acid (phys.org)
175. 醫學中的種族主義:有進步的跡象,但有些人認為變化還不夠大 Racism in medicine: There are signs of progress, but some argue that not enough has changed (phys.org)
176. 小麥哲倫雲觀測深入揭示早期宇宙恆星形成過程 Small Magellanic Cloud observations provide insight into early universe star formation (phys.org)
177. 微振動微針:為快速和微創生物標記物檢測鋪平道路 Micro-vibration microneedles: Paving the way for rapid and minimally invasive biomarker detection (phys.org)
178. 研究人員提供整個瓦登海潮灘的數據集 Researchers make dataset on tidal flats of entire Wadden Sea available (phys.org)
180. 霧收集 "可為世界最乾旱地區提供飲用水和農業用水 ''Fog harvesting'' could yield water for drinking and agriculture in the world''s driest regions (phys.org)
183. 新型碳基材料可去除水中有害的 "永久化學品 Novel carbon-based materials can remove hazardous ''forever chemicals'' in water (phys.org)
184. 化石研究揭示棕櫚樹曾在加拿大亞北極地區繁衍生息 Fossil study reveals that palm trees once thrived in subarctic Canada (phys.org)
185. 海洋顆粒上的細菌在海洋氮循環中發揮關鍵作用 Bacteria on marine particles play key role in ocean nitrogen cycle (phys.org)
186. 研究人員在高溫熱敏陶瓷方面取得進展 Researchers make progress in high-temperature thermally sensitive ceramics (phys.org)
187. 研究發現:主動讓生態系統承受輕微的環境壓力可提供保護 Proactively exposing ecosystems to mild environmental stressors offers protection, study finds (phys.org)
188. 雲層減少可能是導致地球氣溫創歷史新高的原因 Cloud cover decline may be driving Earth''s record temperatures (phys.org)
189. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)將實驗送入太空研究抗生素細菌 NASA sends experiment to space to study antibiotic-resistant bacteria (phys.org)
191. 鍺探測器幫助物理學家揭開宇宙的神秘面紗 Germanium detectors help physicists unlock the mysteries of the universe (phys.org)
192. 沙漠植物巧妙的生存技巧:一年兩個休眠週期確保在惡劣條件下生存 Desert plants'' clever survival trick: Two dormancy cycles a year ensure survival in harsh conditions (phys.org)
193. 超快渦旋電子衍射:觀測運動電子的新方法 Ultrafast vortex electron diffraction: A new way to observe electrons in motion (phys.org)
195. 氯氣加紫外線可為受有害藻類大量繁殖影響的水體解毒 Chlorine plus UV light can detoxify water affected by harmful algae blooms (phys.org)
196. 推特是否偏愛右翼政客的推文?國際研究將於 2023 年提前結束 Did Twitter favor tweets from right-wing politicians? International study ends prematurely in 2023 (phys.org)
198. 報告發現,政府猜疑、陰謀論思想與三個社區的歷史性傷害有關 Government suspicion, conspiratorial thinking linked to historical harm in three communities, report finds (phys.org)
199. 工作中的團隊衝突可以提高創造力,但這取決於 "戰鬥者 "和 "戰鬥 "的程度 Team conflict at work can boost creativity, but it depends on the ''fighters'' as much as the fights (phys.org)
201. 對 UFO 基因的 CRISPR 操作揭示了複雜的植物開花動態 CRISPR manipulation of UFO gene reveals complex plant flowering dynamics (phys.org)
202. 破壞寄生蟲基因調控揭示瘧疾干預新策略 Disrupting parasite gene regulation reveals new malaria intervention strategy (phys.org)
203. 阻斷植物免疫反應為定植細菌帶來競爭優勢 Blocking plant immune responses gives colonizing bacteria a competitive advantage (phys.org)
205. 研究表明,我們可以養殖更多海產品,同時最大限度地減少其對生物多樣性的影響 We can farm more seafood while minimizing its impact on biodiversity, research shows (phys.org)
206. 研究揭示了宗教、社會文化規範與少女月經恥辱之間的聯繫 Study reveals link among religion, sociocultural norms, and menstrual stigma for adolescent girls (phys.org)
209. 隨著城市化水道的恢復,藍背鯡魚強勢迴歸 Blueback herring make a robust return as an urbanized waterway recovers (phys.org)
210. 新發現的澳大利亞恐龍和世界上最古老的甲龍化石 New Australian dinosaurs and the oldest megaraptorid fossils in the world (phys.org)
212. 加強股東問責制:日本公司治理改革的經驗教訓 Enhancing shareholder accountability: Lessons from Japan''s corporate governance reforms (phys.org)
214. 板塊構造模型發現,山脈可能是隱藏的天然氫寶庫 Mountain ranges could be hidden treasure troves of natural hydrogen, plate tectonic modeling finds (phys.org)
215. 在丹麥,農村養貓者為貓做絕育手術,並允許它們進入室內 In Denmark, rural cat owners are neutering their cats and allowing them indoor access (phys.org)
218. 2024 年穀物粉塵爆炸:事故穩定,傷亡報告減少 Grain dust explosions in 2024: Steady incidents, fewer injuries reported (phys.org)
219. 城市環境促進水生物種適應多種壓力因素 Urban environments promote adaptation to multiple stressors in aquatic species (phys.org)
220. 管理社會科學定性數據的國家資源 A national resource for managing qualitative data across the social sciences (phys.org)
222. 如果公司總部所在地區不平等現象嚴重,投資者就會重視公司的納稅責任 Investors value corporate tax responsibility when the company is based somewhere with a lot of inequality (phys.org)
223. 格陵蘭迅速融化的冰層和容易發生山體滑坡的峽灣使得特朗普覬覦的石油和礦產開採十分危險 Greenland''s rapidly melting ice and landslide-prone fjords make the oil and minerals Trump covets dangerous to extract (phys.org)
224. 人肉對身體有益?中世紀歐洲的食人醫學 Human flesh does a body good? Cannibalism as medicine in Medieval Europe (phys.org)
225. 狒狒與人類的恐懼:南非殘酷攻擊背後的深層歷史 Baboons and human fear: A deep history behind the cruel attacks in South Africa (phys.org)
227. 氣候變化正在威脅安大略湖。小冰河時期的教訓告訴我們為什麼要適應氣候變化 Climate change is threatening Lake Ontario. Lessons from the Little Ice Age show us why we need to adapt (phys.org)
230. 傑基爾與海德領導力 "的危險:為什麼職場虐待後的補償可能弊大於利? Dangers of ''Jekyll and Hyde leadership'': Why making amends after workplace abuse can hurt more than it helps (phys.org)
231. 研究表明,包容的工作場所能讓黑人員工茁壯成長 Inclusive workplaces can empower black employees to thrive, study shows (phys.org)
232. 如何在動盪時期經營公司的六條建議:新興市場的經驗教訓 Six tips on how to run a company in turbulent times: Lessons from emerging markets (phys.org)
233. 如何保護更多澳大利亞家庭免受洪水、火災和其他氣候災害帶來的日益增長的風險 How to protect more Australian homes from the growing risks of floods, fires and other climate disasters (phys.org)
236. 西方的銀行、律師和說客如何幫助後共產主義盜賊繼續致富 How banks, lawyers and lobbyists in the west help post-communist kleptocrats stay rich (phys.org)
241. 英國公眾認為警方未能提供最低標準的服務 Police failing to deliver a minimum standard of service, according to the UK public (phys.org)
242. 為什麼提高房屋建築的生產率是一個棘手的問題? Here''s why increasing productivity in housing construction is such a tricky problem to solve (phys.org)
243. 火星上的生命?它可能看起來像你胃裡的東西 Life on Mars? It probably looks like something you''d find in your stomach (phys.org)
244. 在澳大利亞,公民教育處於歷史最低點。繪製我們的 "公民之旅 "地圖可能會有所幫助 Civics education is at an all-time low in Australia. Mapping our ''civic journeys'' may help (phys.org)
245. 振動是我們能感覺到但又無法解釋的東西。現在,研究人員想要研究它們 Vibes are something we feel but can''t quite explain. Now researchers want to study them (phys.org)
246. 是的,澳大利亞需要新住宅,但這些住宅必須能夠在氣候變暖的世界中抵禦災害。 Yes, Australia needs new homes—but they must be built to withstand disasters in a warmer world (phys.org)
247. 獸醫提供寒冷天氣護理建議,確保寵物安全過冬 Veterinarian offers cold weather care tips to keep pets safe this winter (phys.org)
248. 在上一個冰河時期,森林的消失為新西蘭帶來了新的鳥類,現在我們也正在經歷類似的過程 Loss of forests brought new birds to NZ during the last Ice Age—we''re witnessing a similar process now (phys.org)
249. 塔斯馬尼亞更多的乾燥閃電引發了叢林大火,給消防員和土地管理者帶來了挑戰 More dry lightning in Tasmania is sparking bushfires, challenging fire fighters and land managers (phys.org)
250. 動態 3D 顯示屏:稀土眼鏡提供生動、可調的色彩 Dynamic 3D displays: Rare-earth glasses offer vivid, tunable colors (phys.org)
251. 研究發現:生命力頑強的藻類使冰川表面變暗,可能加速格陵蘭冰川融化 Resilient algae darken glacier surface and may speed up Greenland ice melt, study finds (phys.org)
252. 秘魯瀕危植物的發現彰顯公民科學的力量 Threatened Peruvian plant discovery highlights the power of citizen science (phys.org)
253. 研究人員說,是時候更新線粒體電子傳遞鏈的教科書了 Time to update textbooks on electron transport chain in mitochondria, researchers say (phys.org)
254. 研究警告:過度開採地下水正在損害巴西的河流流量 Overexploitation of groundwater is compromising river flows in Brazil, study warns (phys.org)
255. 科學家發現:癌細胞合作清除營養物質 Cancer cells cooperate to scavenge for nutrients, scientists discover (phys.org)
256. 冰川融化加劇了淡水資源的流失,導致全球海平面上升 Melting glaciers increase loss of freshwater resources and contribute to global sea level rise (phys.org)
257. 物理學家發現:靜電取決於材料的接觸歷史 Static electricity depends on materials'' contact history, physicists show (phys.org)
258. 激光設備可掃描幾乎所有氣體樣本,並告訴您其中的成分 Laser-based device can scan almost any sample of gas and tell you what''s in it (phys.org)
259. DESI發現300箇中等質量黑洞和2500個矮星系中的活動黑洞 DESI uncovers 300 intermediate-mass black holes plus 2,500 active black holes in dwarf galaxies (phys.org)
260. 冰川裂解北極溫室氣體排放的隱蔽來源 ''Glacial fracking'': A hidden source of Arctic greenhouse gas emissions (phys.org)
261. 重新定義蛛形綱動物的進化:全基因組複製和多次陸地殖民 Arachnid evolution redefined: Whole-genome duplications and multiple land colonizations (phys.org)
262. 研究發現:社會主導型人才更自信,但不一定更有能力 Socially dominant individuals are more confident but not necessarily more competent, finds study (phys.org)
263. 根據模型,渦均流能量交換取決於三個變量 Eddy-mean flow energy exchange depends on three variables, according to model (phys.org)
264. 零售業的人工智能:如何激發創造力並提高工作滿意度 AI in retail: How to spark creativity and improve job satisfaction (phys.org)
265. 結核桿菌如何改變宿主細胞死亡機制以促進感染 How M. tuberculosis alters host cell death mechanisms to facilitate infection (phys.org)
266. 研究表明:超新星產生的宇宙輻射改變了非洲的病毒進化 Cosmic radiation from supernova altered virus evolution in Africa, study suggests (phys.org)
267. 當其他狗也眨眼時,狗會眨得更多,這暗示著狗與狗之間的社交聯繫 Dogs blink more in response to other dogs doing the same, hinting at social connection (phys.org)
269. 從農田到建築:細菌菌株提供可持續的生物水泥解決方案 From farmland to construction: Bacteria strains offer sustainable biocement solution (phys.org)
270. 蘭花從真菌那裡竊取養分,揭示了光合作用與寄生的連續性 Orchid''s nutrient theft from fungi sheds light on photosynthesis-parasitism continuum (phys.org)
271. 細胞間的 mRNA 轉移揭示了新的細胞間通信途徑 mRNA transfer between cells reveals novel intercellular communication pathway (phys.org)
272. 光脈衝可以精確激活藥物,同時將副作用降至最低 Light pulses can unlock precise drug activation while minimizing side effects (phys.org)
273. 自組裝納米平臺可提高癌症光免疫療法的療效 Self-assembling nanoplatform can boost cancer photoimmunotherapy effectiveness (phys.org)
275. 六方格合成鑽石以前所未有的硬度超越天然鑽石 Synthetic diamond with hexagonal lattice outshines the natural kind with unprecedented hardness (phys.org)
276. 貝納爾雙層石墨烯中發現的兩種不同超導態挑戰了當前模型 Two distinct superconducting states found in Bernal bilayer graphene challenge current models (phys.org)
277. 揭開超導體的秘密:銅氧化物中關鍵結構-性能聯繫的新見解 Unlocking the secrets of superconductors: New insights into key structure-property connections in cuprates (phys.org)
278. 電子微調釋放出卓越的氫催化性能 Electronic fine-tuning unlocks superior hydrogen catalysis performance (phys.org)
279. 嗜熱細菌實現塑料回收的高轉化率 Thermophilic bacterium achieves high conversion rate for plastic recycling (phys.org)
280. 從冰河時代到現在:反覆入侵如何塑造了新西蘭的鳥類生活 From the Ice Age to now: How repeated invasions have shaped New Zealand bird life (phys.org)
281. 民主陷入危機:世界各地對民主機構的信任度不斷下降 Democracy in crisis: Trust in democratic institutions declining around the world (phys.org)
283. 寵物店裡的暹羅鬥魚需要更多空間:新的行為數據 Siamese fighting fish need more space in pet shops: New behavior data (phys.org)
284. 中國改革後的標準戰略將如何影響企業用工? How will China''s reformed standards strategy affect corporate labor employment? (phys.org)
285. 新的著陸點SpaceX 發射可能給巴哈馬帶來音爆 New landing spot: SpaceX launch could bring sonic boom to the Bahamas (phys.org)
286. 觀測研究年輕恆星天體金牛座 HL 的長期 X 射線變異性 Observations investigate long-term X-ray variability of young stellar object HL Tauri (phys.org)
287. 磁開關在一維範圍內捕獲量子信息載流子 Magnetic switch traps quantum information carriers in one dimension (phys.org)
288. 環形 mRNA 可多產生 200 倍的蛋白質,增強了精準治療的潛力 Circular mRNA produces 200 times more protein, enhancing precision therapy potential (phys.org)
289. 磁性半導體在三維材料中保留二維量子特性 Magnetic semiconductor preserves 2D quantum properties in 3D material (phys.org)
290. 核聚變:WEST 機器打破了等離子體持續時間的世界紀錄 Nuclear fusion: WEST machine beats the world record for plasma duration (phys.org)
291. 破解黑洞之謎:模擬黑洞周圍的磁流 Trying to solve a key black hole mystery: Simulating magnetic flows around black holes (phys.org)
292. 研究揭示了日本結縷草高度入侵的原因 Research provides insights into why Japanese knotweed is so highly invasive (phys.org)
293. 巡警將對擱淺在澳大利亞偏遠海灘上的 90 只海豚實施安樂死 Rangers to euthanise 90 dolphins stranded on remote Australian beach (phys.org)
294. 海龜被嚴寒凍暈後重返佛羅里達附近的大西洋海域 Sea turtles return to the Atlantic Ocean off Florida after being stunned by the cold (phys.org)
295. 城市殺手 "小行星現在有 3.1% 的幾率撞擊地球:美國國家航空航天局 ''City killer'' asteroid now has 3.1% chance of hitting Earth: NASA (phys.org)
296. 研究發現,在課文中添加額外的句號會使課文...看起來更。緊張。 Study finds adding extra periods to your texts makes them... Seem. More. Intense. (phys.org)
299. 企業可以通過創建一個鼓勵而非強制節約能源的工作場所來減少能源浪費 Businesses can cut energy waste by creating a workplace where saving power feels encouraged, not enforced (phys.org)
300. 禽流感疫情惡化,美國農業部有條件批准新型禽流感疫苗上市 USDA grants conditional approval for new bird flu vaccine amid worsening outbreak (phys.org)